The Secret Love is Revealed!

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, March 1, 2011 0 comments
We knew it. Many suspected it. Even more stated it confidently. Yet, who admitted it? Finally, the truth is out. That secret love ain't no secret love any more. I am talking about this disclosure as reported by The Malaysian Insider HERE.

According to that report by Adib Zalkapli:

Utusan Malaysia is duty-bound to support Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN), the daily’s group editor-in-chief told an internal inquiry today probing charges that a senior journalist had tarnished the newspaper’s public image.

The first day of Utusan’s domestic inquiry against National Union of Journalist (NUJ) president Hata Wahari saw group editor-in-chief, Datuk Aziz Ishak, defending the daily’s pro-government stance.

According to Hata, Aziz had told the inquiry that it was the duty of the Malay-language newspaper to defend the interests of the ruling BN coalition.

“He explained that the position of the newspaper is to support Umno and Barisan Nasional,” Hata told The Malaysian Insider, after the end of the first day of the inquiry.

“But when asked about the opposition, he said that we don’t have any policy on the opposition,” he added.

CLICK HERE to read the rest of the report.
And are we surprised at all?

According to Wikipeda HERE, "Objectivity is a significant principle of journalistic professionalism. Journalistic objectivity can refer to:

  • fairness
  • disinterestedness
  • factuality
  • and non-partisanship, but most often encompasses all of these qualities.
When I was a journalism student, my lecturers always reminded the students to be objective, neutral and to seek the truth. When gathering news, we were taught to verify facts, cite quotations and to only report the truth and nothing but the truth and to put away our personal feelings/stand.

A journalist has the responsibility of ensuring the corroboration of facts with multiple sources with a balance of different viewpoints. Many have regarded the field of journalism as the fourth estate, that exists independently from government and large interest groups.

Tony Burman, ex-editor-in-chief of CBC News once said this:

“Every news organization has only its credibility and reputation to rely on.”

Does Utusan Malaysia stand head and shoulders above all other MSM in terms of credibility and reputation?

This site states clearly that journalism ethics and standards comprise principles of ethics and of good practice as applicable to the specific challenges faced by journalists. Historically and currently, this subset of media ethics is widely known to journalists as their professional "code of ethics" or the "canons of journalism". The basic codes and canons commonly appear in statements drafted by both professional journalism associations and individual print, broadcast, and online news organizations.

With this disclosure as reported by TMI and the many incidents of their 'fine' reporting, do the team at UM believe they are upholding the Code Of Ethics/Canons of Journalism for Malaysia as stipulated at THIS SITE:

Whereas the Malaysian Press reiterates its belief in the principles of Rukunegara and the national aspirations contained therein;

• It acknowledges its role in contributing to the process of nation-building.

• It recognises its duty to contribute fully to the promotion of racial harmony and national unity.

It recognises communism, racialism and religious extremism as grave threats to national well-being and security.

It believes in a liberal, tolerant, democratic society and in the traditional role of a free and responsible Press serving the people by faithfully reporting facts without fear or favour.

• It believes that a credible press is an asset to the nation.

• It believes in upholding standards of social morality.

• It believes that there must be no restrictions on the entry of Malaysians into the profession.

• It believes that the Press has a duty to contribute to the formation of public policy.

Whereas the Malaysian Press does hereby adhere to the following Canons of Journalism:

1. The primary responsibility of the Malaysian journalist is to report facts accurately and faithfully and to respect the right of the public to the truth.

2. In pursuant of this duty he shall uphold the fundamental freedom in the honest collection of news and the right to fair comment and criticism.

3. He shall use only proper methods to obtain news, photographs/films and documents.

4. It shall be his duty to rectify and publish information found to be incorrect.

5. He shall respect the confidentiality of the source of information.

6. He shall uphold standards of morality in the performance of his duties and shall avoid plagiarism, calumny or slander, libel, sedition, unfounded accusations or acceptance of bribe in any form.

7. He shall avoid publication of news or reports, communal or extremist in nature, or contrary to the moral value of multiracial Malaysia.

8. It shall be incumbent upon him to understand public and national policies pertaining to the profession.

Now that the secret love is made known, the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle have ALL OFFICIALLY fallen into place.

There is no need to say anything further. It is OFFICIAL!!!

I take my hats off to National Union of Journalist (NUJ) president Hata Wahari for his courage to make a stand for his beliefs. In October 2010, I wrote this piece called All It Takes is 1 Voice Crying for Press Freedom! Then, I ended the post with the following words:

Still, I hope that somewhere out there are editors, journalists and media staff who have a conscience, who love Malaysia and who have the courage to stand up for truth and justice to make a difference in our land such as Hata Wahari. May the media in our country fulfil their social responsibilities to be a good corporate citizen and watchdog for the rakyat!

Hata Wahari is now 1Voice crying in the darkness for press freedom. May more responsible and dedicated journalists and press personnel step forward to join him in his endeavor for press freedom!

This song, ONE VOICE by Barry Manilow is specially dedicated to Saudara Hata Wahari.

Further reading:

1. Pua: DAP became Utusan's Obsession

2. Utusan Malaysia Has Lost The Plot

3. Utusan Malaysia

4. Unethical Bloggers? What about Utusan?

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