Posted by Unknown On Saturday, February 20, 2010 32 comments
"Get out of my bathroom!!! You'll knock my bathroom scales. I may see a higher reading the next time I step on it," bellowed Gloria at Harold, her timid husband, who was busy tidying up the laundry basket.

"And when you are done,go eat your lunch which is on the table! I was not happy with what you had prepared for breakfast so lunch is my revenge! You know very well I always voice my dissatisfaction and will not let go of such a big mistake as meals are so important to us, especially me!"

Panting from all that shouting, Gloria shuffled out of the bathroom. It seemed as though her weight was too much for knees to bear. In her clumsiness, she knocked her hip against the door-frame.

"OOOooouuuuccchhh! Call Will the contractor to get me a new door! How many times must I remind you?" she barked at poor Harold who was busy picking up her huge colorful 'smalls' scattered on the bathroom floor."See - it is all your fault if he does not come immediately. You are too laid back! You know you have to scream at the working class to get them to move their butt but you persist in being reserved so nobody takes you seriously! "

Harry sighed wearily and counted 1,2,3,.......10. He tried to stay calm lest the volcano exploded...But to no avail - not after the years of being henpecked!!!!

He took a deep breath, stamped his feet on the ground, and said affirmatively, "Enough is enough! Do you want me to explode before you can stop?

Gloria shuddered in fear, moving a step back.

"What's your problem, Harold? Trying to fight back? I am your wife - your closest friend. If there is anything you are not happy about, talk it over with me. There is no reason to stamp your feet like a spoiled brat that you are!!!" shouted Gloria with her arms akimbo.

"For years, I have tolerated your nonsense. When you wanted to go for your liposuction, I sold my golf club membership for you. When you wanted to have a face lift, I sold my Rolex watch for you and was it worth it? Gosh! Look at your face and the botched surgery! My goodness! Why do you think I am so thin? I don't have any appetite for ANYTHING after looking at your face! And you have the cheek to ask me to go to the gym???You should be the one going to the gym and swimming at the pool, not me! Take a look at the tractor tyres around your body!!!" hollered Harold at his obese wife.

"Get real, woman! Do you think a marital relationship is all about making you happy with your shopping trips or cosmetic surgeries? Is it all about watching your stupid soap operas or sharing meals with you? Have you ever thought of MY needs? Remember Maslow's hierarchy of Needs?

Gloria was stunned. This was the first time Harold actually raised his voice at her. Had he lost his marbles????

"Listen up you WOE-to-MAN"! Stop being a hypocrite by telling those ladies from your Knitting Club that all is well with us because it is not. The sooner you realize it, the better. And now if you'll excuse me, I have a sweet-young-thing waiting in her car and I'm out of here. Go wash your gigantic undies yourself!" said Harold agitatedly.

With that, he stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him. The growl of a car engine was heard followed by screeching tyres. Gloria looked out and saw Harold with his arms around a beautiful woman.
Couple in Car Pictures, Images and Photos
Her enraged face never looked uglier as she contorted it in fury. It was all over - the pseudo-world of marital bliss she had created was nothing but a farce and now, she would be the laughing stock of her Knitting Club. She took a deep breath and walked to the kitchen, closed all the windows and turned on the gas.

"He will pay for this," she muttered and then cackled like a deranged witch that she was.....


The above story is a figment of my fertile imagination. Any resemblance to any human being/s or situation past, present or future is purely coincidental. So whose fault was it that this tragedy happened? Could the tragedy have been avoided? Do leave comment if you wish. I would love to hear your views or your version of the ending! Thanks. Have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Monyet King MWS, are you trying to scare or trying to educate or trying to give your readers funny ideas ?

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Dr. Bala

    It is the first time I have written something like this :-(...there is an underlying message in it...:-)

    Inspired by something I read today :-)....

    So actually, it is to 'educate' and to pander to the fantasies of those who want to see Gloria terminated :-).

    So unlike me to be macabre but I thought I'd experiment :-).

    Thanks for reading and for being honest. Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Hahahahahaha... fantastic imagination and release my tension after accidentally bumped into an article this morning -hahahahhahaha MWS don't make my wife angry or else you are finito...kahkahkahkah......
    You are great friend!!!
    Hahhahahahha.... see my wife is still angry.
    Have fun writing...take care friend!!!

  1. says:

    Great "The above story is a figment of my fertile imagination."

    A Wonderful story indeed!

    A fertile imagination will prove a boon to bloggers.

    If we remove fertile, all becomes sterile.
    If we remove imagination, all collapses.
    Nothing would remain, only a long & lonely monotone of monotony.

  1. says:

    Village Boy Well said.

    Never underestimate the power of an extremely pissed off woman.

    Don't play play, man!

  1. says:

    Anonymous ~~ A henpecked husband is a domestic animal trained to wash up and dry up, but never to act up.

    ~~ A henpecked husband is the only species of worm that is afraid to turn.

    ~~ The man who won't admit he is henpecked, probably smokes a big cigar while washing the dishes.

  1. says:

    Anonymous What will a henpecked husband do if his wife habitually goes out of her way to find fault with him, to put him down and bully him?

  1. says:

    Nameless Fool Is the beautiful woman about to face something wicked? Will Harold be brought back under the control of Gloria?

    Only after I read your comment to Dr. Bala did I really understand the tale - if I do get it right.

    Enjoy your evening and weekend, Kak Wordsmith :)


  1. says:

    J Chan Has a henpecked husband ever asked himself, "Why does she always shout at me, scream at me, bark at me, bully me?"

  1. says:

    Ckw Two little kids were feuding. "My daddy can lick your daddy," shouted the first boy.
    "Really?" retorted the other. "You just wait till next year!"
    "Next year?" jeered the first. "Why, your daddy gonna take boxing lessons?"
    "No. Next year I'll probably have a new daddy."

  1. says:

    Selvi Rosmah said as a wife, she would look after her husband’s needs such as food, clothes and health.

    "So when he comes home, we watch tv together, we go out to dinner together. In short, we are best friends," she said.

    Malaysian women, what say you?

  1. says:

    Anonymous pls dun bury her in Jerusalem or she may resurrect after 3 days too !

  1. says:

    Catherine True love does not mean that one partner has to always give in to the other, or that the happiness of one can be built on the suffering of the other.

  1. says:

    Catherine Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it.
    Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it.
    Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.

    - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Wife, relaxing on sofa in disheveled living room, to home-coming husband : "It's Lincoln's birthday, dear - remember? He freed the slaves."

  1. says:

    Anonymous Weeping wife to husband, "For weeks I've been telling you not to buy me anything for my birthday, and still you forgot to get me something!"

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 7.24p.m.

    LOL!! I am glad to have humored you. Now you all know how gila I can be :-)!!!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Great

    :-) Thanks for the validating comment! Am so glad you like it. Sorry for the late publication of your comment and that of the others - power failure!!!

    Take care and have a lovely weekend.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    Haha!! True indeed!!

    I am woman - hear me rooooaaaRRRRR!!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.35pm

    Many thanks for those great quotations re henpecked husbands!

    Brilliant. Thanks for the great effort to embellish my post.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.45 pm

    Very good question indeed! Perhaps some readers can answer...

    If I were a man, I would do many things :-)...to get back my dignity and self-respect!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Fishfoot

    :-) I made it so subtle that I perceive not many did get the underlying message :-).

    I am trying out new ways of blogging - a case of nothing better to do to kill my boredom hehe...

    Thanks for reading and for the wishes, my dear.

    Catch up soon, sweetie!

    Hug and salam

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi J Chan

    That's a very good question indeed! Self-assessment is vital for self-improvement.

    Thanks for sharing your views...

    Have a good rest and take care! Keep in touch too.


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi CKW

    Wow! That one has a powerful underlying message! Thanks for sharing. Take care and do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Selvi

    Good one there! Thanks for sharing...I hope more lady readers will speak up on this...what is our role as women in society???

    Take care and have a restful evening. Stay in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 10.19pm

    The wicked will have to account for their misdeeds when they see their Maker...

    Take care and God bless you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Catherine @ 10.21 pm

    Very true indeed. Many are deceived by the Hollywood type of love till they lose sight of what is real and beautiful.

    May God bless you and fill your life with love and fulfilment.

    Take care and keep in touch!

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Catherine

    My thanks to you for that meaningful and contrasting message of love and hate.

    Take care and thanks for being an inspiration in my blog!

    Blessings to you and yours always

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.34pm

    Wow! That is a great comment! Thanks for sharing!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.43pm

    Aha - that is quite typical of some women haha! Thanks for sharing.

    Take care and please keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Arthur The wife who wears the pants in the house will invariably let the mistress of the husband wears the diamonds.

    Anyone who is so filthy rich via a lot of ill-gotten gains from contributors who loved to get some big chunky business from her husband, can purchase her own diamonds from overseas or get the diamonds from local retailers without paying for them.

    And who suffers and who benefits?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Arthur

    Very wise words you have shared here with us. Thanks so much. It is lovely to hear from you again and I hope you will continue to share your erudite views with us.

    Take care and have a nice day!


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