1. Your resume' looks like a phone book
2. The client says your rates are too high, and you blush
3. You introduce yourself to your next door neighbors ... again
4. Your spouse flies home (to your hotel) for the weekend
5. You use the word "paradigm" in a sentence
6. You use the word "granularity" in a sentence
7. You use the word "robust" in a sentence
8. Someone mentions a 7:00 meeting and you say, "AM or PM?"
9. You cry when your PC won't start
10. You carry on a 5 minute conversation about data warehousing, then you ask what it means
11. When other people speak of vacations in warm sunny places, you get a lost look on your face, cock your head to one side like a dog hearing a whistle, and say, "...my last vacation was, um, it was, ah, um, er ...."
12. You have a day off, and you call work because you miss it
13. You write a work plan for your weekends
14. Someone asks you what you do for a living, and you can't answer the question
15. Before starting the car, you insist on telling everyone where the emergency exits are
16. Before stopping the car, you insist that everyone stay seated until the fasten seatbelts sign is off
17. You call CTG (computer support group) with a support question just for the entertainment of hearing their answer
18. A good dinner consists of vending machine snacks
19. A good lunch consists of vending machine snacks
20. You insist that your friends submit time sheets at the end of the month so you can see what you missed
21. You can tell the hotel staff what their room-rate policy is
22. You believe that e-mail is as good as a conversation can get
23. Instant coffee tastes good
24. You can remember 15 client and hotel phone numbers, but you get stumped when asked for your home number
25. You file more state income tax returns than Microsoft has trademarks
26. You've been staying in the same hotel, you instinctively call it "home"
27. The hotel staff recognizes you and gives you the same room every week (this is not always good)
28. The room service staff feels free to nag and fight with you because they know you'll be back next week anyway
29. You know all the favorite radio stations of all the valet parking guys
30. You get more calls from the hotel staff to see if you're OK than you do from your friends
31. Then you realize the hotel staff are your friends
32. You can list 32 (and counting) reasons why you have been a consultant for too long.
More funnies on this topic will be posted tomorrow. Have a nice day!
6 comments to IS IT TIME FOR A CHANGE?
3. Unknown Dear Angelina or is it Brad(??)
Yes, I think so!! Start a business or go freelance!!
4. Unknown Hi Tiger
:-) You are welcome. Glad you enjoyed the humor here. Have a great day!
5. Anonymous It takes two to tango! From the management perspective, any staff who stayed for more than 7 year is going to be a liability ??? For they (staff) have learned all that are needed and contributed all that they know. Unless they upgrade themselves with new course or attain new knowledge, the company concern will be burdened.
For the cost of retaining a staff and retraining an old staff is also very costly. So, from both sides, change is actually good as the staff can work for new company with higher pay and the former company can hire new staff with lower pay. It boils down to each company's needs, supply and demand.
6. Unknown Dear ahoo
So sorry I forgot to respond to your comment. No wonder when I read it in the other post, it sounded familiar! Sighs...I AM getting old and very forgetful. My apologies.
Thank you so much for your patience and understanding with my forgetfulness. Thank you also for your steadfastness in sharing your wisdom and experience. I am truly blessed daily by your inspiring input. Your middle name should be James which means 'encouragement'...:-)
May the Lord continue to bless and keep you and yours always.
1. Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
Mama keeps complaining her PC at work is haunted. Should she make a career change? har har har *evil laughs*