Posted by Unknown On Saturday, May 8, 2010 41 comments
The political scenario has been quite tame after the Hulu Selangor by-election results were announced. As expected, things are picking up momentum again with the Sibu by-election round the corner and yet another imminent explosive revelation in the horizon as seen in THIS REPORT. According to Malaysian Insider:

Kapar MP S. Manikavasagam today sparked another crisis in Selangor by giving a 72-hour ultimatum to Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to sack three officials from the state-owned sand mining company, Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd, for alleged corruption amounting to RM100,000 monthly.

Manikavasagam, who has previously raised the issue of corruption within Khalid’s administration, said he will blow the lid on the issue if his demands are not met — adding pressure to the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition which today began campaigning for the May 16 Sibu parliamentary by-election.

“I don’t want to expose things in detail at the moment... wait first. I am asking the mentri besar to remove at least three senior officers from the state sand-mining company,” Manikavasagam said when contacted by The Malaysian Insider.

He also wrote in his blog that he will make public incriminating documents and also send it to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) if the deadline is not met.

His text messages and blog this evening stated: “Kapar MP S. Manikavasagam is giving 72 hours to Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim to clean the ‘DIRT’ from within the ranks of the Kumpulan Semesta senior officers who have received too much in bribes.

“If it is true Parti Keadilan Rakyat hates ‘CORRUPTION’ then end this vice immediately. The Selangor Mentri Besar must ‘CLEAN UP’ his own house first.

“Immediate action must be taken by the Selangor Mentri Besar or the Kapar Member of Parliament will ‘EXPOSE’ everything.

“We do not want members of PKR, especially the ‘Central Leadership’ to practise this unhealthy culture. Don’t let a few bad apples spoil the whole bunch,” the message said.

However, Manikavasagam denied he was intentionally causing further complications for PKR, which has so far suffered the loss of four MPs and a state seat following its defeat in Hulu Selangor last month.

Manikavasagam had been rumoured to be on the verge of quitting the party but has personally denied this.

Information gleaned from Kumpulan Semesta’s corporate website states that the company was formed by the PR state government to pioneer the sand-mining and mineral industries. CLICK HERE for more.

I cannot fathom why PKR members love to wash dirty linen in public. Whilst I applaud Manikavasagam's stand on corruption, I question the means by which he is flexing his muscles to get things moving.

Obviously, PKR members have to learn one important lesson :


Learn from Barisan Nasional. Look at how our PM kept SILENT about statements by UMNO members or TDM or Perkasa for that matter. Despite whatever differences, THEY STICK TOGETHER like molasses!

On the contrary, PKR members are the ONLY component party of Pakatan Rakyat who voice their discontent in the most inappropriate manner. Look at Zahrain and Zulkifli Nordin and what they said BEFORE they left PKR and AFTER they left PKR.

We are at the threshold of the Sibu election and this report HERE by Razak Ahmad says that "a strong government win in Sibu could embolden Najib to call for state-wide elections in Sarawak by the end of this year followed soon after by general elections, which do not have to be held until 2013."

A reader aka Nick said this in a comment in my blog today:

PR needs to become smart and they have no time to waste. And they need to clean house too or spring cleaning or whatever to strengthen the party. If PR can last until the next will be a downhill ride all the way.

For what it is worth, it is absolutely imperative that PKR does a major housekeeping exercise and talk to its members about a code of ethics or guidelines to observe as PKR members/MPs or ADUNs. With all that has happened of late, PKR just CANNOT afford any more dents in its public image.

Do PKR branches hold regular meetings to assess ground support and for troubleshooting purposes or for members to air their grouses?

How often do they meet?

Is there an avenue for the disgruntled to voice their discontent?

Has the PKR head, DSAI, ever issued guidelines as to how members need to address issues from within FIRST before going public? What about disciplinary action? It appears that it uses kid's gloves for some of its members, as can be seen by past trends! And look where it got them? A tangled web of intrigue and deceit spun by self-seeking individuals at the expense of party unity and prestige!

I do not know about you but I am sick and tired of hearing PKR members threatening to reveal this and that or jumping ship and washing dirty linen in public most gloriously for all to see and enemies to clap in glee!

For heaven's sake, do your laundry IN THE PRIVACY of your branch or at the right platform - NOT IN PUBLIC!!!

Please shape up and do not affect the morale of Pakatan Rakyat this way!


  1. says:

    Selvi "I cannot fathom why PKR members love to wash dirty linen in public."

    Well said. More sadly, it always happens at 'critical' moment!

  1. says:

    Ting Looks like Mr Mani is going to Sibu soon - to campaign against the PR candidate!

    Is he being groomed by Zahrain and Zulkifli Nordin?

    PKR, please stop all nonsense!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Sick! Sick! Sick!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Another fly by nite PKR MP!This type of politician will never go far. all for short term gains only. Discuss,discuss,discuss & thrash out the problem with your colleagues lah...respect your leaders lah. that's how BN can stay so long in power. If trying to be hero, then go fly kite or be Superman,just dun be an MP. Once u leave PKR, your politician life is over by the next election. just wait & see. people elected PKR, not you lah.


  1. says:

    Anonymous PKR is a clone of UMNO unless it shows us otherwise.

    With the same people in Selangor administration, corruption is quite inevitable.

    However, why must the Mani fellow wash linen in public? Has he brought the matter up to the PKR leadership and if not, he need to do so before going public.

    If he has brought up to the leadership and have been ignored, then the leadership has been complicit in stealing sand from the state and MANI need not give warning but just reveal the truth.

    As he has issued his warning at this opportune time of the SIBU nomination day, MANI is suspect.

  1. says:

    Anonymous The modus operandi is the same - just before the person leapfrogs, he intentionally makes a lot of noise, complaints, etc, so that it looks like he has a legitimate reason for leapfrogging. It's simply sickening to know that PKR has such YBs. I am not surprised if they lose badly in GE13 with this kind of people in the party.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Selvi

    Exactly! A very well-orchestrated, pre-meditated move to serve who and for what purpose?

    We will know soon enough!

    Take care and thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Ting

    Time will tell and I am sure things will come to a head on the eve of polling day of the Sibu by-election.

    Indeed, PKR had better grab the bull by the horns and exorcise the party!

    Take care and have a pleasant evening. Thanks for swinging by.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 9.59pm

    Definitely!!! I am sure many Malaysians and PR supporters are completely outraged by this development.

    Take care and rest well.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear FLINTSTONE

    Thank you for your practical and pragmatic take of the situation. If and when leaders can learn to use their brains and to strategize for the well-being of the people and not for themselves, I am sure our nation will be making headway in many areas.

    Thanks for sharing your views to open a wider perspective of the issue.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear joeawk

    Thank you for your well-reasoned comment which adds more depth to my post. I appreciate your thoughtful observations and suggestions.

    Take care and God bless you.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.11pm

    Very true - the modus operandi is all too familiar and we will be waiting with raised eyebrows to see if subsequent events fit the template of frogs.

    PKR cannot afford any more disgraceful exits. It is imperative that they boost and not lose morale and that they stand on solid ground.

    They have to - for OUR sakes!

    Take care and thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Anonymous Mani is selling junk bond for BN. He insults the astute voters thus. What else has he got sell? His mom?


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    It is most disappointing to read his claims and the manner of which these were delivered with lack of respect to the leadership.

    What will PKR do with such leaders?

    We will have to wait and see if they have the moral and political courage to take the necessary action to nip the problem in the bud.

    Take care and have a restful evening.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Why the sandiwara about ultimatums and trying to hold the Mentri Besar to ransom? If he has evidence of wrong doings, he as an MP should and is duty bound to make a police report and have the culprits brought to book. By issuing threats and not exposing the wrong doers if the Mentru Besar sack the allege 3, that being the case, wont that MP be guilty of a cover up and or conspiracy?
    Hey Mr. MP, don't wait for 3 days, go make a report tomorrow to the police or MACC whichever is applicable. Stop making a clown of yourself.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.02am

    Exactly! All this drama-rama must surely be a foreshadow of what will come soon...

    Why the hesitancy to report and the ultimatum instead?

    Thank you for highlighting these points.

    Take care and have a restful evening.


  1. says:

    KoSong Cafe I can't wait to see how all those who crossed over in this manner will fair in the next general elections.

    I am one of those who sees a big difference between those who crossed over for immediate gain or publicity, or simply to have their picture taken with Najib with full msm coverage, and those who crossed over from the BN because they do not wish to continue to be associated with BN's bullying politics.

  1. says:

    Anonymous My personal view is that this politician is definitely NOT a leader, but a well qualified opportunist. The very fact that this came out in the open when the next poll is only days away speaks volume. Time for PKR to crack their whip again, hopefully they will.

  1. says:

    tupingera Maybe Mani had tried his best not to wash dirty linen in public but no one in pkr paid any heed. He has no choice but to go public as any man of conscience would do. After all, he's a REFORMIST to the marrow.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Mani is washing his own ass in public to look good before he hops.


  1. says:

    Osama® Thank you for your excellent article. No words can describe the disappointments of yet another possible frog.

    Mike was one of the first to squeeze the PKR leadership. Months after being elected an MP, he openly voiced his disappointment that he was in debt because his allowance as an MP was not sufficient to take care of his constituency. Probably the problem had been addressed and he had toned down for the past 18 months, but, now he is again washing dirty linen in public again. One cannot help but to believe that money is again the issue. Well, we, the Rakyat has got no choice but to be prepared for Mike to jump. After all he had been seen in the company of those frogs that had left. Money is the issue and perhaps Mike may be subjected to monetary enticements.

    One thing dear fellow readers, we must be prepared to lose the 2/3 majority in Parliament with the anticipated jump by frogs especially from PKR. Perhaps, we can look to the SAPP reps to boost the strength of PR.

    PKR is going through a very rough period and the never ending destablizing efforts by UMNO Baru and BN, are getting more desperate by the day. PAS and DAP went through the same journey, but, they came out much stronger. This is a journey that PKR must take and face.

    One thing we find from the PKR reps, is their failure to "Obey the laws of the Leadership". Until and unless, these recalcitrants are weeded out of PKR, it will continue to suffer. And one most important thing that PKR must learn is not to bring in so called heavyweights especially from UMNO Baru and BN. If they can jump from BN, there is every possibility that they will jump back.

    These so called heavyweights are just as good as you and me, without the support of the Rakyat. It is the party that matters and not the candidates, and here PKR must understand that today it is no longer a sundry shop, it had grown to be a successful hypermarket. Leaders come and go, the party lives on and grows. Therefore it must not be afraid of weeding the rubbish in PKR come the next GE. There are good committed leaders in the PKR but it is time to look for replacements for the suspected reps. They need to bring in professionals, untainted memebers. As it is, PKR is one of the strongest growing political parties in the country. UMNO knows this and they fear the multi racial acceptance of PKR.

    PKR will continue to grow in strength so as PR. Look at PAS support for DAP in Sibu. Win or lose, the show of support by PAS by first sending in 350 volunteers to win the Malay votes in Sibu for DAP is commendable indeed. Even during our wildest dreams we would never have dreamt that this is possible, but it is before our eyes now for all to see.

    Whatever happens, Malaysians, do not be discouraged, together we can make a huge difference. PKR is truly votable, so is PAS and DAP. As far as the leaders from PR continue to support each other, we shall triumph.

    It is the Rakyat that makes the party not the other way round. We may lose the 2/3 majority now, but, we will win the war to Putrajaya come the next GE. Mark my words, even if BN wins the next GE, it will definitely fall by the 14th GE! We can if we think we can. Stay positive, after all the frogs leave, we will have a clear picture of the number of committed representatives committed to the struggle of a fairer and better Malaysia. While the numbers that we have, may be short of 2/3, but still sizeable for us to work on.

    Stay committed, we may either win big or lose badly come the next GE. Together we can make a huge difference and if we stay together, Putrajaya is definitely within reach.

    PAS for All! Salam Reformasi!

  1. says:

    houdini Manickavasagam (Kapar), Wee Choo Keong (Wangsa Maju) are on the PKR "to leave" list but biding their time and will probably do so when it can hurt Pakatan most - like the next GE.
    Hopefully, Manickavasagam will be in Prison long before that as a result of the ongoing police investigations against him.
    Wee Choo Keong has his 38 million ringgit battle with AMMB....and we may safely conclude that is his price.
    Separately, it would be best for the Kedah Pakatan to call for fresh elections now than waiting for more from the PKR to crossover to BN. It will be too late then.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Hello, hello Mani, what is BN offering you to raise this matter publicly? Or is it that PKR did not offer you something good?

    Another independent candidate in the making. PKR, please vet your candidates well and thoroughly.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Really I would strongly suggest that PKR carry out a Warehouse Sale of their "out-of-season"/"manufacturing defective seconds" MPs. Immediately. Buyers in the form of UMNO/BN are already queueing to "buy" them off.... Dispose of them NOW, DOUBLE QUICK!!!

  1. says:

    telur dua Of all the Pakatan component Parties, PKR is the most likely to self destruct. It lacks the $$$ to keep those riff-raffs happy. They are hell-bent to undo all the earlier gains. The charisma of Anwar alone is not enough.

    What a pity.

  1. says:

    Donplaypuks® Low quality low IQ MP's who were swept into power in the wave of GE 2008.

    Their lack of sophistication is to be expected given the gutter politics background from which they emerged as UMNO/BN and MIC rejects.

    Lately even LKS is playing it all wrong by telegraphing before polling day at HS and now at Sibu that they have less than 50% chance of winnning. How stupid can you get?

    we are all of 1 race, the Human Race

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.02am

    Many thanks for your sharp comment!
    Very good observations and it is obvious such ploys are possibly well-rehearsed based on tightly written scripts. Take care and do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Kosong Cafe

    They have already engraved their political tombstone by crossing over...

    May only the righteous and those with noteworthy character stand for office in the next GE.

    Take care and thanks for dropping by. Do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 1.05am

    It is better for them to crack their whip now and get their members into shape, failing which, they may suffer at the next GE.

    Housekeeping is sorely overdue!

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a pleasant evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear tupinegara

    Yes, that possibility is there. Only the leadership know the sequence of events leading to this ultimatum. Whatever the case, I believe it should have been done with more finesse. Thanks so much for sharing. Take care and know that I appreciate your candid view.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ~wits0~

    Excellent observation and spoken so elegantly! Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a lovely weekend!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Osama

    My deepest appreciation to you for your detailed analysis of the situation and pragmatic recommendation based on sound political knowledge. I really hope as many readers read your comment.

    Thank you so much for the time taken to type that comment, not forgetting the amount of effort and commitment that went behind that heartfelt comment.

    You are really Anak Bangsa Malaysia!

    May the Almighty bless you and yours always.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Harcharan,

    Thank you so much for broadening the perspective of my post with these important snippets of information. I appreciate the time and effort you put in to string all this together to remind us of who to vote for in the next GE. Take care and may you have a blessed week ahead!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.50pm

    Hear ye, hear ye! I stand together with you to make that call to PKR.

    Thanks for being of the same mind. Take care and God bless you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 12.58pm

    Excellent copy for an advert for defective MPs ;-).

    Thanks for sharing with much wit and satire.

    Have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear telur dua

    Undoubtedly, PKR is the weakest link in the chain and they had better fortify themselves before they explode in their own faces. Your observations are spot on and reflect your sharp take of the political scenario in Malaysia. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Take care and do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear DPP

    You are definitely spot on in your observations. I was pretty disappointed by LKS's analysis and thought it was too premature to do a reverse psychology move on BN.

    It is clear that they have to really re-think their public relations strategy as it is obvious that practically none exists!

    Take care and thanks for sharing.

    Warmest regards to you and best wishes to your wife for Mother's Day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 1.05am

    Thanks for that timely comment. It is clear that many of us are aware of the hidden agenda of this development. PKR must rein in their members to toe the line or suffer at the next GE.

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and God bless!

  1. says:

    Anonymous All these MFs are so lucky I am not Anwar Ibrahim. If I am, they won't have a prayer in the world to help them because I'll do three things:

    Number 1
    Set up a 9 member Central Committee, the highest authority for policy and decision making, 3 from each of the 3 main parties in the coalition.

    Number 2
    No member is allowed to challenge the Central Committee's decision.

    Number 3
    Any MP must sign an irrevocable decision to give up his seat if he resigns or is dismissed by the Central Committee.

    This will effectively cut off all four legs and seal the mouths of all MF**king frogs.

    They are SO LUCKY.


  1. says:

    Anonymous What if it's true, someone/body pockets rm100k a month for the last 2 years? After all, the MB promised the state coffer will be richer by at least rm150m a year from the sand business managed by Semester.

  1. says:

    Anonymous If it is true that there is indeed some thieving MF on the take, then he MUST be dismissed! No question about it. We are on the same page here.

    The problem is, I notice many MPs appear like they want to be seen as heroes. Look, if your company's accountant, or CEO, or GM was found to have done something really bad against the interest of your company, do you go to the press to broadcast his misdeeds? You don't. But you WILL sack him. This is what I'm saying. You don't advertise bad things to the public.

    This is the most basic public relations theory and PR MPs find it so difficult to understand and accept. F**king morons.

    The only reason why you would publicly denounce your company (or party), is when you no longer love your company (or party). Their actions, whether about publicly washing their dirty linen, or resigning, or quarreling, all these tells you that they are no longer loyal to their party. And when that happens, they MUST be told to leave. The party is about the struggles of MANY men. Not just about ONE man.


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