A Dream Lost in 'Of Mice and Men'

Posted by Unknown On Monday, August 6, 2012 0 comments
Earlier this evening, I finished reading John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men" for the fourth time. I first read it when I was a chubby twelve year old schoolgirl and from then, I devoured as many of Steinbeck's books and for as many times as possible. Without a doubt, Steinbeck remains my favorite American author together with F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Arthur Miller and Paul Auster. I am just so amazed that each reading has elicited a different response each time. When I read it as...

The Brevity of Life - Brenda Chiah

Posted by Unknown On Monday, August 6, 2012 2 comments
It was in 1997 when I first met Brenda Chiah. She was a student in my Business Communication and Presentation Class in the ABE Certificate course (1997) and the Diploma I class at a private college in Penang (1998). Her jovial character and energetic laughter was most infectious and I cannot remember any moment when she did not have a smile on her face. I believe towards the end of the course, she found fame in a competition and eventually became...

Crazy Jokes for Monday Blues

Posted by Unknown On Monday, August 6, 2012 1 comments
A husband in his back yard is trying to fly a kite. He throws the kite up in the air, the wind catches it for a few seconds, then it comes crashing back down to earth. He tries this a few more times with no success. All the while, his wife is watching from the kitchen window, Muttering to herself how men need to be told how to do everything, she opens the window and yells to her husband, "You need a piece of tail." The man turns with a confused look on his face and says, "Make up your mind....

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