Posted by Unknown On Friday, May 28, 2010 13 comments
My friend Freddie sent me this flow chart this morning which just about sums up the state of affairs where our country is concerned! When top level guys look down, they think they are so great and see others as only sh**. However, when bottom level guys look up, they see only a**holes! What say you?

13 comments to WHAT DO YOU SEE FROM BELOW?

  1. says:

    Selvi Beware, guys!

  1. says:

    rainstorm Hahahaaaaa. How very true :)

  1. says:

    Anonymous When top level guys look down, they see others as only sh**!
    When bottom level guys look up, they see only a**holes!

    Kakakaka, the joke of the century!

  1. says:

    Apa Nama I fear looking up!
    I dread looking down!

  1. says:

    nick Sis,

    I you ask me, I don't or can't see anything. Why, you may ask? Well, as a matter of fact since Najib and his ("can I have seconds?")in command sat on the top perch, the perch is no longer up in the air.

    The perch is buried deep in the ground from the sheer weight of those two "disaster"! So in other word, we are all no longer hit by their shit, we are buried deep in the ground and the top layer is covered with shit too!

    Malaysian, or should I say BN supporter, you voted him and now all of us are buried deep in shit! Curse you for being blind, dumb and greedy!

    Let us all say a prayer for our country!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Selvi

    Very true - all should be on guard cos anything could happen!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear rainstorm

    Indeed! Either which we we are in a fix! Whilst we can smile at the humor of the graphic, metaphorically, it is painfully true! Take care and have a lovely evening!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 3.57pm

    Glad you enjoyed the humor! Take care and have a great evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Apa Nama

    Exactly! Either way, we are scr**ed! That is the perplexity of the situation we are in and thanks to whom?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    Wow! Thanks for your progressive comment. Indeed the perch is buried in the ground and covered with sh**.We have to clear it all asap lest we too stink of the same! Onward march to purge these shi**y characters from our land...

    May the Almighty deliver us!


  1. says:

    Anonymous In every situation there is an opportunity ! While the current goings may be tough, it is not the end of the world as yet. From the given picture, I don't sympathize with those waiting for shits to drop on them like those in bn for that matter. They (component parties) have a choice to fly away. To join another group that sit together on same level.

    In this way no need to see ar..hole up there and need not get shitted on at every turn of the event. This nation is going through a period of purging and cleansing. And for us, we need to be prepare for a period of fasting and tightening of belt. The outcome will surely be good with a clean shaven and baggage free new govt at the helm for the people, by the people and with the people.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    You are such an amazing reader! I am chasing you around my blog :-) responding to your comments. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my insane and sane posts and giving each your lucid and wise response. You are an inspiration!

    Indeed our nation is going through a period of purging of evil ones and cleansing that we can come forth shining as gold. At the same time, let us pray that those who are in office or desire to be in office will be in close communion with their Maker so that they can govern with a conscience fully knowing their moral, fiscal, political and social responsibility to the rakyat.

    Take care and God bless you always.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Now which view would you prefer? Looking down at all that shit or up at that damned arsehole?


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