The Speech that Split the Nation

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, April 9, 2015 4 comments
My grateful thanks to Angela who shared this link.

Brought tears to my eyes.

At my age, it is rare that I cry unlike in the past. In the last few years, I have put to death sentimentalism of any sort but this one speech really tugged at my heart.


CLICK HERE to read.

4 comments to The Speech that Split the Nation

  1. says:

    1. flyer168 "The Speech that Split the Nation"


    Hope you don't mind me calling you that rather than M ws.

    Yes indeed and thanks to Angela for sharing the enlightening article which is not in Bolehland's Hiistory records.

    If you don't mind, I have more to share with you...

    Part 1

    A Malay from Johore who studied at Raffles Inst, then went on to London for his Law degree studies. Graduated from Cambridge Lincoln's Inner Temple in 1941, then practiced in Singapore & J.B.

    First non Singaporean Malay elected to the 1948 Singapore Legiative Council -

    The Singapore Free Press, 22 March 1948
    ELECTION RESULTS Rural East (Electorate 2092) INCHE SARDON BIN HAJI ZUBIR (Independent) 607 Mr. Cheong Hock Chye (Independent) 498 Majority 109 Spoiled papers 39 Total votes cast 1143 Rural West (Electorate 2774) MR. 8. C. GOHO (Independent) 981 Mrs. M. Pillai (Independent) 520 Mr. A. P. Rajah (Progressive) 460 Majority

    In March 18th 1949 - QUOTE:

    'What is needed more than anything else is a spiritual revival in man, an arousing of conscience, a submission not only to the rule of law but also the rule of God. We need a new spiritual awareness and awakening.' - Mr Malcolm MacDonald...

    'THE first public meeting of the Inter-Religious Organisation for Singapore and Johore Bahru in the Victoria Memorial Hall (which) took place at the Victorial Memorial Hall on Friday, March 18th (1949) was a truly wonderful experience.

    Other speakers who outlined the principles of a united religious front against evil were Sri Kartar Singh (Sikh), Swami Namadevananda (Hindu), the Rev Sek Hong Choong (Buddhist) and Inche Sardon bin Haji Jubir (Muslim), who spoke in Malay..."

    An accomplished Sufi -

    Then came the Natrah Riots in Singapore...

    20 Disember 1950 - "...Semasa perbicaraan kedua berlangsung pada 20 Disember 1950, orang ramai melebihi 1,000 orang mengerumuni kawasan Mahkamah Tinggi Singapura. Peguam Shearn dan Kenneth Seth menjadi peguam bela Hertogh bapa Natrah, sementara Ahmad Ibrahim (Allahyarham Tan Sri Prof.), Sardon Jubir (Allahyarham Tun) dan John Eber mewakili Natrah, Mansor dan Aminah...."

    December 11, 1950 - Maria Hertogh riots (18 dead, 173 injured)

    1950 Natrah - the history -

    Prof Tan Sri Ahmad Ibrahim - AIKOL: 11th Ahmad Ibrahim Memorial Lecture - -

    LKY's famous words & the best solution: "Churchmen, lay preachers, priests, monks, Muslim theologians, all those who claim divine sanction or holy insights,

    take off your clerical robes before you take on anything economic or political”.

    Anything else is just second class proposition"

    Cont'd Pt 2...

  1. says:

    2. flyer168 "The Speech that Split the Nation"

    Pt 2...

    1963 - Formation of Malaysia

    "...When the proposal to form the Federation of Malaysia consisting of Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, North Borneo and Brunei was being mooted in 1961 and when it was finally formed – minus Brunei – two years later, I was thousands of miles away, studying. Although most overseas students had no hand in its formation, yet many of them were quite aware of the Great Malaysia Project and quite concerned of its possible impact on their lives.

    In 1962, Sardon Jubir of Malaya and Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Kheng Swee of Singapore were in New Zealand, to sell the Malaysia Concept to the students of Victoria University, urging them to support the formation of an enlarged federation in the British Commonwealth of Nations..."

    "...Returning to Singapore on July 14, 1962 Lee Kuan Yew announced that all Singaporeans will now become Malaysian citizens as soon as the merger takes place..."

    "For me, it is a moment of anguish. All my life, my whole adult life, I have believed in merger and unity of the two territories"

    MacMillan’s conspiracies and the Brunei Revolt -

    flyer168 - LKY, Once a Malaysian but died a Singaporean - sad indeed.

    Read more at the end link...

    Followed by this in 1965...

    Singapore Rejected -

    Singapore Rejected 2 -

    Republic of Singapore (1965) LKY the astute "Politician & Statesman" used Diplomacy with his handling of Confrontation with Indonesia & the hanging of the 2 Indonesian bombers...

    Dec 1965 - Days of Rage: Konfrontasi (Confrontation) -

    Cont'd Pt 3...

  1. says:

    3. flyer168 "The Speech that Split the Nation"

    Pt 3...

    His vision and comments about China then (1967) is what China is today...!

    Could any of our Malaysian Prime Ministers face and "Engage" with the 4-6 US journalists the same way, intelligently & intellectually like LKY...???

    1967 - Interview with Lee Kuan Yew -

    1988 Meet the younger LKY having a nice chat with his friends -

    Sep 23, 2008 - "I am a Social Darwinist" -

    Hopefully we can learn from Singapore's trials and tribulations, experience pre & post Malaysia.

    Those interested to learn more, can watch up to Part 6...

    The Legacy of LKY & Goh Keng Swee - The New "Pearl of the Oriient" Singapore...-

    Finally to share this...

    "For me, it is a moment of anguish. All my life, my whole adult life, I have believed in merger and unity of the two territories"

    It was in-fact during the announcement of this separation in Malaysian Parliament by Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, that Singapore UMNO Youth: Syed Jaafar Alba stood up before Tunku could finish speaking and left the parliament, as he automatically lost his seat with the separation of Singapore.

    Other UMNO Ministers told Tunku to take disciplinary action, but Tunku stood calm and patient saying it was okay...

    A mistake which 5 years later on would cause Tunku to be ousted during the May 13 riots of 1969 and replaced by Tun Abdul Razak..."

    What Our HISTORY TEXT BOOKS did NOT teach us about our EARLY Cultural Relations, MERDEKA, and the TRUE MALAY DILEMA -

    You be the judge.

  1. says:

    4. flyer168 "The Speech that Split the Nation"

    Part 3...

    His vision and comments about China then (1967) is what China is today...!

    Could any of our Malaysian Prime Ministers face and "Engage" with the 4-6 US journalists the same way, intelligently & intellectually like LKY...???

    1967 - Interview with Lee Kuan Yew -

    1988 Meet the younger LKY having a nice chat with his friends -

    Sep 23, 2008 - "I am a Social Darwinist" -

    Hopefully we can learn from Singapore's trials and tribulations, experience pre & post Malaysia.

    Those interested to learn more, can watch up to Part 6...

    The Legacy of LKY & Goh Keng Swee - The New "Pearl of the Oriient" Singapore...-

    Finally to share this...

    "For me, it is a moment of anguish. All my life, my whole adult life, I have believed in merger and unity of the two territories"

    It was in-fact during the announcement of this separation in Malaysian Parliament by Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman, that Singapore UMNO Youth: Syed Jaafar Alba stood up before Tunku could finish speaking and left the parliament, as he automatically lost his seat with the separation of Singapore.

    Other UMNO Ministers told Tunku to take disciplinary action, but Tunku stood calm and patient saying it was okay...

    A mistake which 5 years later on would cause Tunku to be ousted during the May 13 riots of 1969 and replaced by Tun Abdul Razak..."

    What Our HISTORY TEXT BOOKS did NOT teach us about our EARLY Cultural Relations, MERDEKA, and the TRUE MALAY DILEMA -

    You be the judge.

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