Posted by Unknown On Sunday, March 14, 2010 26 comments
When 2,108 signatures can be collected in only two days from constituents residing around the Bayan Baru market and Tapak Pesta area in Sungai Nibong, Penang asking Bayan Baru Parliamentarian Datuk Mohd Zahrain Hashim to vacate his seat before Parliament reconvenes on March 15, what can he do?


Walk like a man, talk like a man and leave that seat like a man!!!

The people have spoken and it is clear that they want him OUT OUT OUT!!! like the candle in Shakespeare's Life's Brief Candle poem.

Yesterday, he had proclaimed to Malaysiakini HERE that he would not relinquish his position as MP. He stressed that he did not betray the voters and would continue serving the constituents as he had informed the Parliament speaker of his status as an independent MP. He said that PKR members should know that he not an MP for the party but MP for the people.

Well, 2108 Bayan Baru constituents have spoken. I am sure more would have spoken if the signature campaign had been stretched over a longer period! Now what?

Datuk Zahrain had better realize that our human life is short. Our life is like a flickering candle blowing in the wind. It may get blown out at any time. Life is only temporary and can be a journey to a dark end if we lie to ourselves. By then, life would be overcast by the darkness that lies within our hearts. And then life would be sometimes meaningless if we live out a dream that does not exist because we created a living nightmare of our own.

Instead of hanging on to his position, I urge him to resign and walk out with dignity to make the most out of his life because life is short. He must always have a purpose in life and earnestly and sincerely desire to do good to others. Life will be more meaningful this way even if it means not having status, prestige or money because at the end of the day, he will have dignity and integrity all of which will mean he leaves a legacy for his descendants that they can be proud of!!!

Regardless of whatever excuses or reasons he may give, the fact remains that he betrayed the trust of the people who voted for the party. Some may have voted for him but most would have voted for the party and their voices are ringing loud and clear so walk like a man, talk like a man and leave like a man!

After all that is happened, it is the least he can do to make his constituents happy.

Update: I have just been alerted by Penangite (bless your heart) of a report in TheStar HERE that during a lecture on The Future of the Malays at Bangunan Tabung Haji in Bayan Lepas yesterday, Bayan Baru PKR Youth chief Ahmad Azrizal Tahir walked in to hand Zahrain a memorandum containing 25,000 to 30,000 signatures of constituents in Bayan Baru seeking Zahrain’s resignation as MP. So it is clear what he should do next. He can put to rest his plan to set up an “Independent Caucus” for the seven MPs who left their parties and use it as a platform to continue with their political struggles and service to the people. Let's see if he will walk, talk and exit like a man now that so many have spoken in black and white. Don't play play with Penangites in Bayan Baru!

Please leave a comment if you wish to share your thoughts and views. You can read more HERE. Thanks! Have a lovely evening! Special thanks to reader Penangite who alerted about this news.

26 comments to WALK, TALK AND EXIT LIKE A DIGNIFIED MAN *updated*

  1. says:

    Penangite Zahrain floats plan for Independent Caucus

    ~~ The Star Online, Sunday March 14, 2010

    GEORGE TOWN: The seven MPs who left their parties recently may set up an “Independent Caucus” and use it as a platform to continue with their political struggles and service to the people

    The lecture was earlier interrupted when Bayan Baru PKR Youth chief Ahmad Azrizal Tahir walked in to hand Zahrain a memorandum containing 25,000 to 30,000 signatures of constituents in Bayan Baru seeking Zahrain’s resignation as MP.

    Ahmad Azrizal said the constituents felt cheated by Zahrain who had contested on a PKR ticket.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Four Seasons - Walk Like A Man :

    Ooh, walk, walk, walk, walk
    Ooh, walk like a man
    Oh, how you tried
    To cut me down to size
    Telling dirty lies to my friends
    But my own father said
    Give her up don’t bother
    The world isn’t coming to an end
    He said it, walk like a man
    Talk like a man
    Walk like a man my son
    No woman’s word
    Walking on the earth
    So walk like a man, my son
    Ooh, walk, walk, walk, walk



  1. says:

    Apa Nama Zahrain quit PKR out of frustration with the party’s struggle and loss of confidence in the party’s advisor, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

    Can you trust his words?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Zahrain is the pain
    What the heck
    This being so plain
    On this speck

    People must not Layan
    A droughty stain
    Straddling this good Bayan
    Betrayal is such a nasty taint

    Break the torporic spell
    Call to the sea breeze
    Have this pall dispelled
    Remove his evil squeeze.


  1. says:

    Kenneth If Zahrain has any shred of principle or conscience left in him, he should resign and let democracy take its natural course.

  1. says:

    mamasita I am a staunch UMNO member..however I personally feel that any MP or Adun who stood for election that day under a political platform should resign if he decides to leave the party..where's his conscience??

    Shame on him..real muka tak malu..its not his for him to keep!

    Thats called cheating!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Zahrain, be a man!
    Resign and vacate your seat. Let the voters of Bayan Baru decide if they still want a shameless frog to be their wakil rakyat.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Penangite

    Thanks for the alert! I have updated my post with the relevant information and a brief comment too. Many thanks for your alerts. Appreciate your thoughtfulness. Take care and please keep in touch!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi ~wits0~

    I can imagine you must have been singing the song while reading the post :-). Thanks for the lyrics! I love this song sooooooooo much!!!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Apa Nama

    I believe we judge a man by his actions which speak louder than words :-).

    What do you think?

    Take care and thanks for the quotation! Have a lovely evening.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Wow!!! Your literary and creative juices are at max level today!! Simply brilliant! Thanks so much for sharing! Think the secret must have been the Frankie Valli song :-),Just kidding.

    Please sir, can we have some more???

    Take care and have a lovely evening!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Datin

    I always have the greatest respect for you and Dato' because of your fair perspective of issues and people. Sorry I have not been commenting much anywhere these days. But I will get around to it soon....However, I do read your writings and Dato's as well :-).

    Thank you for your fair comment. I appreciate the sentiments expressed and am thankful there are Malaysians like you who love justice and integrity.

    Take care and have a lovely week with your beloved family. Stay in touch, ya?


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Kenneth

    Truly, I agree with with you and believe the same applies to all the others who have jumped ship!

    There should be a clause about this soon, I hope.

    Take care and thanks for airing your views. Have a lovely evening!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 5.38pm

    Thanks for your call that comes from a heart that loves integrity and fairness. God bless you and yours always. Do keep in touch.

    Have a lovely evening.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous The people : "We can fight!"



  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Oh my goodness!!!!!! Thanks so much for this Ennio Morricone clip. I had forgotten all about this movie and the songs...I love cowboy and westerns and this was one of my favorites!!! And now my family will have to listen to this the whole evening haha!!!

    Thanks again!!! What a treat - the sound quality is brilliant!!!


  1. says:

    Boleh Man A strong fighter is never angry, and a victor is never afraid.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Boleh Man

    How true! In all circumstances, a victor will face challenges eyeball to eyeball. Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Yes, Zahrain. Never never never ever play play with Penangites in Bayan Baru!

    Please exit gracefully from the political scene.

    Damn shame!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 7.09pm

    Thank you for expressing your outrage! I hope more will sign the petition and voice their discontent.

    Take care and God bless you!


  1. says:

    Very Sad Malaysian politicians are an amazing lot, with a competency level matching that of orang utans!!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Very Sad

    Sighs. Signs of changing times...changing values, systems etc. Very sad indeed. But, we must not be disheartened but we have to persevere and hold on to our dream.

    Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Very Sad 25,000 to 30,000 constituents in Bayan Baru have asked Zahrain to resign. Surely this sounds GREAT!

    But, the question remains : Will he?

  1. says:

    LC Teh This one prefers to walk like a neanderthal, talk like a neanderthal and climbs back into his chair like a neander....

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Very Sad

    I am not sure if the Star report is true because Susan said in her blog it is only 2108 signatures. I wonder how the star newspaper got that figure.

    I still wonder if he will resign.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear LC Teh

    Love your comment! Take care! Do keep in touch and have a lovely week.


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