A Video for Special People

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, October 19, 2010 3 comments
An aspect of Singapore hardly ever seen, and hardly ever discussed, are the handicapped. Let alone, the severely handicapped. They always seem forgotten. The average, the below average, and especially the above average Singaporean simply has no time to bother themselves with taking time off to help with such projects. This Video was created to coincide with the launch of the New Home for the Disabled.

Filmed in just 5 days, and edited in under a week, this short Promo was designed to touch hearts. It was filmed only using consumer cameras, and edited using consumer Computers. And it centered around the moving from the old home to the new one. Judiciously showing a "before and after" in the process.

We invite people to get their hands dirty, helping others in any selfless way they can. Not just giving money, but more so, giving their time, which is far more valuable and precious. Amateur filmmakers can also help, by documenting event special to them, and making such Videos available to the public for a better tomorrow.

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO that was produced by Dr. Michael Chick. Kudos Dr. Michael for a brilliant job and more importantly for your heart that cares!

*Dr. Michael Chick is a very talented movie maker, researcher, anthropologist, writer, photographer...a man of many talents and a good friend indeed who has taught me much about life, people, culture and what it means to be human! Thanks for sharing this!! The last segment moved me to tears!!! He also played the soundtrack for the clip on his keyboard! Amazing!!

If you have time, do volunteer at a home which needs volunteers. When we give our time and resources to bless those in need, we are also blessed.

3 comments to A Video for Special People

  1. says:

    Anonymous Malaysia is no less! I have two disabled sibling who are mentally ill but we have nowhere to turn to except the private home that charge exorbitantly high fee! We have to fork out about RM1200 each month for both of them. It's hard because I'm just an ordinary teacher teaching in a primary school and my other siblings are only housewives. To add more salt to the injury, our parents passed away and we have to bear the burden of providing them with basic needs and facilities.

    Malaysian government haven't build even a single institution or a sanatorium for the people like our siblings for decades! the British during the occupation was far more better by providing two institutions namely the Tanjung Rambutan health institution and Hospital Permai. After the independence, the institutions remain the only solution for the growing populations and they're obviously not enough.

    Without the support from the government people who can't afford a comfortable home for the disable will have to leave them on the street as we often see in Malaysia today.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Dear MWS,

    So often we complain about so many things in life, not knowing how lucky we are just by being born a normal and healthy person. I am reminded of the phrase - 'I complain I have no new shoes until I saw a person with no feet'

    I think there is a huge movement of volunteers who are willing to engage in social and charitable causes. They just need the financial resources to jump start their operations. This is where the rich and well-to-do in our society come in, not only the philanthropists and like-minded people. Forget the government. They are preoccupied with more foolish and grandiose ideas.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon and Edward

    Thank you so much for sharing from your heart and experience. I am humbled by your wisdom, patience and wealth of experiences and magnitude of your challenges.

    I will be blogging about this issue soon to highlight the pressing needs of the disabled.

    Certainly, the time has come for the government to do more with MORE $$ which should be put to good use for the betterment of the rakyat.

    Take care and God bless you and yours always.

    Please keep in touch.


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