A Mom's Job is Never Done

Posted by Unknown On Friday, April 8, 2011 4 comments
It is not easy being a mom. In fact, I think it is the toughest job in the world. Day after day, I realize how age is catching up on me. When I am not doing my housework or blogging, I am have busy with my other job - chauffeuring my boy to and fro school/sports/squash/tuition/music lessons. Believe me - if there is anything that can drive me up the wall, it is the horrendous traffic in Penang. I have another dinner with relatives and will blog on a sopo topic later this evening. Take care and have a wonderful weekend. Do swing by again. Thanks!

Here's a very beautiful poem written by Johnny J Hollis AT THIS LINK called "An Ode To My Mother".

If you are far away from home, do give your mom a call to let her know you remember her and that you love her :-).

I miss my mom, even after almost 40 years.

Take care and here's wishing all moms a restful weekend.

4 comments to A Mom's Job is Never Done

  1. says:

    Unknown Yes a mum's job is never done. She also constantly worry over her children's welfare although they may be grown up adults with children of their own. Such is the nature of good mothers and their maternal instinct.

    Maybe Nic can learn to take public transport by himself. He is a big boy already. Teach him about safety and security measures. I remember my monthly trips to the Government dental clinic. I would take a bus to the bus station, eat my favourite ice kacang and walk to the clinic, crossing a major road along the way. I was 11 years old then. But then those days are different of course. Things are not the same anymore and that includes everything under the Malaysian sun.

  1. says:

    ahoo A mom is always a mom for that matter. Even being a grandfather now doesn't stop mom from giving her standard lecture during each visit.

    Drive carefully, will you ? Don't just lend money to everyone that ask ? Do eat well and take care of your health ? Sleep early and do drink lots of water, ya ?

    Well, that is what mom is for. She was not schooled (Boh Tart Cek in hokkien)but she was my mentor in business as she was sharp and wise in many ways.

    Thank God for mothers out there that toils while their children sleep and labour from dawn till dusk ensuring a decent meal for all. Nothing can replace the role of a mother and of course also a supporting father. FAMILY - father and mother i love you !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Golden Retriever

    Thanks for such a sincere and warm response. It is true - a mom's job is never done. When they are babies, we worry about their feeds and fret when they don't eat properly. Then there is the whole rigmarole of public exams, ensuring they excel and pursue a worthwhile and satisfying course. When they graduate, we worry about their jobs and then their spouses and then the grandchildren. Sighs...

    Sadly, Nick is now in a premier school which is not serviced by school buses. On top of that, my place of residence is not in the public transport route.

    As such, I have to ferry him to many places. It was so much easier when he was in primary school but now, in sec school, there are many activities and it is not the same. That coupled with my ageing process means I get tired easily, do the same tasks at a slower rate but I am thankful to be alive.

    Thanks so much for your very important advice. Yes, we have sent Nick to martial arts lessons to acquire skills in the art of self-defence. I also went for classes. Our society is just not safe any more. Sighs...

    Gone are the days when we could cycle around town safely with no fear...

    Anyway, hope your kids are growing fine! Your girl must be running around now. How time flies!!!

    Take care and do keep in touch. It is always a treat and pleasure to hear from you.

    God bless you and yours always.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ahoo

    WOW!! Thanks so much for such an outpouring of love for your mom. If ever I get to meet your mom one day, I will definitely tell her that she did a brilliant job in bringing you up and that you love her VERY MUCH.

    What you shared is so true for I tell my boys the same thing haha...

    Moms are all the same haha...

    My mom died when I was 11 and I truly believe if she had lived longer, I would be more than who I am today :-(. I still miss her after so many decades and took ages to come to terms with my loss.

    Take care and thanks again for sharing.

    God bless you and yours always.

    Warmest regards

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