Live Well and Soar High!

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, September 1, 2010 2 comments
There are many things that are way beyond our control. It is out of our hands and we can only pray and ask for divine intervention.

Whereas in other areas where it is within our power to take control, that we must exercise without fail such as voting for the right party to govern us. Or lending a hand to our neighbour in need.

Each individual's journey through life is a unique one. No two lives journey are the same as we are all different from thinking to capability to generousity to responsibility. But all said, we are of the same image as that of our creator and with a brain that's far more powerful than any other created things.

The journey of a thousand mile begins with the first step. Since we have begin our life journey, nothing can stop us from achieving what our mind have had set out to do.

The distintive difference between success and failure is the WORD self-discipline. Nothing great can be achieved if we have no self-discipline for that is the bridge towards the reality of dreams. In order to reach our dreams, we must have certain goals in life.

The tragedy of many people today is that they are living with hopes and wishes every waking morning. Hopes and wishes have been defined as mere dreams with no energy behind it. Without action, our dreams remain just that and it is a great dishonour not to utilize those hidden talents within each and everyone of us.

Just like the eagle, we never know how high can we fly, until we choose to flap our wings. Our ability to discipline ourselves to set clear goals and then to work toward them everyday, will do more to guarantee our future success than any other single factor.

Anything in life that is worth cherishing, is worth every ounce of energy pursuing it. Even in area of love, move on when the first time it fails. No amount of regrets nor crying can regain that lost. Let the wounds be healed and the scare that remain as evidence of the goodtime together. You can never forget but you can always choose to forgive and move on as life on earth is but once. Live well and to its fullest purpose!

-written by ahoo in response to my post on What Will Happen in the End?-

2 comments to Live Well and Soar High!

  1. says:

    Anonymous A life of blessing and reward does not happen by chance, it happens by choice. Everyone of us is given that free choice to decide what we want in life.

    Be it religions, career, spouse etc. and with that we make our choices in life. The power to choose starts by being able to understand your current circumstances.

    Nobody enjoys living in abject poverty but some have no choice as to which family they are born into. But that is not an excuse for us to live life blaming all and sundry with accusation even on God for our dilemma.

    Nothing is preventing us nor stopping us from venturing out to
    explore this world of its opportunity. We cannot just live by dreams with hopes and wishes alone. For we need to know what we want to achieve in life and plan accordingly.

    Choice,......not chance determines our destiny. Live offers no guarantees, just choices; no certainty, but consequences; no predictable outcomes, just the privilege of pursuit.

    We have brains in our head and feet in our shoes. We can steer ourself in any direction we choose for that is free choice. The only thing even in this world are the number of hours in a day.

    The difference between those rich and those poor are the choices make in life. Those rich ones didn't just happen to fall at the top, they need to climb up there to be at the top. There is effort in action and until we have that desire to want to succeed in life, our hopes and wishes, remain just that.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Many thanks for embellishing this post further with your wise and timely comments.

    The world is ours to live and to develop.

    It is up to us to make it better or to destroy it....

    Take care and have a great day!


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