Jammin' With My Boys *updated*

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, August 26, 2010 14 comments
This evening, I was supposed to write my sopo post but after an early dinner with my two boys, I had a jamming session with them. It has been months since I played the piano so I touched the keys gingerly, especially knowing that I play by ear whereas both my boys have had the privilege of learning the piano, violin and organ formally.

Anyway, I recorded a few songs on my faithful cybershot phone. We played spontaneously with no rehearsals. After that, I had trouble converting the amr files to mpeg format but anyway, I managed to do it accidentally so here are two of the recordings.

Here's Autumn Leaves...

I took two hours to do this movie clip because I did not know what to do haha but in the end, through perseverance, trial and error and many attempts, I finally did it. Phew!

Here's our very amateur version of Moon River recorded spontaneously with my two boys on the violin and yours truly on the piano...

My older boy is going back tomorrow so it will be sopo blogging as usual. Thanks for your patience with me. He only comes back three times a year and time with him is indeed precious. Sighs...how time flies. It seems like only yesterday when he was still in school and I just can't believe that he will be graduating soon. Take care, dear reader - treasure the moments with your family - precious and unforgettable times indeed! God bless you and yours always!

14 comments to Jammin' With My Boys *updated*

  1. says:

    Starmandala Absolutely heartwarming! Nothing like a family jam to remind us of the simple joys of togetherness :-)

  1. says:

    Anonymous Hi,

    May I know what is your elder son majoring in?Is it music?Hope you don't mind me asking about it.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Antares

    Thanks for your most encouraging comment, dear pal! Indeed, I believe the family that plays music together :-) stays together...

    One day, we will all jam with you. And I hope it will be by the end of this year :-).

    Take care and thanks for swinging by and for listening...My boys were quite horrified that I posted this LOL!!! And they insisted that I removed it from Facebook and NOT tag them at all LOL!!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.21pm

    Yes, my son is a music major and he will be graduating soon.

    My younger one is going to be 12 next month and he plays three instruments like the older bro...

    For me, my first instrument is the guitar, then synthesiser and lastly the piano which I play by ear only cos I didn't have formal lessons.

    Are you into music too?

    Take care and do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Hi,

    No, I'm not in music but my son show great interest in music and hope to pursue after his SPM next year.Since I'm staying in KL, any school of music that you can recommend/advice to me?
    Thanks in advance and do take care

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 11.51pm

    If your son intends to take up music after his SPM, he would need:

    a) Grade 8 practical in at least one instrument
    b) Minimum Grade 5 in music theory
    c) Take a pre-U course such as SAM, HSC or A levels to enter a degree course
    d) If he does not want to take pre-U, then he has to take a Foundation in Music course to have direct entry into a degree course.

    There are many colleges/universities in KL that offer music and it really depends on whether he wants to do classical, contemporary,etc.

    My advice would be for him to attend those college open days or other fairs that are held after SPM or before the results are released.

    Music courses are very expensive and my husband and I have spent a large part of our savings on the boys' equipment but it is a worthwhile investment.

    If you have the $$, let him go to US if he is into contemporary and to Europe if he is into classical. Sadly, we don't have the $$ so son has had to do it locally.

    The most important thing is for our kids to be happy doing what they love. I wanted my son to be a lawyer or an accountant. He is a MENSA member but he loves music best and has the gift so...the rest is is history...

    Take care. Here's wishing you and yours the very best that life can offer...


  1. says:

    Anonymous Except for the violinist, the rest see me in my office tomorrow morning!!! :-)


  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    Next time, please tell when you want to create a video. I can send video clips of me frolicking everywhere, that you can freely use instead of that sinister looking smiling frog. hahahahaha.... Oh yeah...great instrument playing. How come when Mama sings AUtumn Leaves it sounds so sad and melancholic while your version is soooo upbeat? purrrr.....meow!

  1. says:

    Captain Obvious Dear masterwordsmith,

    I am so envious because I can only play castanets.....


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking

    LOL!! Yessir!!! *salute*

    Haha! Thanks, pal for your witty comment.

    Have a lovely weekend.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Angelina

    Lovely to hear from you again. I knew I could get a lively response from you. So sorry I did not have pic of feline darlings...Will do one for you if your mama sends ur pics to me...and let me know what song you would like ok?

    Take care and please accept my humble apologies for this late response.

    Of all things, I injured my right arm so typing is quite painful and I am not one who can settle for one finger typing :-(.

    Selamat berpuasa.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Captain Obvious

    Ah - even castanets are terrific when played with the right music...:-).

    One day we will play together...if I ever get to meet you - perhaps some flamenco music...Ole!


  1. says:

    Anonymous We were jaming in church today ! My second brother at he drum, third brother with guitar and second sil with piano and third sister, lead singer. Me just tag along and we sang mom favorite chinese song "wild flowers" cos it was mom thanksgiving day.

    She'd survived 5 year of cancer (3-4th stage)of the ovary and have undergone 3 sets of chemo (18 times) altogether. We just want to thank God and all fellow member, thus this thanksgiving. Cheers!

    Yes, the family that strive together, stays together.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Indeed PTL that He has blessed your mom with His grace and healing touch. I rejoice with you that Jehovah Rophe lives and is real in your family!

    Take care and may the Lord continue to bless you and yours always.


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