Posted by Unknown On Saturday, March 20, 2010 3 comments
The most frequent complaint of public hospitals is the long waiting list. Do you know that the Ministry of Health (MOH) has introduced the Full Paying Patient (FPP) scheme in 4 public hospitals in Malaysia. They are the Hospital Sultan Bahiyah in Alor Setar, Hospital Serdang and Hospital Sg. Buloh in Selangor and Hospital Sultan Ismail in Johor. This will be expanded to more hospitals soon. The FPP scheme allows doctors in government service to charge full fees to those patients who can afford it. Where do the lower income group, the Government servants and retirees go to get subsidized specialist treatment? Will they be pushed behind the line of the FPP queue? What will this do to the already long waiting list to see a government specialist?

Are you paying up to RM3000 in medical insurance every year and still have the nagging fear that this may not be enough cover when you need it most? The MOH has approved 43 new health tourism licenses to private hospitals. Medical centres are buying and trying to outdo each other in buying expensive high tech equipment. Private hospitals are adding more and more frills to their services. There is a lack of control by the authorities in the hospital charges. Will private health care be out of the reach of most locals and only affordable to the rich medical tourists?

What do you know about the 1Malaysia Clinic and its impact to you?

Not everyone is using public health care. But at the rate private health care costs are escalating, the day of affordable private health care may be out of reach of many people very soon. Come to this forum and find out what’s ailing our health care system.

HEALTH FOR ALL ( WHO declaration)

Excerpt from HERE:

In 1977, the World Health Assembly decided that the major social goal of governments and WHO should be the attainment by all people of the world by the year 2000 of a level of health that would permit them to lead a socially and economically productive life.

In 1981, the Assembly unanimously adopted the Global Strategy for Health for All by the Year 2000. This was the birth of the “Health for All” movement.

“Health for All” does not mean an end to disease and disability, or that doctors and nurses will care for everyone. It means that resources for health are evenly distributed and that essential healthcare is accessible to everyone.

It also means that health begins at home, in schools, as well as the workplace, and that people use better approaches for preventing means that people recognise that ill health is not inevitable and that they can shape their own lives and those of their families from the avoidable burden of disease.

This month the Sembang-sembang Forum are discussing health care issues. YB Dr. Jayakumar ( MP Sg. Siput ) will speak on problems in the Health Care Services. Details are as follows:

What Is Wrong With Our Health Care System?


*Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj (MP Sg. Siput, Parti Sosialist Malaysia)

*Dr. T. Jayabalan (Worker’s Health & Safety, Penang)

*A Witness Account

Date: Saturday 20 March 2010 (2.30pm)

Venue: Penang Caring Society Complex
Jalan Utama, Penang.
(next to Governor’s Residence)
All are welcome. FREE admission.

If you are in Penang this afternoon, please come for the forum.

Please CLICK HERE to read more. You can also read the post I wrote on this topic called Health Care Issues in Malaysia. Do leave a comment if you wish to share your thoughts on this topic. Thanks! Have a nice day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Very true indeed. I wish I had the expert knowledge re the background of many related issues. There is a lot to read and an intricate web to untangle but I hope to learn more via more research and reading. Do enlighten us, ~wits0~. Thanks for your civic-conscious comment to help us be aware of issues at hand. Have a lovely weekend!


  1. says:

    ahoo In the quest to achieve developed nation status with vision 2020, many institutions were privatized.
    Sadly healthcare was one of those and with privatization it slowly turns into piratization.

    With warlords lording over the many unnegotiated contracts and given exclusive rights to supply all drugs and medications etc. the prices of service goes sky high.

    Take the case of UMMC as case study. This is still under the hand of the govt. But various charges are much higher than before as the medications and drugs are mostly not subsidised now. If you are a govt servant, all is fine but the poor public need to pay more.

    Furthermore, if your case is an emergency, you may opt for UMSC (UM Specialist Centre)and the service is privatized. The doctors there are all specialist and not to forget that the charges too will be special.

    If you cannot afford the specialist charges, you will have to wait for your turn (many months waiting list)till the slot is available for operation. Many waited and wasted their lives on earth as certain disease like cancer don't wait with you. Instant sugery is required in some urgent case.

    Thus, if you are not wealthy always keep yourself healthy in order to avoid hospitalization. It may cost you a hand and a limb. For I'd just returned from UMSC and the cost of accomodation alone has risen by over 30% since 2006. Not sure of the other charges as yet until the final bill for mum is settled.

    If a nation cannot provides decent healthcare, basic quality education and a peaceful environment for existent, this govt has had failed us all. The choice is clear that if a govt is not for its people, then the people need to look for a better govt that can govern well. Cheers !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thanks for sharing about this issue from your heart! I can see from your detailed comment that you are speaking from experiences that you wish you never had to go through.

    I sincerely hope that your mom is much better and that the medical bill was not too high.

    What you said in the last paragraph rings true and echoes the sentiments of YB Dr. Jeyakumar.

    Health care issues warrant more attention and not many, especially the poor, know about the many challenges ahead of us.

    The time has come for people to effect change in very clear and concrete ways.

    Take care and may you and yours have a blessed weekend.


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