Posted by Unknown On Saturday, May 8, 2010 30 comments
Have you often wondered about how as Malaysians, we are unconsciously compelled NOT to face reality in the name of unity? We may gripe in the privacy of our home but out there in society, it is a different ball game altogether because of many reasons.

A good example would be the component parties of BN, in particular, MCA. We all know that they have expired their life span and they live like Zombies walking in the land of the living dead while on the pretext of working for the good of Chinese, lobbying for Chinese support of BN when they do not receive much respect for their docile stand in standing up for their community.

Another area is at work or even in the education industry where we see how despite the radical differences in performances, the best do not always get the best. While many of these differences are essential to the survival and progress of the human race, one begins to question whether we ARE an egalitarian* society or are there some who have exclusive rights that are theirs alone all of which seem to indicate that we are simply unequivocally divided?

Through the power of government, we are supposed to get the brightest and the best to make decisions for other people but what happens when we don't get quality in leadership in terms of character, expertise and morals? What type of decisions would they be making for the rakyat? What type of governance would we get then?

Experts in the study of the brain may say that some abilities develop greatly at the expense of other abilities. For example, some talents are developed by neglecting others. Some musicians may not have had a college education, because the demands of the two things are just too great. Therefore, for both biological and social reasons, the only way for everyone to be equal would be for us to be equal at a lower level of ability than what some people are capable of in some things and other people are in other things.

However, what happens when the desire for equality turns from a don quixotic kind of hope to a blind ideological pursuit in politics? Some launch feeble attempts to create even the mere semblance of "equality" which is virtually impossible because the concentration of power is in the hands of only SOME political leaders. Historically, we can see that once concentrated power is put into the hands of SOME political leaders, they can use it for whatever purpose they have in mind, regardless of what others had in mind when they granted them that power.

Is this what is happening around us?

What happens then when elected representatives become the pawns in a political chess game? Certainly, this is a high price to pay for letting demagogues stir up our negative feelings and then to have the audacity to befuddle us with promises for greater equality while some campaign to guard their already protected turf!

The crux to many existing problems is racism - a form of collectivism: the belief that an individual's identity is determined by his physiological characteristics bestowed upon him by nature and not by his chosen values and actions. Consequently, we see situations that create distrust, dislike, even hatred of others "not of one's kind."

I always believe that to live in harmony, individuals must be judged by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin. That being the case, it simply means that race must become irrelevant in human relations. What we need is affirmative action to build a color-blind society and stop the rhetoric about being one and of one family etc.

So what sort of society do we have today? While some may be brave enough to speak the truth, why do some leaders attempt to pull wool over our enlightened eyes by distortions of reality to construct their fantasy land of a country that sings and dances to their tunes?

Let's be honest with ourselves.

Despite whatever rhetoric or policies or sloganeering, are we truly egalitarian or are we exclusive in some areas or are we unequivocally divided because some orchestrated it to be so?

As for me, I am oft amazed and shocked by the public relations exercises undertaken by certain quarters. Regardless of how much it cost them to formulate such technically sound and skilfully crafted messages, the truth is in our hearts, even if we may not verbalize or vocalize it.

Please leave a comment to share your thoughts and views. Thanks. Take care and have a nice day!


* The word egalitarian as an adjective means asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality of all people, esp. in political, economic, or social life. When used as a noun, it refers to a person who adheres to egalitarian beliefs.


  1. says:

    Catherine We are experts in sloganeering!

    Malaysia Boleh!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Umno and subsidiaries think that they can ride two horses at the same time - that they can kill egalitarian principles and unite people, any people, theirs included.

    Also the usage of the word, "unity", here has long been resembling its common usage in Middle eastern type of countries where any rogue, dissident and tyrant will freely use it as a rallying call to promote conflict and win through sheer numbers. In other words, no regard is given to the justness of any cause or its reason, just sheer force.

    It has become a gutter call to arms! As such, such an outlook cannot be expected to be problem solving or make a country advance when its own people are this Neanderthal.

    The curse of, "Us and' Em", partisan mentality exacts a price. As a starter, no way can it become competitive or progressive in the regional and global stage.

    Heroin addicts are never cured by giving them more of the same.


  1. says:

    Very Sad The more is said about Malaysia, the more worried I become, thinking of our future generations. Where is our tanah air tercinta heading to? Deep down into the drain?

  1. says:

    Ting Sibu by-election will be a three-cornered fight between BN’s Robert Lau Hui Yew, DAP’s Wong Ho Leng and independent Narawi Haron.

    Haha, another instant millionaire in the making. Get what I mean?

  1. says:

    Apa Nama Everything is decided by one's heart!
    There is nothing to fear! We should never lose the spirit of truth and justice.
    Let's begin our everyday journey with an unquenchable fighting spirit burning in our hearts.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Mahathir endorsed Perkasa. He said Perkasa rose because UMNO is weak. He's racist.
    No shame!

  1. says:

    Ex-MCA Man When the senile racist Mahathir attacked the Chinese, why were MCA & Gerakan keeping total silence?

    Nothing was heard from Chua Soi Lek.
    Ong Tee Keat made no comments.
    Koh Tsu Koon was struck dumb.

    Why? Why? Why?

    Where is 1Malaysia?

  1. says:

    Anonymous "What we need most is to restore and revive our humanity. We must create a society where people can live with dignity, a society where people can live in peace and happiness.
    People are tired of games played for power and profit. People are tired of hatred and conflict. They want to live with more wisdom, confidence and in peace. It may seem like a long and distant path, but I am convinced that the 21st century must see a movement to sow the seeds of peace, happiness and trust in every person's heart. The seeds of a truly humane way of life. I am convinced this is the only path."

    ~~ Daisaku Ikeda

  1. says:

    Anonymous "Where is 1Malaysia?"

    It's a very amateurish conjuring trick by a failed illusionist.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Catherine

    Very true - may I add rhetoric as well and comedy of errors?

    What a sad scenario...

    Nonetheless, we must press on to effect change and never to succumb to this dismal gloomy mood.

    God bless you!


  1. says:

    nick Sis,

    We are so backward that we don't even know the true meaning of democracy let alone know the existence of the word "egalitarian".

    I think most Malaysian will confuse it with some kind of food or cuisine. But then again what do we expect from a backward society? Nope, our society will never know about egalitarian or for that matter the equal right of every citizen of Malaysia.

    We are a society of ignorant but to make matter worse, we don't even know that we are ignorant to start with! Hopefully our successive generations will be more educated or at least willing to learn and change. Hopefully!

    God bless, Sis.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Thank you for your very thoughtful and profound comment which resonates with the unspoken thoughts of my heart and mind.

    They think that the rest of us are blind to their roughshod ways to over-ride democratic rights or that we are dumb enough to take it believing it to be our duty to suffer. We have moved forward while they cling on to the past glories that were largely manipulated anyway.

    I pray there will come a day when their Maker will convict their hearts and conscience to turn from their wicked ways!

    Take care and have a pleasant evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Very Sad

    Er...we are already in the doldrums of the drains...


    And still plunging lower...

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ting

    Sighs. Well, it is raining goodies there but let's pray that they will not go overboard lest the rest of us have to pay for the goodies indirectly via higher taxes etc.

    Take care and have a lovely weekend!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Apa Nama

    What a lovely and inspiring exhortation, Apa Nama!

    Indeed fear MUST NEVER be in our hearts. We have be remain spirited for truth and justice burning within and march forward.

    And together, we will burn brightly for our nation!

    Take care and God bless you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 6.10pm

    It is a Dr. Jekyll and Mr HIDE kind of scenario there...

    One hiding behind another to let him say what he himself has not guts to say.

    Pathetic, isn't it?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ex-MCA Man

    It is because they are Zombies - the Living Dead walking amongst those with a heart and a conscience. They don't have both...


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 6.21pm

    That is indeed a very appropriate quotation from Daisaku Ikeda which really fits hand in glove with this post.

    Indeed, a society with people who have dignity, peace and happiness is the only way for man to progress.

    Take care and thanks so much for sharing.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Bravo for that comment! You are so right. May I add the tragic truth is that they still expect us to applaud that failed illusion!

    Distorted diabolical dog pile indeed!

    Take care and have a lovely evening.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    Thanks for your candid comment. :-)

    Tragically, I believe we have regressed in the last few years. We may have more shopping malls, highways and byways plus more taxes and tolls to contend with but in terms of spiritual and moral enlightenment, many are grossly deficient and just don't care about that at all thanks to the wonderful 'exemplary' lifestyle of the rich and infamous!

    With the decline in education standards and the death of the thinking mind, the future does look bleak and chances are, change might be a tall order for it would be easier to cope with mediocrity for ignorant ones.

    Thanks for this insightful view. Nick.

    Take care and have a lovely weekend!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Repeat: MahaKutty is NOT senile, he's calculatively wicked!

    Calling him "senile", is helping to exonerate his characteristic evil to some degree.


  1. says:

    Kampung Girl "The best do not always get the best".

    In this Bolehland, how do you actually "the best"???

    Damn shame!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Muhyiddin vows that BN will strive hard to retain Sibu. However, he refuses to reveal the BN target for this by-election or whether the ruling coalition is aiming for a bigger majority.

    "We know our target, but there is not need to announce it."

    Haha, Mr Moo, what about 6000, like what you predicted in Hulu Selangor?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Wanna join and play a political chess game. It's the easiest, and the quickest, way to become instant millionaire in Malaysia!

  1. says:

    Selvi Kapar MP gives Khalid 72 hours to sack corrupt officials.

    ~~ Malaysian Insider

    Is another hopping frog in the making?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    That man is EVIL personified.

    Freddy Kruger of Nightmare on Elms Street and Norman Bates of Psycho are docile kittens compared to this one!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Kampung Girl

    That is why we are lagging behind in so many fields because many are demotivated. Why work hard when some don't work hard and still get rich because ....

    That is why corruption is on the increase with the gravy train heavy laden with too many passengers!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.40pm

    Ah - we see he has learnt his lesson well :-).

    Thanks for highlighting this point.

    Take care and have a lovely weekend!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.51 pm

    Hollywood should come and get ideas for a soap opera on "How to become a millionaire"!

    So many living examples!

    Sad, is it not?

    Thanks for sharing this point! Take care and please keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Selvi

    I just did a post on that news item a few minutes ago at this link:

    In Bolehland, anything can happen!

    Take care and thanks for this alert.

    Have a pleasant evening. Please stay in touch, dear Selvi.

    Warmest wishes

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