Essentially For You

Posted by Unknown On Friday, May 31, 2013 1 comments

This post is specially dedicated to Walla, Gem and the many other precious blog readers/friends who have been reaching out to me via emails or forwarded materials and/or have been reading my blog. Thank you for being a precious part of my life. I cannot imagine where I would be today if our paths had not crossed. I may not always reply your emails on time or sometimes I may forget for I am older now and quite absent-minded but I will never forget the way in which you have enriched my life.

The sentimental part of me has, through the years and circumstances, withered away. It has been quite an unforgettable journey and I cannot think of where I would be today had I not started blogging and more importantly, met/got to know/corresponded with you.

Thank you for being real, caring, sincere or even silent because you are being essentially yourself.

In appreciation, I would like to share two videos with the hope the messages therein will bless you today and always.

It matters not whether you’re young or young at heart. Regardless, life has a wonderful way of revealing a treasure trove of wisdom when one is ready to be illuminated.

This video captures some of life’s essential lessons…reminding us how it takes years to build trust but only moments to destroy it…

Or how we don’t need to change friends once we understand that friends change.

You may already know some of these insights or you may even know all of them.

Unquestionably, every one of these lessons is valuable beyond measure…

May each one will shine a light on the path to a life lived with love, kindness and wisdom. Enjoy...

I have featured the next video a couple of times but still love it.

Perhaps some could be having a difficult time with some of the important relationships in your life. Maybe  with a spouse or best friend or maybe the love of your life passed on or someone you love with your heart and soul simply walked away.

If anyone sees treasured relationships crumbling before their eyes… Take a deep breath and watch this beautiful, inspirational video…

Then, you will be reminded of the immeasurable value of every single person who walks into your life.

Regardless of who stays and who goes, open your heart and cherish the time you have shared together… Whether it’s for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Have a lovely evening!

On the Other Side of the Court

Posted by Unknown On 1 comments

As mentioned in my earlier posts, I have had to make major changes in my life. Following a delicate health condition, I resigned from my part-time position and have had to realign my life accordingly. Despite the drop in an already dismal level of income, I refuse to just sit at home, stare at the pc and merely blog. No. That is not my style. With time on my hands safe for household and family (plus canine) responsibilities, I thought it would be good to be on the other side of the court - as a student - so my journey began. And, it has been a very refreshing one indeed.

My younger boy has been propelled into my world of books and mugging. Behind the facade of a we-must-save-electricity campaign, he now sits beside me as I pore over my books, making copious notes. I cannot explain how this has impacted mother-son bonding positively. Instead of me ever persuading him to use the many post-it notes I bought for him, I now have a good collection of highlighters, page markers, bookmarks, stickers and all the study paraphernalia to enjoy.

As I plan my work schedule, I also asked him to do the same and naturally he had to comply. Previously, he used to say it was ok as he knew what to do but now with momsy here setting the benchmark, he seems to have run out of excuses so he complied quietly.

There is always so much to do and I do confess that at my age, it is a conscious effort to remain focussed, to make an effort to understand, remember, recall and be able to write good answers.

Studying can be such a reclusive activity for now I say no thank you to most dinner invitations - even from my own husband who really has to drag me out of the house and see the sun. OK. I do see the sun when I hang the laundry.

I daresay falling asleep is one of the hazards of studying as an older person. Eyes get tired easily, font size is enlarged to 150% and tidbits (OMG) have to be at arm's distance. Unbelievably, I devoured a whole bar of almond chocolate yesterday :-(. Thank goodness that was the last bar and the house is now devoid of any tidbits safe for some preserved lemon peels which are absolutely yukky. So, the downside of being a kiasu student is - one can gain weight cos all I seem to do now is sit, read, study, understand, meditate, analyze, think. The tougher the topic, the more I need to understand a topic, the more stressful it is and hence - the more I go on a hunting spree to forage for snacks especially peanuts and chocolates in the house but alas, the last time I stocked up was three weeks ago and all I have left are healthy snacks such as oatmeal bars (groan), oatmeal crackers (yuks), muesli with fruit and tasteless yoghurt (arrgh!). Still, all the inactivity of sitting down is not good for my waistline and I kid you not when I say I am typing this with my ukimono wrapped around my waist in kneading mode!

Blogging is a good distraction and of course, reading jokes. Hence, in between (like now since the last break at 11.30am) I just surf the net briefly for jokes :-) and a chance to unwind (not by reading local news for that is a hazardous act!!!).

It is no exaggeration when I confess I fell asleep last night during my bedtime reading with my notes in my hand. :-( It was Tiger who woke me up when he tugged at the papers which he assumed was his supper! Yes, my beloved Tiger sleeps in my room :-).

At the same time, I am way behind in my Mandarin homework and sewing projects. I have yet to do the copious handwriting exercises and have given up on writing with the brush. As for my bag sewing project, my sixth and most ambitious hand-made bag project is 80% completed and I doubt I can find the interest or energy to finish it.

I have had to give up a few activities. Gone are the days when I worshipped the floor i.e. I no longer sweep the floor three or four times a day but only do so once a day. Neither do I baptise the floor by mopping it twice a day for now it has been reduced to once a day or once in two days.

Seriously, I ask myself why I did not do this earlier.



Fear of exams and the fear of not being at the top.

So what? Taking an exam is a process whereby we study, prepare ourselves for a gruelling examination and at my age, I should realize that it does not really matter how well I do as long as I put my best effort. Easier to type this than to live it out.

Having been a kiasu student for the greater part of my life, it is very difficult not to be hard on myself.

I guess I just have to let go.

And to immerse myself in the absolute joy of learning, self-discovery and allowing the newly gained knowledge to transform my mind and life.

Gone are the days of aimless wandering or talking but now, I have to remain focussed.

My better half thinks I am insane and does not sit with us when we study because he says the atmosphere is just filled with so much tension in the silence. Even Tiger behaves himself and does not manja.

Honestly, now that I am on the other side of the court as a student, I cannot fathom why students balk at the idea of studying or doing work. The best part is actually doing what I tell students to do :-) and it is so heartening to note that the standards/processes I laid down for them are workable and practical.

But then again, some have said I am quite mad. :-)

So for now, break time time is over. 2.30pm. Back to books.

Till we meet again in another post, this is mws signing off to hit the books, note cards and summaries. Next post will be up before 6pm.

Have a great day!!!

Idealism - Blind, Conditioned or Pure?

Posted by Unknown On 0 comments

I woke up this morning feeling quite philosophical and over my favourite cup of white coffee, wondered why youth today are more gungho than those in the past. As I recalled various recent developments and pitched them against a few theoretical frameworks, this blog post was soon birthed.

When young or 'enlightened', an idealist can be regarded as a visionary who chases what he/she regards as high purposes and goals - normally for the betterment of the society to which he belongs. Such a person would do his/her utmost to strive for the ideal goals regardless of the painful current reality. Idealists believe in hopeful possibilities.

A stark contrast to cynics.

To a large extent, however, many, if not all of us, were born to be idealists and such a characteristic is fuelled by people who made us understand our potential with the hope that could push us forward to achieve our goals.

As a once-upon-a-time young and idealistic person, now that I am older I can see how many who are young (or who are young at heart) enthusiastically work towards changing the world either via anti-war campaigns or efforts to reduce/eliminate poverty or work diligently in environmental conservation or saving a particular threatened species or bringing justice to the world regardless of age, sex, race, gender, creed, location etc.

Undeniably, cynical older persons would react to such issues differently. Some might even regard such idealistic overtures as mere tomfoolery with a hopeless future because they would have a pessimistic view of the world and what the future holds for all.

I reckon that through the passage of time, blind idealism is gradually transformed into cynicism when reality bites. One may suddenly realize that we do not live in a black and white world of good vs bad or of status quo vs opposition. Or one may realize that a single person does not have power to effect change. While others may say that there is strength in numbers, one must question whether the numbers can be translated into leadership qualities that are capable of propelling, effecting and sustaining change.

Both the idealist and the cynic are not wrong or fully correct. There is no absolute measure of the their ideals or opinions.

I am just sharing my thoughts with the hope that when one talks about change, one cannot switch sides as easily as changing underwear. One must be cautious that whatever ideals one may have is not the product of propaganda, jumping on the bandwagon or conforming to populist views. A middle ground exists and rather than slamming one for not choosing one of two extremes, perhaps we should consider the reason for their stand. To be and to me, balance is important. There cannot be a dogmatic view of  "if you’re not with us you’re against us" because such fallacies are born out of conformity to hard-hitting campaigns.

If we care to look beyond the surface, there is a lot of false dilemmas created for hidden agenda.

"A false dilemma (also called the fallacy of the false alternative, false dichotomy, the either-or fallacy, fallacy of the excluded middle, fallacy of false choice, black-and/or-white thinking, or the fallacy of exhaustive hypotheses) is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which limited alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option. The options may be a position that is between two extremes (such as when there are shades of grey) or may be completely different alternatives. The opposite of this fallacy is argument to moderation.

False dilemma can arise intentionally, when fallacy is used in an attempt to force a choice (such as, in some contexts, the assertion that "if you are not with us, you are against us"). But the fallacy can also arise simply by accidental omission of additional options rather than by deliberate deception." MORE HERE.

Generally, many may not be aware that they are the victims of black and white fallacies.

According to this site:


You presented two alternative states as the only possibilities, when in fact more possibilities exist.
Also known as the false dilemma, this insidious tactic has the appearance of forming a logical argument, but under closer scrutiny it becomes evident that there are more possibilities than the either/or choice that is presented. Binary, black-or-white thinking doesn't allow for the many different variables, conditions, and contexts in which there would exist more than just the two possibilities put forth. It frames the argument misleadingly and obscures rational, honest debate.

Example: Whilst rallying support for his plan to fundamentally undermine citizens' rights, the Supreme Leader told the people they were either on his side, or they were on the side of the enemy.

You may want to explore more AT THIS SITE.

In my lectures, I used to make it a point that my students understood and could identify fallacies of thoughts/ideas so that they could separate the wheat from the chaff and not fall prey to all kinds of messaging.

When one subscribes to a certain ideal, explore all facets. Question. Investigate. Analyze and then conclude.

Are the messages consistent?

Are the measures logical? Or are they repeating what was done in the past EVEN THOUGH history has shown us that all came to naught due to the futility of such overtures which probably had ulterior motives.

Never be used by anyone/group/party. Exercise independent thinking and do not be bullied into conformity or succumb to peer pressure. Instead, let God or our conscience and analytical conclusions based on facts be our guide.

It is one thing to be idealistic or hopeful and another thing to demand more from what people are ready to give. It is not fair to condemn others for not acquiescing to demands/expectations for such a platform of dogmatism would work against the cause, if it is a noble one. I surmise it is good to demand certain ideals but if undertaken insensitively, would surely elicit negative or even violent/undesirable reactions.

The bottom line is think independently and questions. Always have a balanced view. It does not mean that just because 500 000 people share the same view is a guarantee that it is a valid view. Few realize it could mean that 500 000 or less have been misled or influenced subliminally or unconsciously or just swept away with the moment.

As for me, I just wish that more people, myself included, can have the desire and ability to question and to think beyond whatever platter of messages that are offered to us.

There has to be more than what we see.

And, it is up to us to discover it for ourselves instead of conforming to the hypodermic syringe model of communication as theorized by Katz and Lazarfeld (1955). One must remember that whatever the media tells us must be finely sieved lest we fall prey to the selective messages that are intended for specific audiences. Read more here.

Between dreams and ideals, I would hold on to dreams for the lack of those would mean the death of an active mind that works independently. Dreams keep us alive. For now, I have learnt that idealism weakens the ability of an individual to be objective. There can never be absolutes in life for we live in a dynamic world subjected to so many internal and external forces at work.

Do share your responses to this post. Thanks!

Truly Hilarious

Posted by Unknown On 0 comments

Picture me. Sitting in front of the pc.

Studying. From my previous post till this one.

I look at the clock. 11.30am. Time for a break - not kit-kat but blog break.

I click on the link Angela sent me last night.

"Nicholas, let's just watch this to unwind."

"Must I, mom? Your sense of humour does not gel with mine, oh never mind!:

We watch. Smile and then suddenly, guffaws.

CLICK HERE to understand why we found this so hilarious. 

Even though it is a good dose of British humour, I surmise this applies to Malaysians as well!


Thanks to Angela who shared the link.

AO - What You Should Know About Its Effects

Posted by Unknown On 0 comments

It was back in 1983 when I began reading about Agent Orange in my first job. The movie "Killing Fields" also burnt its mark in my memory bank. Shell-shocked, I have never forgotten its horrible effects till today. This morning before I start studying again, I would like to share three posts written by Ed Mattson.

According to this site, "Following his service in the Marine Corps Ed Mattson built a diverse career in business in both sales and marketing and management. He is a published author and medical research specialist. He is currently Development Director of the National Guard Bureau of International Affairs-State Partnership Program, Fundraising Coordinator for the Warrior2Citizen Project, and Managing Partner of Center-Point Consultants in North Carolina. Mr. Mattson is a noted speaker and has addressed more than 3000 audiences in 42 states and 5 foreign countries. He has been awarded the Order of the Sword by American Cancer Society, is a Rotarian Paul Harris Fellow and appeared on more than 15 radio and television talk-shows."

Enjoy reading the following articles...

Looking for Ways to Battle Agent Orange Illnesses-Pt.1

Learning to fight cellular abnormalities caused by AO and Gulf War Syndrome

Part 3: How agent orange and depleted uranium affect the body

Incidentally, many may be unaware that on May 25th, tens of thousands of people marched against Monsanto. They did so in dozens of countries worldwide. They had good reason. They want consumer protections enacted. They want safe food to eat. They want governments assuring it. They want GMO foods and ingredients labeled. More HERE.

If you want to know why they marched and how we are also affected, please check out THIS ARTICLE.

Finally, if you do not know what is Agent Orange, check out THIS ARTICLE. 

You may want to read more HERE.

Have a nice day! Next post will be between 11-12.

The Woman Who Dared

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, May 30, 2013 0 comments

CLICK HERE to read about one woman who dared to make a stand for what she believes in and made world news. Undaunted, she plods on in her mission.

Indian Vedic Maths in Simple Steps

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Many may be interested in this post for the sake of their children or grandchildren. Thanks to Angela who kindly sent me this information! For sure, it is likely to be interesting to those who use mental sums instead of the calculator...

Here's Indian Vedic Math in simple steps…CLICK HERE for the video.

Unbelievable Magic

Posted by Unknown On 0 comments

Thanks to Mr SKT who sent me the following video clip.

It only takes five minutes of your time and I certainly hope you will enjoy this presentation.

CLICK HERE to watch the clip. 

Have a lovely evening.

An Indomitable Mother's Heartbreaking Twenty-Point Guide

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, May 29, 2013 0 comments

A devoted mother-of-four who lost her battle with cervical cancer has left her family a moving 20-point plan of how to live a happy life after her death. 

Annmarie James-Thomas hand-wrote the poignant life guide shortly before she died in March aged 44.
Her heartbroken husband Geraint revealed the contents of the note on what would have been his wife’s 45th birthday.


1. What you put out comes back all the time - no matter what.

2. You define your own script. Don’t let others write your script for you.

3. Whatever someone did to you in the past has no power over the present. Only if you give it power.

4. When people show you who they are, believe them the first time.

5. Worrying is wasted time. Use the same energy for doing something about whatever worries you.

6. Whatever you believe has more power than what you dream or wish or hope for. You become 
what you believe.

7. If the only prayer you ever say is ‘Thank you’ then that will be enough.

8. The happiness you feel is in direct proportion to the love you give.

9. Failure is a signpost to turn you in another direction.

10. If you make a choice that goes against what everyone else thinks, the world will not fall apart.

11. Trust your instincts. Intuition doesn’t lie.

12. Love yourself and then learn to extend that love to others in every encounter.

13. Let passion drive your profession.

14. Love doesn’t hurt. It feels really good.

15. Every day brings a chance to start over.

16. Doubt means “don’t”. Don’t answer. Don’t rush forward.

17. When you don’t know what to do, be still. The answer will come.

18. Trouble doesn’t last always.

19. This too shall pass.

20. I will act with the intent to be true to myself

Why Disinformation Works

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I am sharing the following article written by Dr Paul Craig Roberts because of the relevance and importance of such powerful message in relation to what we can see in our own backyard. Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.

Dr. Roberts has held academic appointments at Virginia Tech, Tulane University, University of New Mexico, Stanford University where he was Senior Research Fellow in the Hoover Institution, George Mason University where he had a joint appointment as professor of economics and professor of business administration, and Georgetown University where he held the William E. Simon Chair in Political Economy in the Center for Strategic and International Studies. You can read more about him AT THIS LINK or HERE.


Why Disinformation Works by Dr Paul Craig Roberts

Have you ever wondered how the government’s misinformation gains traction?

What I have noticed is that whenever a stunning episode occurs, such as 9/11 or the Boston Marathon bombing, most everyone whether on the right or left goes along with the government’s explanation, because they can hook their agenda to the government’s account.

The leftwing likes the official stories of Muslims creating terrorist mayhem in America, because it proves their blowback theory and satisfies them that the dispossessed and oppressed can fight back against imperialism.

The patriotic rightwing likes the official story, because it proves America is attacked for its goodness or because terrorists were allowed in by immigration authorities and nurtured by welfare, or because the government, which can’t do anything right, ignored plentiful warnings.

Whatever the government says, no matter how problematical, the official story gets its traction from its compatibility with existing predispositions and agendas.

In such a country, truth has no relevance. Only agendas are important.

A person can see this everywhere. I could write volumes illustrating how agenda-driven writers across the spectrum will support the most improbable government stories despite the absence of any evidence simply because the government’s line can be used to support their agendas.

CLICK HERE for more.

Thevesh - Attitude With Altitude

Posted by Unknown On 5 comments

In 2005, my younger boy started his primary education at Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Batu Lancang where he made friends with Amitesh Theva, Dexter, Kishen and other classmates. Subsequently, I also got to know their parents. Nick's first and most memorable experience of a Halloween party was at Amitesh's home. His innovative and highly intelligent parents have wonderful parenting skills.

It came as no surprise to me when Nick told me that Thevesh (Amitesh's older brother) emerged as the champion of The Star-English Speaking Union (ESU) Malaysia-PKT Logistics Public Speaking Competition 2013.

Photo Credit: The Star

Thevesh represented Malaysia at the ESU International Public Speaking Competition 2013 in London about two weeks ago and emerged as IPSC 2013 Audience Choice World Champion. Thevesh (Deputy Head Prefect), Amitesh and Nick attend SMK Bukit Jambul.

Indeed, he is a very promising young man with a bright future ahead. For sure, he has the attitude that will give him altitude in life! Congratulations, Thevesh! You have done very well and we are all proud of you. Kudos to your parents for the fine upbringing they have given you and your siblings. Thevesh writes very well and blogs at THIS SITE.

Emo's God Joke

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This morning I received thrilling news: a joke I wrote more than 20 years ago has been voted the funniest religious joke of all time! In case you've missed it, here it is:

Once I saw this guy on a bridge about to jump. I said, "Don't do it!" He said, "Nobody loves me." I said, "God loves you. Do you believe in God?"

He said, "Yes." I said, "Are you a Christian or a Jew?" He said, "A Christian." I said, "Me, too! Protestant or Catholic?" He said, "Protestant." I said, "Me, too! What franchise?" He said, "Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Baptist or Southern Baptist?" He said, "Northern Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist or Northern Liberal Baptist?"

He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist." I said, "Me, too! Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region, or Northern Conservative Baptist Eastern Region?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region." I said, "Me, too!"

Northern Conservative†Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879, or Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912?" He said, "Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912." I said, "Die, heretic!" And I pushed him over.

Two things, however, have slightly tarnished my thrill.

First, the website that conducted the poll, Ship of Fools, did not attribute me as the author. Arghhhhh! Sure, it has been quite a while since I performed it. And true, I'm not on TV all the time like some comedians I could name if I watched TV all the time. But come on, guys! The slightest Google search! But back in the day ... ah, my friends! That joke and I astounded the world! Everywhere I played, in the largest of British theatres, the audiences clamoured for it! I told it not once but twice on British television. A few years ago it was voted by my peers as one of the top 75 jokes of all time. It has been anthologized in several joke books, most recently in Italian; the translator gave me a copy a few weeks ago after one of my shows. He pointed the joke out, without telling me which it was ... but I immediately recognised my old friend by the word "ponte".

Second, I learned why Ship of Fools was running the poll ... to shed light on the possible effect if the British government goes ahead with its intention to outlaw "offensive" religious jokes. Such a law would be a bad idea, for the simple reason that jokes are how we humans avoid violence. Jokes are our safety-release mechanism. Sure they can sometimes be offensive. So can burps. But if you ban them even worse results happen. And believe me, if someone tells a joke that truly offends, he or she will be punished for it. That's one area for sure where the government can take it easy and relax.

So I hope the ban never goes into effect. But in case it does, I had better seize this last glorious moment to tell the rest of my religious jokes. Here goes:

· When I was a kid, I used to pray every night for a new bike. Then I realised, the Lord doesn't work that way. So I just stole one and asked Him to forgive me ... and I got it!

· So I'm at the wailing wall, standing there like a moron, with my harpoon."

· A Mormon told me that they don't drink coffee. I said, "A cup of coffee every day gives you wonderful benefits." He said, "Like what?" I said, "Well, it keeps you from being Mormon ..."

· I'm not Catholic, but I gave up picking my belly button for lint.

· When I was a kid my dad would say, "Emo, do you believe in the Lord?" I'd say, "Yes!" He'd say, "Then stand up and shout Hallelujah!" So I would ... and I'd fall out of the roller coaster

· The "Guy on the Bridge" joke can be heard on E=MO Squared (1985) which coincidentally is re-released on CD. CHECK HERE.

Written by Emo Philips

One Year Away?

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, May 28, 2013 0 comments

If there’s a single factor that reliably sparks social unrest, it’s food becoming too scarce or too expensive. So argues a group of complex systems theorists in Cambridge, and it makes sense.

In a 2011 paper, researchers at the Complex Systems Institute unveiled a model that accurately explained why the waves of unrest that swept the world in 2008 and 2011 crashed when they did. The number one determinant was soaring food prices. Their model identified a precise threshold for global food prices that, if breached, would lead to worldwide unrest.

The MIT Technology Review explains how CSI’s model works: “The evidence comes from two sources. The first is data gathered by the United Nations that plots the price of food against time, the so-called food price index of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the UN. The second is the date of riots around the world, whatever their cause.” Plot the data, and it looks like this:

CLICK HERE for the rest of this entry.

What About My Boobies?

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Even as male moviegoers are slow to let go of Angelina Jolie’s amazing technicolor dream breasts, women are asking themselves: What about my boobies?

Are they fetching objects of desire or ticking time bombs?

Along with a spectacular jawline and an immune system strong enough to survive a four-year marriage to Billy Bob Thornton, Angelina also inherited the deadly BRCA1 gene, which jacked up her odds of breast cancer so high that she took pre-emptive action and had a prophylactic double mastectomy. If only she’d shown the same foresight before filming The Tourist.

CLICK HERE for the rest of this interesting post.

Hate and Pardon - At What Price?

Posted by Unknown On 0 comments

In my notes for the year 1989 I come across some sentences jotted down from a conversation I had with J, whom I call my “master.” At that time we were talking about an unknown mystic called Kenan Rifai, about whom little has been written.

“Kenan Rifai says that when people praise us we should watch how we behave,” says J, “because that means that we hide our faults very well. Finally we end up believing that we are better than we think and then the next step is to let ourselves be dominated by a false feeling of security that will eventually set up dangers all around us.”

“How can we be attentive to the opportunities that life gives us?”

“If you have only two opportunities, learn how to turn them into twelve. When you have twelve they will multiply automatically. That is why Jesus says: “he who has a lot will have a lot more given. He who has little will have that little taken from him.”

“That is one of the harshest sentences in the Gospels. But I have noticed throughout my life that it is absolutely true. So how can we identify the opportunities?”

“Pay attention to every moment, because the opportunity – the “magic instant” – is within our reach, although we always let it pass by because we feel guilty. So try not to waste your time blaming yourself: the universe will see to correcting you if you’re not worthy of what you’re doing.”

“And how is the universe going to correct me?”

“It won’t be through tragedies; these happen because they are part of life, and they should not be thought of as punishment. Generally the universe shows us that we are wrong when it takes away what is most important to us: our friends.

“Kenan Rifai was a man who helped many people find themselves and to achieve a harmonious relation with life. Even so, some of those people proved to be ungrateful and never even turned their head to say ‘thanks’. They turned to him only when their lives were in a state of utter confusion. Rifai helped them again without mentioning the past: he was a man with many friends and the ungrateful always ended up on their own.”

“Those are fine words but I don’t know if I am capable of pardoning ingratitude so easily.”

-Paul Coelho-

The Seed of Life

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Two things are full of benefits for the human being, lukewarm water and pomegranate.

Pomegranate is a seasonal fruit in Pakistan & India so I tried an experiment with dried pomegranate seeds.

I prepared a decoction boiling the fistful of dried seeds in half liter of water for 10 minutes, squeezed the seeds, strained the decoction and advised those patients suffering from painful angina to use a glass of lukewarm decoction on an empty stomach in the morning.

Amazing result was observed, the decoction of dried pomegranate seeds worked like a magic, the feelings of tightness and heaviness of chest and the pain had gone.

It encouraged me to try more experiments on all types of cardiac patients so I tried other experiments on patients who were suffering from painful angina, coronary arterial blockage, cardiac ischemia (insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle) etc., waiting for a bypass surgery. The same lukewarm decoction was used on an empty stomach in the morning. The patients experienced quick relief in all symptoms including painful condition.

In another case of coronary arterial blockage the patient started using half glass of fresh pomegranate juice every day for one year, although all symptoms were completely relieved within a week but he continued taking it for a whole year, it completely reversed the plaque build-up and unblocked his arteries to normal, the angiography report confirmed the evidence.

Thus decoction of dried pomegranate seeds, fresh pomegranate juice or eating a whole pomegranate on empty stomach in the morning proved to be a miracle cure for cardiac patients. But the lukewarm dried seeds decoction proved to be more effective compared to eating a whole pomegranate or fresh pomegranate juice.

Use of pomegranate in any way has demonstrated even more dramatic effects as blood thinner, pain killing properties for cardiac patients, lowers LDL (low-density lipoprotein or bad cholesterol) and raises the HDL (high-density lipoprotein or good cholesterol). There are more than 50 different types of heart diseases, the most common being coronary artery disease (CAD), which is the number one killer of both women and men in some countries, and there has been no medicinal cure for this disease.

Many cardiac patients have reversed their heart diseases on my advice using one glass of lukewarm decoction of pomegranate dried seeds, half glass of fresh pomegranate juice or eating a whole pomegranate on empty stomach in the morning. It was the very first real breakthrough in the history of cardiology to successfully treat the cardiac diseases by a fruit.

The more super foods to obtain the even faster results for cardiac patients which are most promising curative and protective agents like fresh raisins, quince, guava, prunes (dried plums), natural vinegar, mixture of grape fruit juice and honey in the morning (empty stomach), basil leaves, chicory leaves, powder of oregano leaves and rock salt in equal quantity (in case the patient is not hypertensive) and sesame oil as cooking oil for cardiac patients.

It is regretted to say that treating the heart patients and bypass surgery has become far more profitable business around the world which has failed to help avert life threatening heart attacks and life time cardiac complications resulting in almost paralyzed life. A regular use of pomegranate in any way ensures a healthy cardiac life, thinning your blood, dissolving the blood clots and obstruction inside the coronary arteries, maintains an optimal blood flow, supports a healthy blood pressure, prevents and reverses atherosclerosis. (Thickening of the internal lining of the blood vessels) from whatever I experienced and observed in last several years, I can say:

“A pomegranate a day keeps the cardiologist away” you can try and see the wonder.

-Dr Thahira Kuddaty-

*Thanks to Mr SKT who sent me this post.

Marital Humour

Posted by Unknown On Monday, May 27, 2013 0 comments

Husband asks: Do u know the meaning of wife?
‘Without Infomation Fighting Everytime’.
Wife on hearing replies, It also means ‘With Idiot For Ever’.


Her husband had been slipping in and out for a coma for several months yet she stayed by his bedside every single day.
When he came to, he motioned for her to come nearer.

As she sat by him, he said, “You know what?
You have been with me all through the bad times.
When I got fired, you were there to support me.
When my business fell, you were there.
When I got shot, you were by my side.
When we lost the house, you gave me support.
When my health started failing, you were still by my side.”

She just smiled and held his hand.

He then continued, saying “When I think about it now, I think you bring me bad luck.”


Wife: Why do you wear your specs only when I come in.
Husband: The doctor has ordered me to wear my specs whenever I get an headache.


Wife hit her husband with frying pan.
Husband: What was that for…?
Wife: I found a paper in your pocket
with the name Jenny on it.
Husband: I took part in a race last week
and Jenny was the name of my horse.
Wife: Sorry..!
Next day wife hit him with the frying pan again
Husband: What now..?
Wife: Your horse is on the Phone.


At the beginning of any relationship.
Every girls treats her boyfriend as “GOD”.
Later on, some how the alphabets get reversed !


A drunk man arrives late at home…. He knows his wife won’t open the door, so he decides to pretend that he bought her flowers and knocks the door…

Wife: Who is it?

Drunk Husband: I bring flowers for the pretty lady…

Wife opens the door and says… Where are the flowers…

Drunk Husband: Where is the pretty lady ?

He left home about 8:30 a.m. to play golf with his friends.

On the way out the door, he answered his wife’s “what time will you be home?” question with “probably about 1:30, I’ll have lunch at the club.” 1:30 came and went, 3:00 passed, 6:15, still not home.

Finally at about 11:45p.m. he rolls in the driveway, leaves his clubs in the garage, and presents his wife with a pizza, and begins the apologetic story.

We finished our game about 11:30, had lunch, and I started home, when along side the road I saw this attractive girl with a flat tire on her car.

I stopped to help, got the tire changed, and looked around for a place to wash my hands.

She offered money, but I refused, so she suggested that I at least allow her to buy me a beer.

She said there’s a tavern just up the road, and they have a restroom, you can clean up a bit.

I agreed to stop, we had a beer, then another beer, then a couple more, and I realized that this girl was not only pretty, she was very friendly, and a good companion to spend time with.

Before I knew it, we were in the motel next door having s*x.

And that is why I am so late getting home.

His wife looked him in the eye and said, “Don’t bullshit me, you played 36 holes, didn’t you?”

The Chocolate House

Posted by Unknown On 0 comments

Recently, a friend returned from Japan and gave my family some presents including my favourite MOCHI, Bourbon chocolates and a box of chocolates for the construction of a chocolate house.

Since he received it just before his exam, he put it aside for two weeks till yesterday. His father said, "No need to construct it. Just eat it like it is meant to be eaten."

I did not know that the other two bars of chocolate were actually meant for the roof. In fact, I thought they were bonus bars :-) so I happily devoured one bar all by myself.

So, when my son opened the refrigerator to get the box, he gasped in horror when he discovered one bar was missing!

"Mom, you ate my roof!!"

"I what?"

"You ate the roof!!"


Guiltily, I tried to convince him to use another bar of chocolate of a different brand but alas, it was much heavier and surely the walls could not withstand the weight. Thankfully, my boy took the case of the missing roof pretty well and was not at all sore about the episode.

Here's my boy constructing the chocolate house:

Note: Tiger is staring at Nicholas sucking his fingers!!


Aerial view of the chocolate house with half the roof in my tummy yum yum...

And then the heat was too much for the chocolate house! Timberrrrrrrr........Earthquake magnitude of 1.3 with no casualties :-)...

All in all, it was truly great fun and a wonderful excuse to eat chocolates! Have a wonderful evening!

Thanks to LYP for the present!

The Political Innuendos of Iron Man 3

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, May 26, 2013 1 comments

Two nights ago, I watched Iron Man 3 with my family after a rushed dinner at the family's favourite restaurant (House of Dumplings, Shang Ding @ QB). Walking up the stairs, I could feel the yuan nam noodles swirling in the middle of my oesophagus. Being naturally agoraphobic, I felt a bit faint at the sight of the sardine-packed crowd queuing up for their tickets. Fortunately, someone had booked the tickets for us online hence it was easy to get into Hall 8. The last movie I watched was 'This is it' in 2009! We barely made it as the movie began shortly after we sat down to catch our breath.

Iron Man 3 (stylized onscreen as Iron Man Three) is a 2013 American superhero film featuring the Marvel Comics character Iron Man, produced by Kevin Feige of Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the sequel to 2008's Iron Man and 2010's Iron Man 2, and the seventh installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, being the first major release in the franchise since the crossover film The Avengers.

Shane Black (Lethan Weapon) directed a screenplay he co-wrote with Drew Pearce and which uses concepts from the "Extremis" story arc by Warren Ellis. Robert Downey, Jr. reprises his role as the title character, with Gwyneth Paltrow and Don Cheadle reprising their roles as Pepper Potts and James Rhodes, respectively. Jon Favreau, who directed the first two films, serves as an executive producer and reprises his role as Happy Hogan. Guy Pearce, Rebecca Hall, Stephanie Szostak, James Badge Dale, and Ben Kingsley round out the film's principal cast. CLICK HERE for more (warning - spoiler ahead).

For information about the cast and crew of Iron Man 3, please CLICK HERE.

Since its release, Iron Man 3, produced with an estimated budget of 200 million USD, has grossed over 700million USD. At Rotten Tomatoes Iron Man 3 scores at 78% (67% among top critics) whereas at Metacritic, it achieved 62 out of 100. Comparatively, The Dark Knight Rises and Prometheus, scored 84% and 74% respectively. 

I wonder if its poor showing at the box office was possibly due to its untimely release just before the Boston bombing. Of course, these were circumstances beyond any one's control!

Initially, I was awed by the special effects and the grandeur of his suits and of course other CGI gimmicks not forgetting the handsome, six-packed (but short) Robert Downey Jr, the suave but menacing Guy Pearce and the captivating screen chemistry of Downey-Paltrow. Far beyond all the cosmetics of the movie, I guess Iron Man 3 can be faulted in many areas.

To put it simply, along the way it is obvious that Shane Black forgot that a good movie is one that is NOT peppered with special effects but founded on the solid rock of story line/plot. The plot development is actually pretty lame and fizzles out at times hence losing whatever dramatic effect intended by the grandeur of Stark's gadgets/abilities.

Another missing factor is the absence of a moving soundtrack that complements the action on the screen or accents the romantic and more humane moments of the movie.

The plot of Iron Man 3 is actually drawn from several comic arcs. For instance, the use of genetically modified super soldiers by Aldrich alludes to Warren Ellis’ Extremis arc - a six-issue story arc from the comic book series Iron Man (vol. 4), published in issues one through six in 2005 and 2006 by Marvel Comics. The variations of Tony's iron suits alludes to the Armor Wars - "an American comic book limited series published by Marvel Comics. The series is set in the Ultimate Universe, and is written by Warren Ellis and pencilled by Steve Kurth. The story is considered an adaptation of the original Armor Wars story line, placing it in the Ultimate Universe. This is also the second limited series by Ellis to focus on Ultimate Iron Man, after the previous Ultimate Human series." To a certain extent, the iron suits also alludes to Joe Quesada’s ‘Sentient Armor’ arc (comic addicts can read more HERE).

In a Viber chat with my former student, Aaron Lau (Canada), he opined that Iron Man 3 was the worst of the three because of the racial stereotyping of Chinese via the Mandarin. A discussion ensued. However, he added that Ben Kingsley was superb for the role. Indeed, yours truly was so blown away by Kingsley pulled it off with his fantabulous acting skills that obfuscated the racist overtones of the character. In retrospect, I do wonder the real reason for introducing a Chinese character in such a negative light against the iconography of disasters such as 911, war, terrorism and exploitation of women (as in the scene where (Rhodes) Don Cheadle falls into Aldrich's trap and goes into the factory manned by Arab women who thought he was there to rescue them.

A. Who is The Mandarin?

The Mandarin is a fictional character, a super villain who appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. He is the archenemy of Iron Man. 
The character was created by Stan Lee and designed by Don Heck, first appearing in Tales of Suspense #50 (February 1964). The character is described as being born in China before the Communist revolution, to a wealthy Chinese father and an English aristocratic mother, both of whom died when he was very young. He is characterised as a megalomaniac, attempting to conquer the world on several occasions, yet also possessing a strong sense of honor. 
The Mandarin is portrayed as a genius scientist and a super humanly skilled martial artist. However, his primary sources of power are ten power rings that he adapted from the alien technology of a crashed space ship. Each ring has a different power and is worn on a specific finger. 
In other media, the Mandarin has been shown in several forms of animation and computer games. He serves as the main antagonist in the 2013 film Iron Man 3.[4] His presence was implied in the 2008 film Iron Man through the name of the terrorist group known as "The Ten Rings". In 2009, Mandarin was ranked as IGN's 81st Greatest Comic Book Villain of All Time. (Source: HERE)

B. Why Ben Kingsley?

It was only today that I discovered that not only is Ben Kinglsey not Chinese, not half Chinese but the fact that  he is actually half Indian! Kingsley was born Krishna Pandit Bhanji in Snainton, North Riding of Yorkshire, near Scarborough. He is the son of Anna Lyna Mary (née Goodman), an actress and model who appeared in films in the 1920s and 1930s, and Rahimtulla Harji Bhanji, a medical doctor. More here.

Would the effect would have been different had they chose a Chinese actor to play the part? Think Chow Yun Fatt or Jet Li or Jackie Chan????? *gulps*

This is what Shane Black told Yahoo! Movies about The Mandarin:
In the comic books, Iron Man archenemy the Mandarin is Chinese. And when Ben Kingsley -- who decidedly doesn't fit that racial profile -- was cast in the villainous role for “Iron Man 3,” there was naturally concern over how the character would be portrayed and whether it would be offensive. 
So we went straight to the movie masterminds to get the inside information on the Mandarin. 
“His nationality is not even clear because he is shrouded in secrecy,” “Iron Man 3” co-writer and director Shane Black told Yahoo! Movies. “He has crafted himself in the manner of the Mandarin, of a warlord. And I think that’s great because you get to do the comic book but you don’t… have to deal with the specifics of Fu Manchu stereotyping.

“We’re not saying he’s Chinese, we’re saying he, in fact, draws a cloak around him of Chinese symbols and dragons because it represents his obsessions with Sun Tzu in various ancient arts of warfare that he studied.” 
For some “Iron Man” mavens, the Mandarin’s appearance is a long time coming. Producer Kevin Feige recalled that he was promised to appear in the film’s first installment by then-helmer Jon Favreau – during a Comic Con panel nearly six years ago. 
“We thought, ‘What can we tell ‘em? That’s probably safe!’ And then we changed it about 12 weeks before we start filming,” explained Feige. But there was simply too much going on in the script. Favreau and Feige wanted to put more focus on Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) 
“So we took him [The Mandarin] out. And we talked about him again for ‘Iron Man 2,’” Feige continued. Alas, the Mandarin didn’t make into that one either. And Feige credits Black with providing the right set of circumstances to bring him and his handful of 10 mystical rings on board for “IM3.” MORE HERE.
The truth is, The Mandarin strangely resembles a Chinese caricature with the right combo of physical traits: the tangled and knotted hair, tattoos, hooded robe and worse of all, the accent. Was it deliberate that The Mandarin vaguely reminds viewers of Osama?  Iron Man 3 has snippets of a televised execution, simulated Middle East locations, even scenes of American soldiers and falling bodies. Whilst it all looks and sounds eerily familiar even in a world constructed by Marvel comics, defined by its own rules and reality, do you think obvious racist overtones can be detected?

Personally, I reckon most would have been engrossed with the special effects than to have taken offense with the characterisation of The Mandarin which is after all, an unfamiliar character except to avid comic addicts.

That aside, here are other issues...

C. Innuendo to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) of 911 and New York?

Iron Man 3 is set in events after “Marvel’s The Avengers” and a battle for New York. In Iron Man 3, Tony Stark is portrayed as literally suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (bedroom scene with Paltrow, garage scene with the boy etc.) from the horrors his character experienced in the film The Avengers – events that are repeatedly referred to in Iron Man 3 by the reference to "New York". He has insomnia and loses his sense of reasoning by challenging The Mandarin and giving the whole world his address when interviewed by broadcast journalists!

Whilst one may question the rationale of portraying a super hero this way, I figure it is Shane Black's tactic of tugging at our heart's strings by revealing the more human side of Stark which we might not be aware of at all. Beneath the veneer of iron suits is a man - fully human both with strengths and weaknesses - reminding us of the fragility of life, how one can never run away from who is the real us regardless of whatever devices/gadgets/equipment we may have at our disposal just like Stark.  Coming to terms with being at the height of human potential like Stark and the hopelessness of being human with weaknesses and all - is a journey which all can identify with in life.

C. Drones

How many of you realized that unlike Iron Man 1 and Iron Man 2 where Stark wears his super-powered armor, the suits are portrayed differently in Iron Man 3. Here, we see how his 'toys' are deployed as remote-controlled flying weapon parts which assembly as programmed all of which evoke references to the current concerns about drone technology. A couple of questions arise.

Why does Stark choose to destroy his suits at the end of the film? Why does he remove the shrapnel from his heart when it is that which necessitates him wearing it in the first place?

To me, there is a hidden political message that may be undetected by many.

Dear readers, what do you think is the basic argument of the film?

Hint: Think of terrorists, military experts, businessmen,  status quo, capitalistic motive etc.

  • Who decides what?
  • Who breeds terror?
  • Who profits from it?
  • Who manipulates it?
  • What is behind the development of armaments, weaponry etc?
  • Profiteering conditioning of the highest order???
Unlike its predecessors, I found Iron Man 3 highly entertaining because of Stark's witty one-liners and his well-executed role of an egotistical businessman/inventor/crime fighter. I suppose Stark ignites that dream many of us had when we were kids - to be a vigilante - per chance with the ability to fly, fight crime and live happily ever after with the love of our life!

I think the best part of the movie is the connection between Stark and  Harley Keener (played by Ty Simpkins). I can connect with his reactions and dreams not forgetting the overwhelming ecstasy that filled his heart when he sees the array of rewards from Stark at the end of the movie. Sentimental me really wish Stark could have adopted him to give him the best of both worlds - a stable family plus life with his idol/super hero.

Yes, the plot could have been better but the smart surprises, reversals in plot development seasoned with loads of jocosity, especially by Stark (OK I am biased!) sort of compensates for its failings. Regardless of the overload of sci-fi trimmings thanks to the godzilla budget, Iron Man 3 is lots of fun with a capitalised heart and exploding emotions, suspense and moral lessons if we care to look what lies beneath. Overall, the imperfections are definitely outweighed by the positives so if you have yet to watch Iron Man 3 yet, please - GO FOR IT!

Happy viewing! Please leave a comment to share your response. Excuse me now, I need to go back to my books to study. Have a great day!

Written by mws - a baby boomer who grew up on a staple diet of Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Beano, Dandy comics not forgetting a whole range of comics including war comics and June and School Days. :-)

Check out:

Moving On

Posted by Unknown On Friday, May 24, 2013 2 comments

The past few weeks have been defining moments in my life.

I learnt what it means to have a friend who cares, who truly respects and accepts us lock, stock and barrel regardless of differences and to express these in acts and words of kindness and love. 

I just want to say a very big thank you to friends, readers/subscribers (especially those I have never ever met before but have been reading my blog regularly) for sending me the most encouraging emails, caring notes, meaningful and sensitively thought of advice, even links/articles for my delicate health condition.

Indeed, I am deeply touched by your thoughtfulness, kindness and acceptance. Words are insufficient to express my heartfelt gratitude for the way you have touched my life, heart and being. Thank you to those who demonstrated tolerance, compassion and empathised with my predicament, cared and neither judged nor condemned me.

The elegance, humility and sincerity of five readers taught me so much about what it means to be human. For one particular reader whose emails are very short with powerful observations and statements, thank you for from you, I learnt what it means to be at peace with oneself. The exemplary lifestyle, speech, thoughts and deeds of these friends/readers, have triggered a paradigm shift in my perspective to life. I just feel very blessed that for the greater part of my life, I had tried my best to help young people and now, when I am in my sunset years, God brought these five readers/friends into my life. Older and wiser than me, I believe they are angels sent from above to guide me, to be a beacon shining into my soul showing me the way to go.

It has not been an easy road coping with ageing, menopausal symptoms raging and also coping with the harsh and horrible reality of the stark absence of the critical mind and correct work attitude in students.  You know who you are and I pray God will continually bless you and your families. Many, especially those in education and who know/understand my committed effort to teach, to impart knowledge and to transform minds, are aware of how hard I have tried to make a difference. After two near death experiences - one last year and another this year, there comes a time when one has to let go and just move on. Hence, my resignation to preserve my health, both physical and mental. 

Following that, I had allergies and spent a lot of time sleeping. zzzzzzzzzzzzz I actually slept through two consecutive weekends (second and third weekend of May) and today, I can say I feel best for the whole of this year.

I always feel that it is good to take stock of life at different points in my life and this is one of them.

In 2008, one reader told me that I lack wisdom and discernment in choosing who to befriend/trust. I felt quite indignant then but I can safely say that by 2011, I realized that what he told me succinctly is true and now in 2013, I believe I finally learnt what he was trying to impart to me.

it is very validating to have quite a number of my former students reaching out to me in the most mysterious ways. Out of the blue, I have crossed paths with a number of them lately and it has been most validating to see them telling their children in front of me as to how I changed their lives, taught them life's lessons and most of all, improved their writing abilities tremendously. One even told me that he will be sending his children to me if I can find the time/strength to coach them. Some even asked their spouses to befriend me so as to consult me re how to teach their kids. To me, these are the best dividends of the energy and commitment I invested in teaching them.

Coming round in a full circle, whereas in the past, I motivated students to chase their dreams, these students have been spurring me to chase my dreams and offering me their assistance in terms of advice, guidance, books and materials.

Some who heard of my resignation responded and wrote short but touching emails to express their gratitude and to confirm that what I taught them is still in their hearts, still relevant and still being applied.

For all these students, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. 

For those of you who have been reading my blog regularly, swinging by habitually to see what other maddening stuff I have shared - I want you to know that it is your daily visit (some of you actually come a few times a day!!! THANK YOU!!!) which fuels my commitment to blog.

I have not been posting as often as I used to and now you know why. It has been a rough road for the past five months. Realistically, I have gone through a major change in character, perspective and many other areas and I do not regret reaching where I am today.

Thank you for being part of my life and I hope that as I move on, this time as a student, you will still visit my blog and hopefully, be ready to share your experiences, knowledge and skills either via the comment box, contribution of articles - written or shared, or whatever way your heart desires.

Here are some snapshots to give weight to what I wrote earlier.

This photo was taken last night at Evergreen Laurel Hotel, Penang. The gentleman beside me is Eddie, who was in my Certificate and Diploma class for Business Communication and Presentation 1997 and 1998. His lovely wife, Cindy, recently resigned from an American MNC to be a full-time housewife to take care of their beautiful children.Eddie is a third generation Chinese sinseh and has a shop in town and also in Lip Sin. 

I was very blessed to see him again last night and to exchange views re Chinese herbs, local issues and parenting skills.
The fact that we could just take off from where we left off decades ago to renew ties and deepen friendship is a heartwarming experience. May God bless him and his family always.

We were all at Angel's wedding last night. Angel was also in the same class as Eddie and the other students who never fail to visit me every Chinese New Year since 1998.

So for now, I just live day by day and am thankful when I can wake up each morning for another day to study, learn, read as much as I can and be as happy as I can be.

May God bless you with health, happiness and love.

My apologies for this abrupt ending....rushing off for Iron Man 3 at the cinema :-) with my son who just took his ATCL diploma exam for his violin this morning!!! Cheerio!

Where Are We Going, Pretty Malaysia?

Posted by Unknown On 0 comments

Once again, it is a pleasure to feature Mr. Stephen Tan Ban Cheng's article. Fresh from the oven is his latest on The Sedition Act. My grateful thanks to Mr. Stephen Tan for sharing this thought-provoking post! Comments are most welcome. Thank you!


The Sedition Act was supposed to be repealed following the promise of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak in July last year.

Today (Wednesday, May 23, 2013), or nearly one year on, it was invoked to effect the arrest of Parti Keadilan Rakyat vice-chairman Tian Chua, Anything But Umno or ABU chairman Haris Ibrahim and former Member of Parliament Tamrin Ghafar Baba.

This was the same day when undergraduate student Adam Adli,who was arrested a few days earlier, was arraigned before the Court for offences under the same Act. He was freed on RM5,000 bail posted by his father.The arrests, coming as it did after what many had termed as "thedirtiest general election" in Malaysia and after our Prime Minister'spromise of a "national reconciliation," evoke memories of Operation Lalang in October 1987 when more than a hundred Oppositionists were arrested under the detention-without-trial
Internal Security Act.

Thinking aloud, I am in all seriousness dedicating these two nursery rhymes I learned in kindergarten at the age of five in 1955, the first one to the Administration led by the United Malays National Organisation and the second to our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

(1) Dedicated to the Administration

Where are you going, my pretty maid?
Where are you going, my pretty maid?
Going a-milking, Sir, she said; Sir, she said.
Going a-milking, Sir, she said.

(2) Dedicated to Najib, Muhyiddin and Zahid Hamidi

Three blind mice, three blind mice, 
See how they run, see how they run,
They run after the farmer's wife,
Who cut off their tails with a carving knife.
Did you ever see such a sight in your life?
As three blind mice!


Posted by Unknown On Thursday, May 23, 2013 0 comments

Scars; they seem so beautiful at times.

I’ve got many, deep and shallow.

They aren’t self-inflicted, well consciously they aren’t. They cover my arms, my legs, even my fingers are painted with them.

To others it might seem like a cry for help or a careless attitude but for me it’s my whole life story engraved on me.

Every scar, every bruise has a life of its own and a space in my heart.

They either remind me of a place or a person.

Sadly, there is no magic wand to rub them off of your body.

Even if they fade away over the years, the impact still stays there in your head. The mental scars are the worst of its kind.

They haunt you even in your dreams. These scars cause you to stay stuck at a point of your life where you’re unable to move or breathe.

At some point of time your soul is so heavily bruised that the physical pain is nothing but a mere pinch.

This is the time where you start feeling like an outsider in your own life and when you look down at yourself you realize how helpless you are and how stagnant you’ve become.

Every scar you look at is bursting with frustration. It’s screaming to bleed out.

But then something strange happens over time, you start to admire them and appreciate them.

Why? It is because you realize that these very scars show you how far you’ve come.

It shows you that you may have faced hurdles but you still have a long way to go.

It tells you not to give up even if every inch of your body is marked and dashed, to celebrate the scars instead.

Even if you don’t make it in the end at least you have something to show to the world that you never backed down.

-Written by Pramiti Sapru-

Dr. Doom, not Dr.Boom

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, May 22, 2013 5 comments

Seriously, the outlook ahead is dismal and we have to be prepared. Most tragically, many are still quarrelling about the GE13 results, organizing rallies, witch-hunting when we have far more worrying problems ahead that will affect not just Malaysians, but the entire world! I just pray our elected leaders will stop fighting and get down to the nitty gritty tasks of governing and steering this country to peace, prosperity and unity. Governance is not about finger-pointing although whistle-blowers are important. Man, we have greater issues at hand ahead of us. Find that breakthrough in mainstream lies. But then again, I am a dreamer.

No way am I saying I know better or more. I feel helpless, almost hopeless and worst of all, am now fully retired after resigning at the beginning of this month for a saner and healthier life. I do not want to sound like a prophetess of doom but honestly, Malaysians had better wake up. Do not fall under the spell of propaganda, idealism etc.

Wake up to the harsh reality of the fact that we are but miserable pawns in a huge chessboard where the edges cannot even be sighted at all!

Read, beyond Malaysia. Be ready. I honestly do not know what to do. I wish I had loads of resources but I don't safe for a roof over my head, a car to drive, enough on the table. It is a whole new way of life ahead. And the change for me started at the beginning of this year. Check out as many websites as you can. International ones. Don't be in a rut with local petty issues. Move on and be prepared for the crash, TPPA, lots of hidden agenda and the works. Things are not as simple or clear-cut. Dive below the surface.

Really try to find out who are behind the scenes, pulling puppet strings worldwide. Who are the puppets, puppet masters, drama script writers and who will pay the heaviest price for being tunnel-visioned? And what is to come for this world? Only God knows. But we can have a clue if we look far and hard enough...

This evening, I just want to share:

1. Paul Farrell's article AT THIS LINK.

2. Cody Willard's The next black swan is coming soon AT THIS LINK. (subscription needed)

3. Financial Bubbles and the New Crash

4. Billionaires Unchained

5. Swimming in a sea of Frequencies (MUST READ)

6. Read as much as you can from this site.

7. As many sites as you can from THIS SEARCH ENGINE which I use.

8. This article HERE and all the other links listed at the end of the article. Serious.

Finally, if anyone has the ebook version of this book which I want to read MOST DESPERATELY, please email me at writetomws at hush dot ai. If you want to know why I have been frantically looking for this book everywhere, everyday, check out:

THIS LINK and the thread of discussion

THIS SITE and the videos (warning: highly controversial)

This article A foreigner's perspective is worth a read although I know many may not agree with the views. I always believe in reading up about both sides before making a fair conclusion.

Enough said. I have to go back to my reading. And no, I have not gone off my rockers...yet :-). Good night and God bless.

Please share your responses. Thanks!

And to those with the patience, tenacity and perseverance to click and read the links listed here, please email me to share your responses and I will send you a gift - the latest book by a famous author, D** B***n titled **f**no. I kid you not and would like to say 'thank you' for following this eccentric old lady's search for truth!

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