Posted by Unknown On Thursday, February 25, 2010 17 comments
Dear reader, it has been a tough day for me. Reading the news daily has become an occupational hazard so to speak. I have spoken to quite a number of readers and friends and I know that many are disheartened and running out of bullets to shoot at the enemy even though they are shooting little arrows at so many targets both near and far. For a change, I thought I'd post an inspirational poem to inject some hope in our hearts. When I think of giving up sometimes, guess what makes me plod on? YOU, dear reader. Yes, YOU. Your comments, visits, emails, messages...All these give me hope and the will to carry on...And so dear reader, we must never give up - no matter how dark the day. Take care and do leave a comment if you wish to share your thoughts about the current situation or anything. I would love to hear from you. Have a lovely evening.


In that dark lonesome place
between a dream dreamed
and a dream realized,

I have left a little light for you
so you will know that someone cares
and believes in your dream.

Just where it becomes the most dark
and difficult to find your way,
there is the light I left for you.

It will light your way,
through the doubt, the confusion,
and the fears,

It will stay with you
all the way to the realization
of your dream.

And when your dream has come true,
please go back to that darkest place
where you have been,

And set the little light there to give heart
to the next sweet soul that braves the path
to his or her dreams.

Dreamers are the architects of greatness.
There wisdom lies within their souls.
Dream long enough and hard enough
and your dream can be attained.

-author unknown-

Let's dream of a better Malaysia and work towards achieving that dream!!!

17 comments to HAVE YOU GIVEN UP?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Whispering Hope ( skeeter davis )

    soft as the voice of an angel
    breathing a lesson unheard
    hope with a gentle persuasion
    whisper her comforting word
    wait till the darkness is over
    wait till the tempest is done
    hope for the sunshine 2moro
    after the shower is gone !

    ** whispering hope,
    oh how welcome thy voice ,
    making my heart in its sorrow
    rejoice **

    if in the dusk of the twilight
    dim be the region afar
    will not the deepening darkness
    brighten the glimmering star
    then when the night is upon us
    why should the heart sink away
    when the dark mid-nite is over
    watch for the breaking of day !

    MWS, cheer up ! (iwc)

  1. says:

    Anonymous I ceased buying the noosepapers and watching local TVs completely after the late eighties when the Internet arrived in time to save me from the constant insult to my intelligence. Imagine the angst that I gave felt since the NST came came into being and the Star got turned over in October '87!

    It's only now that the angst of many people are seen wrt to this stufefying info noose by the System but I guess it's better late than never.


  1. says:

    Starmandala Paula, what got me hospitalized in December was the cumulative toxic effects of prolonged immersion in local politics. It can be lethal. Please take time out and distance yourself - even if only for a couple of weeks - from sniffing the noxious 1Malaysian sewers! My friend R who was helping at MT had to take a long break because she was on an emotional downward spiral. She's okay now, and almost ready to re-enter the fray...

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear IWC

    Thanks for the encouragement! I learnt this song in primary school and it is certainly comforting to be reminded during this dark season.

    Take care and God bless your kind heart.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    I stopped reading the papers a month before March 8 2008 and only read independent online news portals You are lucky to have distanced yourself from MSM at a very early stage!

    Yet, the news that we read can be quite depressing indeed.

    You are right in that more and more are outraged by the nonsense that is being churned out....

    Take care and thanks for sharing your view. Do keep in touch.

    Have a good rest and God bless you.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Antares,

    Thanks so much for always been a beacon shining in the dark. Yes, I have distanced myself from various news sources and reports for the past few weeks which is why my blogging has taken a different form and style. It is toxic indeed and most depressing. Nonetheless, I will still keep the flame burning bright during these dark times to be in solidarity with my dear readers and to keep the good fight.

    Take care, dearest Antares. Thanks for being with me in spirit and for your love and concern.

    Hugs and much love to you and yours

  1. says:

    Anonymous Strangely , u r almost a quarter century my junior BUT singing those 2 of my girls-chasing songs !? pls video another one ,Massachusetts, ok?
    chaos never end ONE, cheer up ! (iwc)

  1. says:

    Anonymous aiyah, comment on wrong post , sorry !

  1. says:

    Unknown Huh? You are 25 years older than me????

    Wah - you must have chased many girls successfully!!!

    Thanks for the encouragement...Hopefully the madness ends soon!


  1. says:

    Unknown That is your trademark liau lah, IWC...LOL


  1. says:

    Anonymous NO, only 2 : 1st was puppy kind.
    2nd was helped out by late MIL ! (iwc)

  1. says:

    Unknown Wow - you have a good mother-in-law!!!


  1. says:

    Anonymous YES, she was !

  1. says:

    Unknown I just can't understand our ministers' mind and speaking. While the whole world know the truth, they still can spin the wrong to right and speak publicly, pretenting they are at the right side. They lie everyday like drinking water. What happen to their mind?

    I'm thinking are they human or animal or creature come from out space? In previous decade, they hide their tails, doing the wrong & speak the right. But, today, the just show us their tails that they are devil monsters that eat people at day time. They can tell the public that 1pm with sun at our head is called "night".

    I just wonder why our ministers mind are so sick and do not care about the rakyat that vote them into government? They took rm10 from rakyat and throw back rm1 to the rakyat, then tell the rakyat they care about rakyat. They think the malaysians are all stupid like cow?

    I just can't wait the government change is coming sooner. Although I'm very frustated with the situation now, but I will never give up till the next GE.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Chong

    What a brilliant comment you have shared with us! Thanks a bunch. You have given me the inspiration to write my next post...check it out in 30 mins...My response to your comment will be there :-).

    Take care and God bless your steadfastness!


  1. says:

    semuanya OK kot Remember our stalwarts like Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh who have been on the long, lonely road for decades. What about the Accountant Generals, and lesser whistle-blowers without whom chaos would have overtaken us long ago? What about the honest lowly-paid people, unsung but holding up the world in addition to bearing their own problems?

    In an age where some human lives matter less than that of some dogs, many withdraw into religion, but this only delights the manipulators. The background to hopes and fears is often egotistical, being linked to social "achievements" or pious "merit".

    "When it is dark enough, you can see the stars." - Ralph Emerson

    "Go placidly amidst the noise and haste. Speak your truth quietly, and listen to others. There will always be greater and lesser persons than yourself. The world is full of trickery but everywhere, life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Do not feign affection. Many fears are a form of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself." - Dr. Max Ehrmann, adapted

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Semuanya Ok Kot

    My appreciation to you for your very thought provoking comment. I am encouraged that there are Malaysians like you who think far and deep about the matters that concern us and have the heart to share so openly and sincerely.

    Thanks also for the meaningful quotations. I apologize for this late response as it slipped through the cracks.

    Take care and have a lovely weekend.

    God bless you. Please keep in touch!

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