Mother-In-Law Jokes :-)

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, September 5, 2010 4 comments
A big-game hunter went on safari with his wife and mother-in- law. One evening, while still deep in the jungle, the Mrs. awoke to find her mother gone. Rushing to her husband, she insisted on them both trying to find her mother.

The hunter picked up his rifle, took a swig of whiskey, and started to look for her. In a clearing not far from the camp, they came upon a chilling sight: the mother-in-law was backed up against a thick, impenetrable bush, and a large male lion stood facing her. The wife cried, "What are we going to do?"

"Nothing," said the hunter husband. "The lion got himself into this mess, let him get himself out of it."


A man returned home from the night shift and went straight up to the bedroom. He found his wife with the sheet pulled over her head, fast asleep. Not to be denied, the horny husband crawled under the sheet and proceeded to make love to her. Afterward, as he hurried downstairs for something to eat, he was startled to find breakfast on the table and his wife pouring coffee.

"How'd you get down her so fast?" he asked. "We were just making love!"

"Oh my God," his wife gasped, "That's my mother up there! She came over early and had complained of having a headache. I told her to lie down for awhile."

Rushing upstairs, the wife ran to the bedroom. "Mother, I can't believe this happened. Why didn't you say something?"

The mother-in-law huffed, "I haven't spoken to that jerk for fifteen years, and I wasn't about to start now!"


A woman was leaving a convenience store with her morning coffee when she noticed a most unusual funeral procession approaching the nearby cemetery. A long black hearse was followed by a second long black hearse about 50 feet behind. Behind the second hearse was a solitary woman walking a very mean looking dog on a leash. Behind that were 200 women walking single file.

The woman couldn't stand the curiosity.

She respectfully approached the woman walking the dog and said, "I am so sorry for your loss, and I know now is a bad time to disturb you, but I've never seen a funeral like this. Whose funeral is it?"

The woman replied, "Well, that first hearse is for my husband."

"What happened to him?"

The woman replied, "My dog attacked and killed him."

She inquired further, "Well, who is in the second hearse?"

The woman answered, "My mother-in-law. She was trying to help my husband when the dog turned on her."

A poignant and thoughtful moment of silence passes between the two women.

"Can I borrow the dog?"

"Get in line."

4 comments to Mother-In-Law Jokes :-)

  1. says:

    rick Wasn't it a guy who asked the solitary guy with his deceased wife and his mother-in-law together with 200 guys following in line ...?

    LOL ")

  1. says:

    Anonymous I would prefer to use the term mother by law, hahaha as during marriage we enter into a mutual agreement to have extended family. That mother came via law not the one giving birth to us.

    Well, the jokes are of a rare kind and will provide input when inspiration comes a calling, ya.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Rick

    Wow! You have an excellent memory!!!

    Simply brilliant of you to connect the two!

    Kow tow to you :-).

    Take care and have a great day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    :-) Am so glad you jive pretty well with the jokes I have put up! Great comment, dear friend.

    Thanks and blessings to you always

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