Posted by Unknown On Friday, February 26, 2010 36 comments
TRUTH is a five-letter word that is so powerful and yet, so heavy to carry - especially for some people who are blinded by their greed for money, power, status and fame. As we look around us in Malaysia, it seems that many have great difficulty in being true to themselves. I was prompted to write this post because of Chong's comment in response to my post on HAVE YOU GIVEN UP?

Truth is a problem to many because we hardly hear the truth anymore. MSM distorts truth and projects truth as perceived and defined by some. In reality, truth encompasses values such as honesty, sincerity, goodness, justice and integrity of character.

The sequence of damning scandals and controversies show us that core values of truth have been bulldozed to the ground! For many, they can stand and proclaim lies and sugar coat it so well that they themselves believe it is the truth. Some of the unenlightened ones fall prey to these lies because of many reasons.

Perhaps the most important one is that liars and evil persons cannot be true to themselves. They live in a different realm of existence and are not in harmony with reality or nature but in harmony with their self-constructed make-believe world or aspired Utopian-like existence that they THINK money can buy. Thus, they spin and lie through their teeth without batting an eyelid. They act and speak because they believe in what they would like to believe, and their actions are grounded on these distorted beliefs, even though they are fully aware that they are far away from the truth. In other words, they are so out of touch with themselves because they cannot be honest to themselves!!!

Truth-small Pictures, Images and Photos

Why? Many in our country feign ignorance because they rather not know as long as their greed can be satiated. They have no qualms about coping with or spewing lies. We see important characters proudly masking untruths via pseudo-talk, rhetoric, sloganeering laced with self-righteousness and false pride. They have the audacity to claim it is for the common good as if to seek accolades from the public while remaining insincere and untrue to themselves and their loved ones.

When people tell lies, we will know because of the tell-tale signs. Liars are filled with greed, jealousy, anxiety, tension, loathing and prejudice. Their words and actions are inconsistent and are open for all and sundry to see and to compare. There are enough examples from the Malaysian scenario to fill a book!

Deceitful and conniving liars cannot be fair and square. Much as they hate to admit it, they live in fear of those who speak the truth. They try to be at the top but through evil ways!!!

Honesty Pictures, Images and Photos

Those who mask the truth cannot win the respect of others. Instead, they receive brickbats and judgement from others. Many would not listen to them anyway! Such liars cannot be honest with themselves and can never be levelheaded. Neither can they think logically. Fearful of rejection, they try to reinforce their seats of power or worse still, partake in an expansion program!

People who cannot speak the truth are nothing but cowards! They are first class hypocrites and fake or distort many facts to fool themselves and others into believing in something to make themselves feel more secure in their evil world of lies.

It would be very difficult for such characters to be true to themselves because it requires guts - REAL guts to actually look closely at everything without lying to themselves. They cannot get on with life in a more mature and intelligent way because they are blinded by their evil cronies and agenda. And they are first-class cowards hiding behind many shields because they have no soul, spirit or conscience and are mere shells of humans with no heart for humanity.

Honesty = All Pictures, Images and Photos

So what will happen? This culture of lies will spread, evolve and more and more will be influenced - from the young to the old, rich to poor and we CANNOT LET THAT HAPPEN, can we?

Is it so difficult to speak the truth, and nothing but the truth? Seems like it....

Ultimately, they will have to explain to their Maker one day. God is their Judge.

In the mean time, let us persevere and continue to speak the truth in love.

Have a nice day and God bless you!


  1. says:

    Anonymous 2 kinds of politicians : one following the laws & the other following the gomen !

  1. says:

    Anonymous Umno is the fertile nursery of deviousness riding on the most shameless racism of the Neanderthal sort. It simply isn't sustainable by truth but by hypocrisy and lies.

    This lawyer wrote an excellent piece here, among others, about the umno's hollownwss, but you'll have to be invited to read his great blog:


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.59 p.m.

    What a saddening truth! Take care and God bless you.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Have a lovely weekend.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Their fuel is indeed hypocrisy, lies, myths, stereotypes and more.

    What a pity I could not access that blog which is locked.

    Thanks for letting me know about it.

    Take care and have a good day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Sis,

    It's great to read yr post & give comment. Thanks for giving high rate to my comment till it can prompt you to write this post.

    I wonder how this big group of people (some members of UBN)can ignore the teach of their religion till they can tell lie like drinking water? The fact is in front of them, but they still can deny it and spin it to their favour. While the whole world know the truth, but they still pretend nothing is going on, lei and lie.....Worse, they send 3 jokers to give speech in US . Again, Malaysia become the laughing stock of the world.

    The TRUTH will be out. The liars will be punished.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Chong

    Your comment this morning was EXCELLENT! It oozed with so much sincerity, emotion and indignation and more...all from a heart as sincere and earnest as yours.

    In fact, many times - I am prompted to write because of my reaction to readers' comments and thoughts because I know you all write from a heart that loves Malaysia.

    During such times, we have to encourage each other to stand up for truth and justice and know that we are not alone in this journey.

    Thanks so much, Chong! God bless you and yours. Take care and please keep in touch!!!

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    Nameless Fool Those in power put hooks in people's mouths to make sure they keep that power.
    I just kept remembering Megadeth's song 'Hook In Mouth'. It's more about censorship, but meh, the sickening acts of MSM and pro-BN media these days...

    Oh, and a little promotion for my fellow coursemate, if I'm allowed:

    "The Colour Of Ideas" - a stop-motion video he made. I find it cute at some parts, but to me it's mostly incredible.

    It's supposed to be screened at the KL Fringe Film Fest on 5th or 6th March, but well, for those not attending that fest, I think it's alright to let them see his work.

    On a side scatterbrain note, check out this quote from CLEO magazine; I just bought a copy today:
    "... we have to listen to what these politicians say throughout their term instead of only when the elections are close by."
    Neutral, but raises awareness.
    We're watching, we're listening...

    Have a nice weekend, Kak. Univ's starting next week, on the first day of the next month.
    Huh. No wonder my mom is in a spending mood today. End-o-month = salary time :D


  1. says:

    edward Dear MWS,

    In researching the meaning of truth, I found some quotations that I think are worth a closer reading.

    Hannah Arendt: Truthfulness has never been counted among the political virtues, and lies have always been regarded as justifiable tools in political dealings.

    Henri-Federic Amiel: Truth is not only violated by falsehood; it may be equally outraged by silence.

    Henry David Thoreau: It takes two to speak truth -- one to speak and another to hear.

    Best wishes.

  1. says:

    Anonymous And to think that the world emerged from the untold worldwide sufferings of innocence and sacrifices of good people of WW2 only to see this little backyard real estate of M'sia fall into the hands of now proven moral morons for 54 years afterwards!
    Abominable irony!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nerdcore

    What a wonderful and spontaneous comment you have shared with us, sweetie! I pray there are more Malaysian youth like you who can relate what they see with the disturbing events in our country.

    Thanks for sharing that cool video. Reminds me of my broadcasting days! Very progressive approach..please convey my congrats to your friend.

    Aha - with uni starting soon, does it mean I will be seeing less of you in my blog? sob sob...I hope not!

    Amboi! Adik being pampered by her mak!!! Lucky you - better give her lots of hugs and manja your mom :-).

    Take care and all the best for the new semester.

    Hugs and lots of salam

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Edward

    Thanks so much for taking the trouble to source out those brilliant quotations that broaden the scope of my post.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.

    May you and yours be blessed as you spend time together this weekend.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Indeed it is an abominable irony and regression!

    Moral morons - I like that phrase. Befits the neuron challenged fiends!

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a lovely weekend.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear MWS, like I wrote at Susan's:

    Morons speak without neurons
    Lost in their own impudence
    Spewing orally only put-ons
    Faking expertise without pertinence

    In aid of rooted deceit
    The slavish media abets
    These pronouncements of conceit
    Embellishing them like real assets


  1. says:

    Anonymous The fruits of Ketuanan - manifesting thus:
    Tyranny of the M’sian bureaucracy
    It's inevitable.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~


    Wow!!!!! That is simply brilliant!!! I am so so inspired! You are very gifted indeed!

    How I wish I can write such poetry. My poems are all love poems :-) - the sentimental me indulging myself haha.

    Take care and please write more!!!

    Thanks so much for sharing. We are blessed to have you comment here.

    Enjoy the rest of the evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    That article is very disturbing and saddening. Inevitable? I hope not although it is true...:-(.

    Thanks for sharing. Take care!


  1. says:

    student "Is it so difficult to speak the truth?"
    "Indeed it is!" oledie, especially the politicians ... unless they are old and have no tooth!
    Look at the world ... look at each and every country and you will know and understand what I mean,
    Never mind if my words are too strong bordering on the extreme!Even the MPs in UK abuse their privileges in so many ways,
    At least they have the courtesy to admit their abuses and many have to pay back ... these days!
    Even this student , at this old age, finds it very difficult to daily tell the truth, if he is to 'survive',
    BUT ONE'S HEART MUST BE OVERALL GOOD if one wishes to be'happy' and to 'peacefully thrive'!
    If one has no money, no food, no shelter, no support, is hungry, ... one has to temporarily tell some white lies to pull along,
    His heart may be undoubtedly good but, untruth he must resort to, to make himself 'energised' and a bit strong!
    To you ... a beautiful powerful writer with a most pleasing face ... this student in his mind's eye, visualises you as a righteous truthful 'Minister of Information',
    DO continue to write and disseminate to catch the fence-sitters, the undecided, the untruthful ones but whose heart is still good ... their attention!
    Your very meaningful easy-to-understand writings may win over many many hearts and die-hards,
    And they will change their ways ... discard RACISM, their KETUANAN attitude, their bigotedness and 'unsustainable pride-placards'!
    Truth is truth and a lie is a lie whether white, black or grey,
    My truth is unconventional and not ultimate ... and your truthful writings are one of the best ... to this very day!
    Student endeavours to speak the truth ... and with your sustained truthful writings ... PAKATAN will win,
    The rakyat will win, PAKATAN WILL WIN ... and we are cautiously and confidently that sure and that keen!

  1. says:

    QQ Does the truth always hurt?

    Come what may. Let's carry on majestically speaking out for truth and justice!

  1. says:

    Village Boy It's generally believed that words spoken from the heart have the power to change a person's life. They can even melt the icy walls of mistrust that separate people and nations.

    Let's extinguish the flames of hatred or mistrust of humankind.

  1. says:

    Anonymous TM & TNB are doing a 'great' job in many parts of this Bolehland.

    Guess what that is, ok?

  1. says:

    During this time, Pilate also had a conversation with Jesus recorded by John. Some parts overlapped with the account of Luke.

    "Pilate then went back inside the palace, summoned Jesus and asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews?"

    "Is that your own idea," Jesus asked, "or did others talk to you about me?"

    "Am I a Jew?" Pilate replied. "It was your people and your chief priests who handed you over to me. What is it you have done?"

    Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jews. But now my kingdom is from another place."

    "You are a king, then!" said Pilate. Jesus answered, "You are right in saying I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born, and for this I came into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to me."

    "What is truth?" Pilate asked. With this he went out again to the Jews and said, "I find no basis for a charge against him. "" (John 18:33-38)

    Why did the jews said that jesus was speaking an untruth / a falsehood and worst yet a lie - to the point that they even handed him out to dry ?

    To the buddhists what jesus said was really not the truth.

    To the christians what buddha said was nonsense.

    So is truth the same as reality ?

    If we know something to be true and yet say contrary to it then that's a lie.

    If we know something to be true, even though it is not accurate or wrong, we still have spoken the truth.

    We again arrive at epistemology. If we hold that our senses, reasons and logic to be supreme than we could easily be misled by others even if we believe it to be true. We open ourselves up to manipulation.

    Remember the 6 blindmen and incompleteness theorem ?

    Do test everything as you would test gold like what was advised in the kalama sutta and not just accept people's account as the truth.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Zambry said there might be a few Exco members currently who were less impressive in terms of their performance but he believed they were capable of improving their performance from time to time.

    Well, Zambry is telling the truth, isn't he?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Student

    My thanks to you for a very honest response to this post. God bless your sincere heart and willingness to acknowledge the subjectivity of truth instead of approaching it in a black or white manner.

    My appreciation to you too for your very kind, validating and most encouraging comments re my simple writing. I always believe that it is important to K.I.S.S. = Keep It Short and Simple. In this way, readers can understand what I am trying to say, remember and hopefully be persuaded to take the recommended action.

    Thanks for standing with me to hope and believe that PR will win.

    Take care! Do keep in touch. Here's wishing you the very best in your studies and may you and yours be blessed always.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    It hurts when they are running away from the truth or when they have done something wrong :-).

    Yes! We must persevere and always speak out for truth and justice!!!

    God bless you, QQ, for consistently encouraging and reminding us to be strong and unwavering in our quest for a better Malaysia.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy,

    How true are your words! Words have the power to build or to destroy. As such, we have to choose our words carefully and seek to build harmony and not distrust.

    Thank you for being a very supportive and considerate reader and commenter who thinks of the greater good of our nation.

    God bless you!


  1. says:

    Anonymous "I must dare to speak the truth, especially as truth is my theme."

    - Plato

    Just speak the truth, exactly as it is. That is more powerful than anything else. Though it may take time, eventually you will get through to others.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 5.28pm

    Very good play on words :-). Witty and yet speaking the truth so succinctly.

    To them, it is ok....but it is a different story for many others...

    Take care and have a lovely evening. Do take care and keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 5.29 p.m.

    Thank you for this excellent discourse and the advice therein.

    Who are you? How many I address you, sir? You are indeed a very erudite person with brilliant thinking skills that demonstrate distinction in your reasoning and persuasive skills. Thank you so much for adding value to my post with this wonderful comment.

    Take care! Do keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 5.36 pm

    Aha - in this case, we have to see who he was referring to, criteria used for assessment and how they can improve from time to time.

    I have yet to see the report for this topic. Thanks for the alert.

    Take care and have a great weekend.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 6.07pm

    Very true! It is even more challenging as the current climate sees truth and lies flying around and one would need tons of wisdom and discernment to make the right choices.

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Anonymous While we are proceeding on the path to a just society, let's share ONLY the truth with others.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 6.30 pm

    Definitely! I agree with you.

    Take care and God bless us all with wisdom and courage.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous Courage - this is the key to winning in life!

    God bless

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 7.14 pm

    Thanks for your encouraging words.

    During such challenging times, we need to pass the spark of hope that burns within us...

    God bless you!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear Masterwordsmith, wrt to the matter of Pontius Pilate(@ 5.29 p.m.)I could suggest that it is interesting to read the Apocrypha to discover how Pilate ended afterwards. It was not glorious. If its account are to be believed, ie. But I cannot find good reason not to, as it stood.

    IMO, this guy knew about Jesus' innocence yet succumbed to the demand of the Jewish elders out of political correctness.


  1. says:

    Anonymous IMO, this guy knew about Jesus' innocence yet succumbed to the demand of the Jewish elders out of political correctness.

    Some christians used this account(which was recorded in the bible) to prove that jesus was speaking the truth and that his claim of being the king, the son of God are not lies. These christians appealed to authority (a fallacy) to support their case but was pilate really an authority on jesus' claim ?

    Why did pilate made the pronouncement that jesus was NOT LYING ? To understand this we have to look at the context and philosophical thinking at that time. The nature of truth was well understood by the romans. Jesus truly believed that he was the king and the son of God and his utterance was not contrary to this belief and hence jesus was speaking the truth and pilate could find no wrong.

    So is truth relative ? Or is it a matter of perspective ?

    All truths arrived at through thoughts and reasons are tentative. If we understood this then there is space in our heart. With space there is then the possibility of understanding. With understanding there would be less judgement. Then love is possible.

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