Thumbs Up!

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, September 15, 2010 2 comments
At the point of writing, I am grinning from ear to ear after reading THIS POST on how Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz has questioned Utusan Malaysia’s apparent attempts to undermine Datuk Seri Najib Razak. He asked the Umno newspaper if it was conspiring to replace the prime minister with predecessor Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

I am glad to read about how he said that from the slant of Utusan Malaysia’s news reports and editorials, it seemed as if the daily had forgotten its own masters.

The report said:

“I cannot understand Utusan. Who is their boss — Najib or Dr Mahathir?

“I wonder sometimes if they have an agenda to bring back Dr Mahathir to replace Najib,” he said when contacted last night.

The minister in the prime minister’s department explained that by playing up Dr Mahathir’s statements of support for Malay rights group Perkasa, the daily was clearly weakening Najib’s 1 Malaysia concept.

For sure, Nazri is solidly behind our PM. Our PM certainly needs MORE like Nazri to give him the backing and to speak up for him.

It is ironical that UM, an Umno-backed paper is popularising Perkasa.

The best thing is for Perkasa to register themselves as a political party. Then there will not be a conflict of interests at all. UMNO members will be loyal to UMNO. Perkasa members will be loyal to Perkasa. Neither shall the twain meet.

And then, UM can clearly see who is their boss so no more conflicts or conflicting statements.

Then at the next GE, IA can know once and for all where he stands, how much grassroot support he has managed to attain and if it was mere rhetoric.

Until then, more should come up and support Najib and Nazri. That would really give us all a clearer picture, wouldn't it?

What do you think?

*Please note that this particular feed post was not being updated in blogrolls, blogspot, google reader and in feedburner. I do not know why. Please check in for my posts and do not rely on the feeds which are currently outdated. Thanks. The next post is called The Wicker Basket. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Have a nice day.

2 comments to Thumbs Up!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Chinese saying : after eating the rice , turn over the bowl.
    'yau mo kau chor' ah , UM !?

  1. says:

    Anonymous That cannot happen as members have to quit one of them !

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