Life On TheTrain...

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, September 8, 2010 12 comments
Life is truly a journey of all sorts. By the end of this year, I will hit the big five. Five decades of existence - filled with all kinds of experiences. Looking back, I confess I made MANY mistakes in my life. I cannot turn the clock back to make things right but I can ensure my present will leave behind a better yesterday for me to remember and a better future for me to look forward to always.

I started my journey with MANY friends. At this point of time, I don't have that many friends left. Many have either migrated, left for other states or we have lost touch or in a few cases, we just drifted apart or chose not to develop the friendship for one reason or another.

Previously, it was easy for me to make friends but older and wiser, I am more reserved, hardly ever socialize, seldom attend weddings and meet up only with former students and old friends. Yet, I must say that blogging has opened a whole new dimension for me and through this blog, I have made some wonderful friends who have been very supportive, sincere, encouraging and giving me good advice, input and comments that are abreast with the needs and times of our nation.

This evening, I want to dedicate the following video to all my blog readers and friends. Every single one of you matter - be it whether you are a silent reader, subscriber, regular commenter or just passing through this space.

Thank you for crossing paths with me even for a moment in time, a period of time or for always.

May you and yours be blessed forever and thank you for teaching me LOTS about this nation, friendship, life and so much more. Have a pleasant evening. I will put up a sopo post later. It is my younger boy's birthday today and we are going out for a family dinner now :-). Cheers!

This is my favorite video and even after watching it MANY times, I still cry my eyes out...May it touch you the way it has touched me always! (This is the third time I am posting it since I started blogging in 2008).Blessings to you and yours.

CLICK HERE for the very beautiful and moving video clip of Life On The Train.

12 comments to Life On TheTrain...

  1. says:

    Anonymous Thanks Paula for writing and the video, I too have shared the video not less than twice and watched it many times. Will post it again dedicating to family members and friends old and new. Love your writing! God bless you and yours! xoxoxo

  1. says:

    UMB Hi Paula,

    Just read your article at Mkini.

    We have set up TMG=Taib Must Go.

    Followers growth strong.

    It is located here:

    Please help promote it.


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Nancy

    Thanks for sharing and letting me know it is you via FB :-). I appreciate your support, encouragement and friendship over the past few decades! Glad this post resonates with you. Take care and have a blessed life!

    See you when I am in KL.


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Ronnie

    Lovely to hear from you again.

    Thanks for letting me know my article appeared in MK. I did not know before that :-).

    Sure, I will do my best to promote the site in my FB accounts and elsewhere.

    Take care and do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Lady, make sure you know where the train is goin', 'cos not all trains take you to the same destination...some will take you to heaven, and some will take you to hell. But that's still cool, because you still know where you're heading...unlike some trains that run out of tracks and you know you ain't goin' nowhere. You ain't got no life and you ain't dead yet. And that's terrible!! :-)

    So, make sure you ask the station master where the train's heading before you get the tickets, 'cos you don't want no trouble for your kids. :-)


  1. says:

    Anonymous Hi Paula, I stumbled upon your blog recently. From time to time, I've dipped into your postings. They are by and large witty and illuminating.

    Thank you very much for posting the video. It is quite poignant and succinctly echoes what life is all about.


  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    If life is indeed a train ride, I'd like to be the driver. Unless it's a driver-less one like the LRT...hehehehe...purrr....meow!

  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear MWS,

    Its inevitable that our train ride will come to full-stop at one point in time. That is something best left to our revered Train Driver to decide. Meanwhile, we can always take in and enjoy the scenery; savor the sumptuous spread in the buffet car or revel in the camaraderie of those who chose to sit with us however fleeting it may seem.

    Likewise, friends had come in and out of my life. I am thankful for those enriching experiences and the wisdom they had imparted upon me. Sometimes I welcome times of solitude. Its the quiet moments that give rise to inner peace within. The inner peace that enable us to contemplate, renew and rejuvenate our spirits.

    Happy belated birthday to Nic! He is a real smart boy! May his life journey be filled with thrilling, exciting and memorable moments.

    God bless,

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear StraightTalking


    Many thanks for that beautifully written comment that has deep significance :-). Appreciate the sincere advice and pray that God will always bless you and yours and keep you safe, happy and healthy!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Tootle-oo

    Lovely to meet you.

    Many thanks for visiting and for your encouraging comments. You are welcome re the video. It is definitely my favorite clip which never fails to bring many tears to my eyes even though I have watched it so many times!

    Take care and have a pleasant evening. Do keep in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Angelina

    Thanks for stopping by, dearie, even in the midst of your busy preparations for Hari Raya.

    I am sure you are an excellent driver with the level-headedness that many seem to lack :-).

    Take care and have a wonderful time celebrating Hari Raya Puasa.

    Selamat Hari Raya Puasa!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Edward

    Many thanks for your erudite and elegant comment. How true are your words and wise too.

    I remember I shared this Life on the Train video in one of the comments and I am glad that despite having watched it before, it still touches you in untold ways :-).

    Take care and have a lovely holiday season with your family. I am so sorry for being slow to respond to your mail...but will do so soon!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes for Nick and the kind comment :-). You made an impact on him and he still remembers you! He will be having his UPSR soon :-) and after that it will be merdeka for us haha! Take care!

    God bless and keep you and yours always.


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