Posted by Unknown On Thursday, February 11, 2010 8 comments
I grew up with the fairy tale ideal of romance and waited for my Prince Charming, for my knight in shining armor riding on a white stallion to sweep me off my feet. After reading so many love stories from the time I was 9 years old, I waited for that special One to pledge his eternal love to me and I thought by doing so, I would be happy. Is it that easy to find love? Does romance begin where our partner does everything with us in mind, and whose life revolves around us?

Let's consider our reaction when watching romantic movies. I tend to get teary and deeply moved by those types of films. I cried my eyes out when watching my favorite movie, Cinema Paradiso, and know that movie producers are well aware of the gamut of emotions that we go through when thinking about love.

Think about our behavior in a relationship. Very often, we get upset when our partner doesn’t do what we want, when you we want it, with us first and foremost in their mind. Many quarrels can happen when your partner doesn’t see things our way, or when they make plans that don’t revolve around us. The worst cases I have seen would be how some try to control them and make them behave the way they want them to behave, even how they dress and talk.

With Valentine's Day round the corner, I thought it worthwhile to consider our core beliefs about love. At my age, I have come to realize that no one can make us happy, solve our problems or entertain us when we are sad. Unhappiness could be due to the lack of self-love and the tendency to look for love and comfort externally. Successful relationships in life are those between happy and fulfilled people who selflessly share their lives with their partner, to whom they can unreservedly express their love with no conditions attached.

Love is not a state of neediness where we look for a partner to save us from boredom or to complete us in some way. Truly, if we cannot love ourselves, it’s unlikely that someone else is going to love us. There is a likelihood that some may take advantage of us if they know we are in a needy state. If we love ourselves completely and fully then our partners will follow suit.

As Valentine's Day approaches, I believe that the best gift we can give ourselves would be to honor, respect and love ourselves fully regardless of whether we have a partner now or never. We are complete and whole beings and we should live our lives to express our love without focusing on hunting for love. Let us enjoy the best Valentine’s Day by celebrating ourselves and our expression of unconditional love for our loved ones with joy, energy and vigor - no questions asked about what's the gift, where's the dinner or any other insignificant questions. What matters is love and the now of the moment.

Celebrate life today and always! Enjoy the following video clip by The Marmalade - Reflections of My Life. Have a nice day!


  1. says:

    stephen OK the cynic writing here.What is love? Other than sexual attraction, which is the basic instinct,to most it has to be the element of physical attraction.You don't see nerdy joes or plain janes on the cover of barbara cartland novels that women swoon over.Neither do you dream of your hunk riding a donkey!

    So,what is physical attraction?-its nature's way of ensuring that healthy individuals mate and their offspring will be without any deformities.It's been proven that when a woman is ovulating, she is attracted to alpha males.That is how nature makes it.

    When man evolved gradually and our thinking skills improved,we can reason beyond those animal instincts and keep them in check.
    Now,we throw in commitment,financial security,companionship and mental stimulation into the equation.Teens confuse physical and sexual attraction and place them on a higher plane than the other prerequisites.
    As we mature and more blood gushes up north(!),we are able to reason out and put a more balanced perspective on love.

    So what is this thing called love? It is a mix of animal instincts and complex emotions in varying ratios depending on gender,age and occasion.

    To the diehard love addict- it is never having to say you're sorry?!!

    Finally, what is matrimony? The secret is unveiled when you break the single word into three- matter of money!!

  1. says:

    stephen OK OK now the other side of fav songs of all time wrt love.



  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Stephen

    This is me the dreamer-idealist writing here.

    Whilst I agree that physical attraction is important, I believe intellectual compatibility surpasses the external veneer of beauty.

    I have seen knockouts who ended up with nerds whilst Adonis-like hunks ended up with plain Janes. A good example is my husband and yours truly LOL!

    At the same time, I believe love can happen in the most unexpected circumstances to the most unsuspecting people. My friend, a restaurant owner fell in love with his wife, a university student, who was working for him in his kitchen!

    I believe love is that unexplainable feeling that you know he/she is just the right one for you. Period. Then as you get closer to that person, the magnetism is all-encompassing every single area of your life - your real and dream worlds, your hopes, aspirations, and that person brings out the best in you and vice versa.

    Words need not be spoken and both know exactly how the other feels, wants and then the consummation of that relationship just blows your mind to smithereens confirming the fact that yes, both were made to love the other.

    To me, the pinnacle of love is physical union BUT in modern society, people tend to focus on physical union FIRST before other considerations. I surmise that this is the main reason of many breakups...

    So what does it mean to love?

    I believe it is the outpouring of emotions on another person because you want the best for him/her, love them to the borders of insanity whereby your heart and being swells with so much emotion at his/her proximity, and would do the utmost to ensure that the other is look for ways in which both can move in harmony and synchrony for personal development and fulfilment and to know that yes, this is the one who was made for you to love...

    Sighs. I know. I am a hopeless case.

    Matrimony? It is the commitment to stay together even if things are rough. It is the legally-binding relationship which reminds us that when love is strained, time to refill, and that we love in spite of, procreate to behold the beauty of another being who is the product of the biological union to be reminded that life and love are precious gifts that we have been given, and we can give to each other, and one another...

    only because we love. And love survives IN LOVE!

    Here's sth for you and the other readers...



    Wishing you and all readers a lifetime filled with love!!


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Stephen

    What a coincidence! I posted "TRACES" in my facebook profile last week - but I put up a different version from the one you listed here. Still, thanks! I sang this song and "I'll Never Find Another You' most broken-heartedly when I lost my first love!

    2nd clip - reminds me of my dad!!! LOL!!

    Awww- third clip - my fav when I was like in Std 5!!!

    Thanks for sharing!!!

  1. says:

    Catherine A kiss is a pleasant reminder that two heads are better than one.

    Have a nice day!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Catherine,

    What a lovely thought you have shared with us!

    Thanks a lot! Have a great day and have a great holiday season!


  1. says:

    ahyam To a most beautiful red rose with a most beautiful face,
    The more this oldie reads your articles the more he just can't keep up with your race and pace!
    You wrote 'one cannot stop just loving someone even if he or she has passed on',
    Are you really 100% sure my sweetie dear!
    Aiyo you are so sentimentally sweet, so balanced and unbelievably so romantic,
    And you are also a very good writer and a 'smart, credible kind-hearted politician' who makes every reader tick!
    May the 'politician' reconsider to dabble in politics,
    Good for the rakyat, good for the nation and good for the motherland,
    May your 'reflections on love' translate and transcend to that love for all living beings!
    May this oldie shower all the loving-kindness to (you)the loving one so experienced and rich with love,
    And may that precious 'commodity' in you be always full to the brim!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahyam

    Thsnk you do much for your overflowing praises and encouragement. I am taken aback by your generous comments but am touched you took the trouble t seriously consider my sentimental thoughts in this post and the other one too.

    Yes, I am very sure one cannot stop loving even beyond death!

    Er I am not really that good a writer - just so-so - an ordinary old lady with nothing better to do than to write to kill boredom and to keep mentally agile...

    Thank you so much for your wishes for me...and for this nation. Hope these will be fulfilled and by then, Oh what a wonderful world it would be...

    May you have a blessed life too, one filled with showers of blessings and moments of love with your dearest loved ones...

    Gong Xi Fa Cai!

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