Posted by Unknown On Sunday, July 4, 2010 6 comments
A drunk walks up to a barkeeper one day and says, "If I show you a trick will you give me a free drink?" The Barkeep says "Depends on how good of a trick it is."

The Drunk reaches into his pocket and pulls out a frog and places him behind the piano. The frog starts to play the sweetest jazz riff the barkeeper has ever heard. He pours the drunk his drink.

The drunk, after killing his drink says, "If I show you another trick can I have another free one?" The barkeep says "If it is anything like that last one, you can drink free all night." The drunk reaches into his other pocket, pulls out a rat, sets it on top of the piano, and the rat starts scatting along with the frog."

Impressed, the barkeeper starts to pour drinks as fast as the drunk can drink 'em. After several hours, a big time Hollywood agent walks in, sees the act and frantically asks the barkeeper who it belongs to. The barkeeper points to the drunk who is passed out on the floor.

The agent wakes him up and says, "I will give you 1 Million dollars for that act." The drunks says "not for sale". The agent says, "Ok, 100 grand for just the scatting rat." The drunk say, "deal" The agent writes the check and leaves with the rat.

The barkeeper looks at the drunk and says, "Are you nuts? You had a Million dollar act that you just broke up for a wimpy 100 g's?"

The Drunk says, "Relax, the frog is a ventriloquist"

6 comments to THE FROG AND THE RAT

  1. says:

    nick Sis,

    I'm not sure why but when I read your post, the face of the Mega Turnip (the so called member of the MACC advisory 'cardboard') comes to mind. He's not the frog, mind you but the rat. A rat who is nothing (but a rat),a puppet being manipulated to move it's lip and the voice comes from somewhere else (especially not from it's brain...rat's brain is only suited to receive it's daily cheese or the endeavor of stealing cheese).

    The frog and the rat..such fine example for us to visualize the kind of creatures that lurks in the gomen's slimy and swampy corridor!

    Have a nice Sunday Sis and may GOD bless us all.


  1. says:

    nick Sorry Sis,

    Got the name wrong! It suppose to be MegaT urnipHead of the cardboard member of the MACC "no one listen to" advisory.

    Have a nice day, Sis.


    P.s- by the way Sis, what's constitute a waste of tax payers money? A shopping trip to the SAKs Fifth Avenue (with a duet with Jamie Foxx)or gathering information and evidence for a criminal and corruption case? I'm sure the rat wouldn't know the difference anyway, so the question would be purely academic!

  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Rib it! Rib it! Rib it! We know how to get rid of cane toads in this country. har har har *evil laughs*

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    Your creativity in using the rat metaphor is excellent. To be able to weave it around what we see so easily is a craft that few have. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

    I love the nicknames you have chosen...:-).

    Take care and have a great week ahead!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    No worries! I am sure many know what and who you are referring to :-).

    Some are so used to a life of luxury that perhaps even their vision and intellect are affected by seeing the dollar sign growing before them :-).

    Have a restful evening, Nick. Take care and let's continue to pray that the Almighty will bless Malaysia.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Angelina and Brad

    Er....have you ever eaten a toad or a frog before?


    How do they taste????

    Take care and have a great week ahead!


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