My CNY 2013

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 4 comments
As a result of my accident, it has been a challenging time to battle pain and to recover. I did not do much this CNY except to rest and rest. Day 1 of CNY saw my family at The China House in Penang where my son performed with his friend.

The only home I visited so far is Marcel's place. Marcel and I have been friends since 1978 and we worked together in a musical in 1987. Currently, he and his wife Elizabeth and son Asher reside in Auckland. Apart from eating the yummy stuff prepared by Elizabeth and Marcel's mom, we had a musical evening together....Marcel also composes and has released his own album...

You can watch another clip AT THIS LINK or over HERE.

Today, a group of former students visited me...something they always do each Chinese New Year since 1998 (with the exception of 2012 when I was away). Here's what I served....

I had a tough time preparing lunch as I woke up a result of my medication and kept reheating/defrosting till my microwave oven was fused...and kabooooooom...

We had a great time and I am so proud of them. Each of them has carved a niche in their career and have beautiful kids. For fifteen years, we will take a pic here in my sitting room before we say adios...

Even my dog, Tiger, had a great time with them...and by the time everyone left, he was completely knackered.

So that's my simple Chinese New Year. I did not go out as I am still on painkillers and other medication. Am not able to drive yet...Life is so short....Carpe diem!

4 comments to My CNY 2013

  1. says:

    1. Proud2bMalaysian Get well soon. Take best care.

  1. says:

    2. Unknown Thank you Proud2bMalaysian for your get well wishes! Lovely to hear from you again. Am trying my best. Have to go for CT scan and/or MRI but have yet to do so as I am claustrophobic and scared :-(. Sometimes, ignorance is bliss. Have gone of painkillers and am managing the pain.
    Take care and God bless.
    Best wishes

  1. says:

    3. Proud2bMalaysian Don't mess around with head trauma. Watch for sudden giddiness etc. do your CT Scan soon. Watch for minor bleeding.

    Get well soon, ok?

    Cheers and God Bless!

  1. says:

    4. Unknown Dear Proud2bMalaysian

    Thank you so much for the alert and get well wishes. Indeed, I am giddy a lot and horizontal most times. You might have noticed that of late, my posts are very short. That is because I cannot be up for long. I really want to get well asap and must garner enough courage for that MRI/CT Scan. I am claustrophobic and I remember how I had panic attacks and felt so suffocated in my last MRI a few years ago. :-(

    Take care and God bless you!

    Best wishes

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