How Can We Keep The Faith?

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, April 10, 2011 2 comments
I am not a religious person but I am concerned about the Alkitab issue for the sake of those who need to use the Alkitab. This evening, I came across an excellent article in The Malaysian Insider which I am reposting here. Do read it and leave your comment to share your thoughts.

Keeping the faith  by The Malaysian Insider

In an ideal world, one would put the Alkitab fiasco down to the actions of ignorant and insensitive government officials.

And there appeared to be some relief yesterday when Putrajaya’s Performance and Management Delivery Unit (Pemandu) issued a press release saying all is well and the two importers have accepted a 10-point formula to solve the impasse over the impounded 35,000 Malay bibles.

But we only have the good word of Pemandu, which had its earlier release by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Idris Jala torn to shreds by his colleague, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein.

We still don’t know what the Christians have to say about these impounded Alkitab. Will they accept it from the importers? They have asked for time to reflect on the matter.

After all, the bibles have been locked up from them for more than two years. What are a few more days, a few more weeks or a few more months for them to forgive the government for what it has done, as asked by Jala in his initial statement.

As said from the outset, in an ideal world, this furore could have been dismissed. But our world isn’t ideal, and some key officials have handled the issue so badly that one would find it hard to forgive and forget, let alone have faith in them and the government they represent.

After all, the solution to the Alkitab issue only gathered speed when the Sarawak election was announced. Is there a correlation or just a coincidence that bibles ostensibly held up due to the ‘Allah’ ruling can finally be released without much fuss, in Sarawak and Sabah, of course.

Did the authorities only now realise the number of Christians in these two states? Wouldn’t the number of Malay bibles be a giveaway?

CLICK HERE for the rest of the entry.

Is the Alkitab being released just to get votes and keep Sarawak as a “fixed deposit”? State Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud did not mince his words yesterday when he called the Home Ministry stamp on the Malay bibles a stupid act.

Will he call for the stupid act to be punished by Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional (BN) chairman Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who will be campaigning in Sarawak from today until the eve of the April 16 vote?

Will the home minister go beyond his statement in Pemandu to explain the inordinate delay over the release of the bibles and not link it to the ‘Allah’ ruling which happened months after the Alkitab copies were impounded?

CLICK HERE for the rest of the entry.

2 comments to How Can We Keep The Faith?

  1. says:

    A Single Vote Maam,

    I would also like to ask, "How do they keep the Faith".

    They can look you in the eyes and tell you straight to your face that their children are millionaires in their youth because they are brilliant. Then we get the PK_MCA_FZ circus. And still they walk tall with head held high amongst us.

    Had a visitor from Sarawak who says he goes to the same place of worship as some of those parasites and they are there every week praying together with you and your children. Does it not contaminate the sacred place, I ask.

    The brave reply was "Yes but we will still keep our Faith and we will get rid of them".

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear A Single Vote

    There are believers and there are believers.

    The first category would be those who believe in themselves and the power of money. They would do anything for both.

    The second category would be normal folks who have morals, conscience and a fervent and sincere faith in God.

    Of course, there are also unbelievers who despite their atheist beliefs, still have morals and conscience.

    For those who have been cheating and robbing, they will have to account for their deeds when they see their Maker.

    As for the rest of us, may God give us wisdom in who to vote for and who should be given the exit door. Not a very difficult decision but one that needs loads of courage.

    Take care, dear friend. Thank you for always speaking up with a conscience.

    Do keep in touch.

    Best wishes

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