Posted by Unknown On Saturday, March 20, 2010 4 comments
I was filled with much sadness when I read the NYT report by Rachel Donadio, Alan Cowell and Eamon Quinn (reporting from Vatican City, Paris and Dublin respectively) about a sex abuse scandal that spread across Europe, including Germany. There, Pope Benedict XVI apologized directly and personally to victims and their families in Ireland, expressing “shame and remorse” and saying “your trust had been betrayed and your dignity has been violated.”

I feel very sorry for the victims of the abuse that went on for DECADES and the fact that they have had to live with this for the greater part of their lives in silence and in pain. When they had the courage to speak up, they met a cold wall of disbelief. I truly pray that the victims will go through the process of inner healing. Sadly, he did not specifically speak of the form of punishment.

Excerpt from the report:

His message, in a long-awaited, eight-page pastoral letter to Irish Catholics, seemed couched in strong and passionate language. But it did not refer directly to immediate disciplinary action beyond sending a special apostolic delegation to investigate unspecified dioceses and religious congregations in Ireland. Moreover, it was, as the Vatican said it would be, focused particularly on the situation in Ireland, even as the crisis has widened among Catholics in Ireland, Austria, the Netherlands and Germany.

“You have suffered grievously and I am truly sorry. I know that nothing can undo the wrong you have endured. Your trust has been betrayed and your dignity has been violated,” the pope told Irish victims and their families. ...

Nowhere in the letter did Benedict address the responsibility of the Vatican itself. Many victims’ groups have criticized the Vatican for not recognizing the depth and scope of the abuse crisis sooner. Nor did he use the term punishment, or spell out any consequences for clergy or bishops who had not upheld canon or civil law. Indeed, he laid blame firmly with Irish Catholic leaders.

“I can only share in the dismay and the sense of betrayal that so many of you have experienced on learning of these sinful and criminal acts and the way church authorities in Ireland dealt with them,” he said. Addressing a section of his letter to abusers, the pope said they must “answer for it before Almighty God and before properly constituted tribunals” urging them to pray for forgiveness, “submit yourselves to the demands of justice, but do not despair of God’s mercy.” He did not specify the nature of the tribunals. CLICK HERE to read more.

Please leave a comment if you wish to share your thoughts or views. Thanks. This evening, let us remember in our prayers the victims of this abuse in Ireland and other parts of the world. Take care and have a restful evening.

4 comments to SHOCKING NEWS!

  1. says:

    edward Dear MWS,

    I share your grief and sadness. It also brought back to my mind memories of the sexually abused child I had met a few years ago. The lost, confused and fearful state she displayed is still fresh in my memory.

    Why? The evil that men do? What drives these seemingly good and godly people to do such things? The world is not safe anymore when such crimes can occur in the pious sanctity of a holy institution. As parents we have to be on a constant vigilance. We need to, there is no other choice at all. Its better to be safe than sorry.

    Take care.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Edward

    Many thanks for your sensitive and compassionate response to this saddening news. To think that such brutal acts were carried out on innocent children for DECADES by people whom the parents and children trusted, not forgetting the trauma they must have gone through during and after the experience.

    Indeed parents have to be vigilant when looking after their children and to be very careful about whom they trust to take care of their loved ones.

    Take care and may God keep you and yours safe and sound always.


  1. says:

    ahoo Jesus warns about false teachers who are wolves in sheep's clothing. Jesus says a wise man obeys God's Word.

    For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error. 2Pet 2:18

    We lived in a fallen and sinful world but that doesn't give us any right to do seemingly evil things. We cannot just simmply trust anybody with our young ones. Even in national training camp we heard of cases of rape & sexual abuses and even death. In fact there are no safe place left for our kids as even in gated community, the playground is not totally safe.

    This is the price we pay for modernisation and people are more and selfish. Many are ungodly and without any fear for anything thus causing them to behave in ways unthinkable and are perverts. In any case, we are more than conqueror through Him who strengthens us and keep us under His bosom. God bless you.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Many thanks for your timely reminders about the harsh reality of this fallen and cruel world we live in. At the same time, thank you for the warnings and reassurances of God's loving protection over us.

    I truly appreciate your thoughtful and sensitive comments that reflect a heart that abounds for love because you see people through His eyes and not your own.

    Thank you for giving another dimension of understanding to this post. Take care and God bless you in your ministry and family life.


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