Political Accountability - Where Art Thou?

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, March 2, 2011 2 comments
In an article by Clara Chooi in The Malaysian Insider HERE, Lim Kit Siang challenged MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek today to declare his party’s stand on the innocence of Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik and Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy in the PKFZ corruption scandal. That scenario really set me thinking.

Where is political accountability in our country? Are our politicians accountable to their political party/coalition or are they accountable to the rakyat? If the answer is both, who comes first?

According to The World Bank HERE,

Political accountability refers to the constraints placed on the behavior of public officials by organizations and constituencies with the power to apply sanctions on them. As political accountability increases, the costs to public officials of taking decisions that benefit their private interests at the expense of the broader public interest also increase, thus working as a deterrent/disincentive to corrupt practices.

Accountability rests largely on the effectiveness of the sanctions and the capacity of accountability institutions to monitor the actions, decisions, and private interests of public officials.

Effective sanctions on politicians can be enhanced most effectively through a meaningful degree of political competition in the electoral process. Such competition increases the likelihood that alternative candidates and parties will seek to expose corruption in government or hold politicians accountable for the poor performance associated with high levels of corruption.

Frankly, I believe LKS was not 'baiting' CSL over the scandal but putting in a legitimate request for him to shed more light on the PKFZ scandal.

I am not blindly supporting Lim Kit Siang's line of questioning. I firmly believe that in any scenario, without accountability, it is impossible for a democratic government to exist. Thereafter, the relationship of service between elected representatives and the voters is broken. As such, it is very clear that political accountability is absolutely vital and it is definitely the obligation of political leaders to answer to the public for whatever actions and decisions they made during their term of service!

When any government upholds the principles of political accountability, in reality, it actually provides the means by which it can check the power of politician. With that, there is a safeguard against abuse thereby paving the way for the leaders to govern effectively and efficiently.

On a more serious note, I firmly believe that the rakyat must be more vocal in their demand for political accountability and not depend on politicians alone to raise this issue. We have a right to expect high standards of accountability of elected representatives of our constituents is regarded. The higher the level of accountability, the better the quality of democracy that we see in our midst.

By maintaining accountability, leaders are straightaway improve the integrity of public governance. With that, we can be more sure that the government is serious in its battle against against corruption, abuse of positions of power,nepotism and other excesses.

On a more local level, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has declared that the principles of competency, accountability and transparency (CAT) are the key to reinventing the Penang state government.

"Our formula towards reinventing government is centred on the CAT philosophy; driven by competency, accountability and transparency. We believe a clean government can perform better than a corrupt one," he said.

So far, how many have actually stepped forward like he did (and with results too) to make such a strong stand on accountability? Honesty, integrity and honorable values should be part and parcel of any leader's value system.

When transparency exists, the public will be more confident in the status quo and the rakyat and the government can be slowly brought closer in understanding and mutual respect.

However, why then are some so reluctant to make public certain issues/reports/personal stand? What conclusions are we supposed to make when information is not forthcoming and standards of accountability are most questionable? What happens when those who demand accountability and transparency are shot down? Click HERE to read about Tony Pua's case.

Political accountability provides an avenue for the public to judge the performance of the government. With the knowledge that the rakyat have their eyes on them, it is more likely that those in office will be committed and compliant to their responsibilities and commitments thereby being less likely to break rules or laws. Thereafter, these public officials could maximize their potential and provide value for money in their area of service.

It is a full cycle for this means that the rakyat more and more confident in the government.

However, if there is poor governance and a serious deficiency in political accountability, the going may not be good for the citizens.

If you have time, please read Political Accountability in ‘Real-Existing’ Democracies: Meaning and Mechanisms by Philippe C. Schmitter and also PRESS COVERAGE AND POLITICAL ACCOUNTABILITY by James M. Snyder, Jr. and David Strömberg.

It is not an easy journey to achieve political accountability. We need a very responsible and powerful MSM to fulfil its function as a watchdog of the government and we know what a tall order that is over here.

Excerpt from HERE:

It has long been recognized that having a press that actively covers politics is essential for democratic governance. Informed voters are better able to hold elected officials accountable for their policy decisions, and most people get their information via the media. In the words of Thomas Jefferson:

“The functionaries of every government have propensities to command at will the liberty and property of their constituents. There is no safe deposit for these but with the people themselves, nor can they be safe with them with information. Where the press is free, and every man able to read, all is safe.”
—Thomas Jefferson to Charles Yancey, 1816. ME 14:384

Frequently, however, an active press is missing from the political stage. At the national level, this is true in many weak democracies and poor countries, often because of political oppression or lack of an economic base to support large mass media.

The bitter truth is that we have a long way to go in our dream to see greater accountability but if we keep quiet and continue to swallow the bitter pill of silence, what will happen in the future?

The best solution is to realize that far too much $$$ has disappeared and to remember the standards of governance that LGE has set with his CAT policy.

And then it is not so difficult to realize that it is easy to decide which party should be at the helm of the government.

In the mean time, let us continue to demand for accountability and not keep silent any more. Approach your ADUN or MP. Speak to civil action groups or NGOs and voice your concerns. If you know of any misdeed, get evidence and lodge reports. Do not keep silent. And the same applies to all ADUNs and MPs.

We have to make a stand for accountability, transparency and good governance. After all, it IS our beloved nation.

2 comments to Political Accountability - Where Art Thou?

  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    'As a general rule, democracies don’t work well if voters do not hold political parties accountable for failure.' - Francis Fukuyama

    Well said by the way! We shall bug them day and night 24-7, make them learn their place hahaha...


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    Many thanks for sharing that quotation which resonates well with my post. Thanks also for your encouraging words which I appreciate.

    Take care and have a great weekend. Do keep in touch. Always a pleasure to hear from you.

    Best wishes

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