Just For Laughs

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, October 14, 2010 2 comments
The husband of a pregnant wife was thinking of buying insurance for his unborn baby.
So he asked an agent from Great E****** and the agent said, "don't worry man, we'll provide insurance right FROM THE BASKET TO THE CASKET.

The man was impressed but thought that he should probably seek another opinion.

He then approached an agent from P********* and the agent replied, "Oh, we have a new insurance policy which can protect your unborn child FROM THE WOMB RIGHT UP TO THE TOMB.

The man was stunned but thought that maybe all salesmen like to bullshit and decided to see the agent from ***.

He told the *** agent what the other two companies had to offer.

The *** agent thought for a while and then said, "Tell you something, we have one that is even better than Prudential and Great Eastern.

We'll insure your child FROM ERECTION TO RESURRECTION.

*Thanks to Angela who sent me this joke which I am posting for laughs and an appreciation of the language. I have absolutely no intention to insult any insurance agent or the industry. Also, I hope you are all well-insured for any eventualities. Take care and have a nice day!

2 comments to Just For Laughs

  1. says:

    Anonymous Talking about insurance, they are really good in coming out with new plans year after year. They have plans for protection of lost income, endowment, study etc. besides insuring the life.

    We need insurance not for ourself but for those love ones still living if we are taken away suddenly. Not buy insurance so as to save for old age as some policy determines. Unless in huge saving otherwise inflation and ringgit depreciation will overtaken those savings.

    I am waiting for an insurance policy that will ensure that I have a passage to pearly gates after death, hahaha ! For those financial planners must be spiritualists too to know the final abode, ya.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Insurance is important in many ways and gets more expensive as one gets older. Unfortunately, it is then that we need it the most. Ironically, this week I have had to upgrade my medical...and am awaiting the waiver of the exclusions they slapped on me 8 years ago.

    Take care and thanks for sharing.

    God bless and keep you and yours always.


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