Parenting is one of the most difficult responsibilities in the world and it takes great courage, love and patience to be a good parent. I know this reader is an exemplary father from the years of correspondence I have shared with him. He has infused my life with godly wisdom, caring comments and sincerity. I have never met him but my husband has met him on a few occasions. Thank you, dear Mr LYK for your inspiring and exemplary life. God bless you and all parents reading this.
From the heart of a loving father...
Dear friends,
I as born in 1958, the same year the lady in the story started to plant her daffodil garden. . . . .
I wanted to start a dynasty - a dynasty of achievers, excellent in mathematics & sciences, schooled in philosophy, logic, complemented with the quiet spiritual wisdom of the ancients, etc, etc. . God bless me with a son. Some 4 years later, we found that he was autistic. The humble beginnings of my real learning as a child of God begins . . . .
Lessons from my Autistic Son
The despair that I experience
The hurt that I go through
The frustration that I encounter
The burden that I carry
The disappointment that I endure
Are no match for the joy and blessings that I received in return
For you taught me ….
To give unconditional love
To be more giving
To be more patient
To be more tolerant
To be more caring
To realize what matters most in my life
To treasure the simple things in life
To not take things for granted
To be grateful for the things that I possess
To listen more than what word can convey
To have more empathy for others
To value virtue of charity
To realize that I have a choice in responding to events around me
And it finally dawned on me
That despite all the trials and tribulations
I can still have faith, hope and blessing
I can still live a life that is enriching and fulfilling
Thank you, my son
Thank you for your patience.
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