Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, June 23, 2010 4 comments
1. You refer to the yield of the tomato plants in your home garden as "deliverables"
2. You can tell the copier repair person at the client site exactly what's wrong with the machine and what parts need to be replaced
3. The new client staff come to you for information on how to start the coffee machine.
4. You've succeeded in memorizing the morning and afternoon schedules of two major airlines' flights to your client's site
5. You can execute five complex tasks simultaneously, but you can't remember what you had for breakfast that morning
6. You have enough "vendor" ID badges for a royal flush and two pair
7. You know all the late night security guards at the client site on a first name basis (replace "security guards" with "cleanup staff" or "swing-shift mainframe operators" as you choose)
8. You use so many acronyms you no longer know which are your company's, the client's or the software vendor's
9. You feel naked without a laptop hanging from your left shoulder
10. The project partner tries to hire you
11. You forego the opportunity to fly home on the weekend, because you really like it in Southfield, MI. (Schaumburg, IL...Bethesda, MD...Norwood, MA...Harrisburg, PA)
12. You say "Whoopee! Half day!" when you leave at 10:00PM
13. Your kids point at the phone and say "...that's the one that's broken" when you get home, thinking you must be from the NYNEX, 'cause you sure don't look familiar
14. You start thinking that life in the US Navy Submarine Corps would give you more time at home
15. You start referring to your PC by a cute name
16. You are upset when you come home on Friday night and the lights aren't on, the bed isn't turned down, and there are no chocolates on your pillow
17. You fantasize about zero-billing
18. "Vacationing" is spending an entire weekend in your own home
19. You can call room service and order multiple entrees without looking at the menu;
20. Writers for the OAG call you to verify flight numbers and times
21. You have seen more movies at 35,000 feet than you have at General Cinemas (replace Gen. Cin. with your local movie theater)
22. You have had more phone numbers than Imelda Marcos has pairs of shoes;
23. The media phrases "telecommuting" and "virtual office" have very real (and frightening) meaning for you
24. You forget how to turn on the windshield wipers in your own car
25. New staff point at you and say, "... that's him, that's the old guy ... "

Part 2 will be posted tomorrow morning at 6.00 a.m. Have a nice day!


  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney 10. The project partner tries to hire you

    In Mama's case, a project partner proposed to her! har har har *evil laughs*

    We love you, Aunty Paula!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Angelina and Brad

    Wow!!! That is so romantic!!! Thanks so much for sharing this!

    Here's wishing your mama and papa a lifetime of loving, sharing and caring.

    I love you all very much too!!!

    Hugs and salam

  1. says:

    Anonymous It takes two to tango! From the management perspective, any staff who stayed for more than 7 year is going to be a liability ??? For they (staff) have learned all that are needed and contributed all that they know. Unless they upgrade themselves with new course or attain new knowledge, the company concern will be burdened.

    For the cost of retaining a staff and retraining an old staff is also very costly. So, from both sides, change is actually good as the staff can work for new company with higher pay and the former company can hire new staff with lower pay. It boils down to each company's needs, supply and demand.

    Another clear indicator that you have overstayed your welcome will be the day your BOSS ask you to entertain clients in golf games rather than looking at your KPI. Your new task will bring customer closer to the company BUT keep you further away for eventual redundant of your post.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thank you for sharing from the depths of your experience. I have long left the world of employment and sometimes long to be back in the rat race :-) but when sanity hits me, I am glad to be retired :-) cos it is a more stress-free and relaxed pace of life where I can really smell the roses...

    It is true that retaining an experienced staff is expensive but the returns should justify the investment. However, hiring a more senior staff member is also expensive...thus it is better to have long serving staff cos they have the loyalty factor hopefully, if the boss treats them well.

    But being in the same job for too long can make one jaded too so sometimes, change is good...

    Thanks for sharing. Take care and may God bless you and yours in all that you do.


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