Happiness Is A Choice

Posted by Unknown On Sunday, October 10, 2010 2 comments
This evening, I thought I'd share something different taken from my other blog at Masterwordsmith@Writers.Inc. where I put up inspirational stuff from here and there. There are no socio-political posts or jokes in that blog. The following article is about how happiness is a choice for us. May you and yours always make that wise decision to be happy, no matter how dark the day. Have a lovely evening!

The basis of your life is choice; the purpose of your life is happiness.

You can choose to discover what makes you happy or you can choose a to go down a path of misery. If you should choose to discover happiness, your happiness will allow you to find peace and you will spread joy around you. If you should choose a life of confusion and misery, you will grow, but the growth will be in despair and you will spread this despair to those around you.

Happiness is a choice. You can chose to be happy or you can chose to be angry. The choice is always yours. It is as easy to be happy, as it is easy to be angry. All you have to do is make the choice as to the path you will take.

Imagine happiness and it will be yours. Ask yourself what makes you happy and then think why you want it. When you do this the essence of your desire will be activated. You will start to uncover inner feelings about yourself. Listen to your inner voice. You will start to understand your desires and you will be able to act on them. Remember never to assume anything. You do not know what others think and 9 out of 10 you will be wrong. Being judgement only leads you to judge yourself. All of those imperfections that you see in others are only reflections of what you fear yourself to be. This only leads to anger and resentment

Anger, resentment, despair, all of these things need to be let go. These feelings will do you no good and only bring you misery. Try to look at everything in life in a positive way. Believe it or not, there is always something positive in anything we deem negative.

Give yourself a chance to be happy. Love yourself, be kind to yourself, and remember everyone deserves to be happy.

-author unknown-

2 comments to Happiness Is A Choice

  1. says:

    Anonymous It can never be more true ! Yes, the choice is obvious. If we cannot even love ourself, can we love others ? Or even God whom we have not seen ?

    The past is memory and today is reality. The choices we make today will determine our final destiny. Live a life that is simple but yet impactful with an everlasting legacy or a fast pace life full of partying and drinking but ends up destroying self and family. The choice cannot be any clearer.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Many thanks to you for your very inspiring and profound comment. You are really such an inspiring reader and commenter. Thank you for blessing us this way!

    Take care and God bless you and yours always.


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