Posted by Unknown On Sunday, February 28, 2010 19 comments
“Boys , do you know what is the most important thing to have as an adult?” came this seemingly innocuous question from our school master. Some said money, others cheekily replied girlfriends.

When no right answer was forthcoming and the pupils had exhausted all clues, “the most important thing to have as an adult is trust, because if you don’t have trust you don’t have anything” came the reply to a hushed classroom.

This lesson in life has been with me since then, it taunts me when I regress and barks at me when I transgress.

Trust is an all encompassing word. This simple word that is sometimes used frivolously by some ,shapes our life and how we live it. Without trust, there is no credibility and no reliability.

A doctor will lose his patients and a banker will lose his clients if trust is missing.

To be trustworthy means to have the salient qualities of honesty and integrity, they are inseparable and the bedrock of how we must shape our lives around.

Trust holds a great significance to the man on the street and more so to the people in positions of power.Without trust, everything breaks down. Nobody will believe what is written in the papers, rumours become truth, fact becomes fiction and it fosters the blossoming of a generation of skeptics , hard to please and difficult to convince- sound familiar?

Criminals to even boy scouts follow their own code of conduct of which trust forms the crux of their credo.Imagine that.Then we ask ourselves ,do politicians and those in positions of power have a similar code of conduct too? If so, then why are there so many disturbing events of late?

What politicians don’t understand is that when one crucial issue is swept under the rug, and covered up,this inevitably starts the fall off the precipice.And it becomes ever harder to get back up on to the straight and narrow road .Try convincing a whole population of skeptics!

Rumours,facts,incidents or issues when they crop up should be investigated without fear or favour.The people have to be kept in the loop, no stone must be kept unturned.Why? because of the all important word, TRUST. A very simple precept but surprisingly difficult for some.

Trust Pictures, Images and Photos

Trust, so difficult to attain yet so easy to lose. A precious lesson in life learnt in a chalk filled classroom on a hot steamy afternoon and one I will carry for the rest of my life.

I just wish more people would.

The above post was sent to me by a reader who prefers to call himself/herself Mysterious Reader. Do leave a comment if you wish to share your thoughts. I have errands to run and may not be able to release/respond to comments immediately. Thanks for your patience and understanding in this matter. Readers are welcome to send me their writings and it will be a pleasure for me to post it in my blog. You can send your works to
Thanks! Have a nice day.

19 comments to TO TRUST AGAIN?

  1. says:

    Village Boy I strongly believe that we can only trust others if we trust ourselves first.

    Have a beautiful Sundy

  1. says:

    Anonymous “Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”

    ~~ William Shakespeare

  1. says:

    Penangite Without trust, there is nothing.
    Without trust, words become the hollow sound of a wooden gong.

  1. says:

    Hafiz b Shukor Please trust me, just for once.
    PAS will not field Ibrahim Ali in next general election.

  1. says:

    Tak Malu That Pasir Mas Katak, Ibrahim Ali has lost our trust and respect, yet he is still clinging on tightly to his seat, hopping from one party to another, while promising heaven.

  1. says:

    QQ The truth is inviolable. The truth is the truth and nothing can change that. We need to fight resolutely against insidious attempts to twist and hide the truth.

    Happy Chap Goh Meh

  1. says:

    Jelapang Voter The circus is no longer a popular entertainment in this Bolehland for the simple reason that the politicians have somehow taken over its importance!

    Neverthess, the comedy or 'sandiwara' has gradually gone stale as frustration takes over, engulfed by the feeling of betrayal in the trust placed on these politicians.

    So, it is time to say enough. It is about time to go back to serious governing. It is time to live by the rule of law as the politicians often champion.

    Yes, enough is enough! We do not need the political clowns anymore.

  1. says:

    Anonymous "To be trustworthy means to have the salient qualities of honesty and integrity, they are inseparable and the bedrock of how we must shape our lives around."

    Masterwordsmith, when one is perfectly self sufficient and want/need nothing (rather desperately) from someone and one already has established salient qualities of honesty and integrity in one's self, that placid mental state precludes oneself from being betrayed or conned by others.

    What do you think?


  1. says:

    Catherine Never be arrogant.
    Never disrespect others.
    Arrogant and contemptuous people will suffer strict retribution.
    Bad deeds will never prosper.
    This is a timeless truth.

    Trust me.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    Agree! Very wise words that you have shared here. If we cannot trust ourselves, how can we trust others?

    Have a lovely evening, Vilage Boy.

    God bless!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 1.27pm

    Wow!!! I did not know Shakespeare said that...Thanks for sharing such powerful words!

    Take care and do keep in touch.

    God bless you always.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Penangite

    Very true. If we cannot trust people, we are not giving substance to our communication. All would be empty words indeed.

    However, to gain trust, we must be trustworthy too.

    Take care and God bless you!

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Saudara Hafiz

    That I am sure too!! There is unspoken trust and confidence in that hope.

    Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Tak Malu

    Frogs have thick skins...they can hop all over, croak loudly for attention come rain or shine, but no matter what they do - frogs will still be frogs! :-)

    Take care and continue to be steadfast in your cause for a better nation.

    Do keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    How true are your words!

    Deceitful and deceptive ones merely distort and hide the truth. Sometimes, they even portraya leis as truth!!

    During such times, we need wisdom and caution to test what we read, see and hear lest we be fooled.

    Enjoy your Chap Goh Meh!

    Take care and God bless you.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Jelapang Voter

    Thanks for sharing your witty and perceptive comment. Most appropriate analogy that you have shared there of the circus!!!

    What we need is not clowns or acrobatic acts but truly - serious and committed responsible governance!

    Let us continue to work together to keep the flame burning brightly.

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and please keep in touch.

    God bless you.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Brilliant comment that you have shared with us once again, ~wits0~. Thanks a bunch!!!

    I agree with you.

    When we are at peace with ourselves, when we are independent, satisfied and focused as to what we want and intend to do/achieve in life, it should be a steadfast and steady journey. No wolf in sheep's clothing or wool from any sheep can deceive us!

    Thanks for the thought-provoking thought.

    Take care. Please continue to infuse my blog and our lives with your enlightened views and inspiring thoughts.

    Have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Catherine

    Yes, I trust you because you speak the truth from a sincere heart. We should live in such a way that we maximize our potential and leave behind a legacy by which we can be remembered.

    God bless you always, dear Catherine. Thanks for being such a steadfast and regular reader and commenter who never ceases to infuse wisdom and inspiration into our lives via your comments.

    We are blessed by you and may God bless you in return.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Trust is at different level.

    We can trust another if we perceive the person to be trustworthy.

    Trustworthiness of a person is a function of the person's integrity and honesty.

    At a different level, trustworthiness could also be a function of the person's competency. We can't and won't trust a plumber to repair the engine in our car.

    Our perception of trustworthiness then become the basis of our trust or distrust in others. Cynicism that came from much of the hard-knocks of life make us distrustful and in so doing separates us from others.

    Sometimes we wanted to trust others because we felt a need to be close to others and in the process open ourselves up to hurt.

    There is a better way to approach life and that is neither trust nor not trust. The middle way to life - the path of peace, of acceptance and of creative dynamism.

    Be like the cloud ;-)

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