Posted by Unknown On Saturday, October 31, 2009 12 comments
I always believe that it is the quality of friendships that matter and not the number of friend that one may have.Through the decades, I have had a few good friends who have remained with me through thick and thin; namely Philip, Marcel, Sandy and a few others. This afternoon, I want to do a tribute to my old buddy Philip whom I have known since 1977 - yes, 32 years of friendship.

It was way back in 1977 when a mutual friend introduced us because of our love for singing. Philip, aka Voice of Thunder because of his loud booming voice, and I did not really get to know each other until I entered university where I would organize, direct and choreograph musical presentations. With his booming baritone voice, Philip was definitely an asset as his one voice alone was akin to four male voices. We collaborated in many musicals namely Make it Clear (1979), Sonlife (1980), Pursuit (1981), The Greatest Gift (1983), Sonshine (1984)and The Dreamer (1987). In fact, we sang solo at each other's wedding and last year, he sang my favorite song "MOON RIVER" at my 25th wedding anniversary. After that, the only time we sang together was during jamming sessions with the others for we were caught up with other activities such as snorkeling/diving, bowling, holidays, drama productions and so on.

Due to our mutual love for movies, music (as seen in our passion for The Beatles and music from the 1960s to 1980s, guitars, karaoke), a variety of literature (including our mutual love for Marvel, DC, Beano, Dandy etc comics), food and many other areas, we have sustained and strengthened our friendship for over three decades now.

As one grows older, topics of discussion change accordingly. Whereas in the past we would be griping over lecturers or courses to pursue or not to pursue, discussions were steered in the direction of work issues and then now that we are more mature, nothing delights us more than the usual debate over the political scenario in Malaysia.

Philip and I have shared some of the most hilarious moments in various situations.

In 1988, a whole group of us went diving at Pulau Payar. I was footloose and carefree without my boys then. We had chartered a huge boat and I was the official cook for the group of us that numbered 20 or so. It was no joke cooking on a fishing boat with spartan conditions and backward sanitary facilities. Nonetheless, the group did not complain about my culinary abilities or lack of it for the three days and two nights that we were there.

Back in those days, I had not made my contact lenses and it was quite a challenge to dive or to snorkel. I recall one episode where I thought I was being tailed by a shark. I raised the alarm and my flippers moved at turbo speed as we all raced back to the boat. Much later, I was scolded by the others when one of them turned back and took a good look at the marine creature swimming behind us - a huge garoupa.

The most memorable incident was when we were asleep on the upper deck, each beside our spouses in two rows. In the still of the night, our voices reverberated through the cool breeze. Philip's wife listened to our conversation for some time before she finally realized that we were not talking to each other, but talking in our sleep!

On another occasion, we went to Pulau Pangkor in two separate cars. I was driving with my better half as a navigator while Philip and his wife were in the back seat. Out of the blue, he screamed into my ear "TURN LEFT". His booming voice resonated so loudly that I panicked and tried to turn but my car spun out of control, went on TWO WHEELS in Evil Kneivel style and came to screeching halt at the edge of a canal by the side of the road. Silence. All of us were in a state of shock. Upon close inspection of the car, I discovered that my exhaust pipe had fallen off due to the impact of the swing. Not one to be put down by such circumstances, we managed to fix it in a very basic manner and drove at snail's pace before we managed to find a mechanic in a nearby village who fixed it for me for 5RM!!

While at Pulau Pangkor, the whole gang decided to cycle round the island. The romantic sentimental idiot in me asked for a tandem bicycle for my husband and me while the others had a field day selecting the biggest mountain bikes in the bike rental shop. When we were all ready to cycle on our merry way, I realized that the song "Daisy Daisy" was nothing but a silly romantic song...

Daisy Daisy,
Give me your answer do!
I'm half crazy,
All for the love of you!
It won't be a stylish marriage,
I can't afford a carriage,
But you'll look sweet on the seat
On a bicycle built for two !
Believe me, a tandem bicycle built for two is NOT meant for cycling long distance. Just round the corner, hubby and I fell down while making a turn. Most regretfully, we headed back to the shop and ended up with two mini bikes...the others made one push while we had to do two.

While going up one of the slopes after Emerald Bay, we were huffing and puffing away as we pushed our bikes. "Pffffffffffffffffffffftttt!!! Fffffft! Ffffft!!!!!! Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftttt!!!

Yup! Philip, who was right in front of me, farted right in my face!

Holy smoke indeed! Quickly, I pushed my bike as fast as I could, almost gassed to death!!!

Another time in the 1990's when Marcel came back, we all headed to Inira's Banana Leaf Restaurant. Philip ate five rounds of the banana leaf rice. I am not joking. While at Langkawi on another trip, he also ate five rounds for the buffet breakfast!!!

Ten years down the road, we cannot eat as much any more. But we know that we have seen each other through good times and bad times. We still talk as exuberantly and sing as loudly. Karaoke moments are not the same without Philip gyrating his hips Elvis style doing Jailhouse Rock and Blue Suede Shoes. It is really wonderful to grow old together as friends and to see how our hairlines are receding almost in synchrony. We were there for each other's wedding, the death of his mom, when we were hospitalised for different reasons and so many other memorable moments.

We may not be spending as much time with each other...sometimes not seeing each other for months without even a phone call or a text message. Nonetheless, because of ties that bind, we can just pick up from where we left off the next time we meet - that is the beauty of true friendship. My husband and I are certainly glad that we have Philip to make our lives more colorful, chats noisier, karaoke sessions livelier and moments shared together will always be a very special part of our lives.

Hey, pal - thanks for being a friend after all these years!!! This tribute is long overdue and solely for you.


  1. says:

    Unknown awwww.... sob, sniff...! ~wrings face towel dry~

  1. says:

    Unknown Oi Philip!

    This is a very clean version liau!!! LOL! I tried to be as objective and cut out all the sentimental jargon haha!

    *mws offers Knight1 a box of tissues*

    Great to grow old with you as a pal!

  1. says:

    nick Yep, a good and loyal friend is a treasure not many people able to find in a single lifetime. You're fortunate to have those friend who are there for you through thick and thin. However, I'm not sure that "Pffffffffffffffffffffftttt!!! Fffffft! Ffffft!!!!!! Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftttt!!!" incident is the thick or thin part of the journey. Just can't tell! LOL! Have a great weekend with your friend and family Sis. You're truly fortunate in life. God bless us all.


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Nick

    Thanks so much for such a supportive comment :-).

    Indeed I am blessed with the few friends I have. Yet, through blogging, I have managed to make some very good friends from all over the world including UK, Australia, Canada and other parts of Malaysia such as you and the regular readers, some of whom I don't even know...

    Believe me - Philip's ppppffffft was powerful - turbo-powered and propelled me forward haha! LOL!!

    I am sure that one such as you has many friends :-)...and I hope to be counted as one of them and to meet you one day and say, Hi Nick - this is Paula, your friend.

    Take care and God bless you and yours.

    Peace be unto you and all of us..

  1. says:

    Ranjan Dear Ma'am,

    It was a real pleasure to read this... I have always been lucky when it comes to friends who are real and true... being very slow to open up to others, I have been blessed to have made great friends out of those few to whom I actually did...

    There's never enough to be said about great friends... and one can't thanked enough for them being there with you through life's journey!

    May you always be blessed with such friends, always...


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Rex,

    Lovely to see you again! Thanks for reading my tribute for my old friend. I am sure it resonates with you as you too have many great friends. Indeed on this journey of life, burdens are lightened, joys multiplied and blessings too are shared with those whose lives have touched us - friends.

    I receive your blessing, dear Rex, and in turn, pray that God will bless you with more friends such as those you have in your life.

    Take care and please stau in touch.

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    Chahya He must be very lucky to have you as a friend.
    You dive and do musicals too! wow!

    I believe great friendship can exist between people with different political views too.

    Congratulations - 25 years of marriage. Wow!

    You've wowed me a lot friend!

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Chahya

    Thanks for your supportive comment and most of all, thanks for being a real friend who has been with me and my blog since 2008...

    Definitely, friends must be able to agree to disagree and it does not mean that we have to be on the same side. When we choose to agree to differ, that is the true mark of friendship...

    I cannot dive any more cos of my spinal injury which has limited many of my physical activities such as cycling etc...:-( but I am thankful for all the opportunities I had in the past. Despite knowing that I can never recover 100%, I am thankful for little blessings.

    Take care dear Chahya...may we sing "Words" together one day :-)...


  1. says:

    Walt Ah so sweet, smells like friendship!
    And to think they worry about farting cows!

  1. says:

    Unknown My dear Walt,

    You are such a riot!!! How on earth did you unearth this video clip??

    LOL!! Funny and yet a powerful message indeed.

    Thanks for being my friend too!

    hugs and much love

  1. says:

    Daniel Boey Philip is a martial fartist.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Daniel

    I agree wholeheartedly and most painfully!

    :-) Thanks for swinging by.

    Have a nice day!


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