The Jigsaw Puzzle

Posted by Unknown On Thursday, December 30, 2010 0 comments
Our life is like one big jigsaw puzzle which is made up of many pieces and the pieces of this big jigsaw puzzle are no one else but the people whom we come across in our day to day life. There are different people in our lives who can be divided into three distinct categories namely – the centre pieces, the outline to the main picture pieces and the corner pieces.


The centre pieces are the people who are most important in our life like our parents, spouses, children, and close friends and such. They are the pieces which make the main objects of the picture and without whom there is no substance to the puzzle. They make up most of our lives and must never be hurt as without them our lives would be worthless. Do as much as you can to make these people happy or there would be no meaning to anything in your life if they are lost.


The outline pieces are people who affect our day to day lives such as our colleagues, acquaintances, and teachers etc. who are extremely important as they help us in our development and add value to the main picture of life. These pieces are the ones who adds to the main substance of the puzzle and have to be respected and be given due importance for without them the picture is hollow. No one can help us in our development as much as these people and without them the picture can never be completed.


Last but not the least are the corner pieces – the ones which merely complete the puzzle but are not the part of main picture by any means. These are the people whom we can do without but just as those pieces make the picture beautiful and complete, so do these people who just by being there adds beauty in our lives. Such people could be anyone – maybe the girl next door, maybe an acquaintance who would pass on a smile every time you meet or just an old servant who not only works but adds another dimension to the house. These people make our lives just a bit more beautiful and cheerful and their importance should never be ignored.

Always remember that the centre pieces are the most important pieces in the jigsaw puzzle and no matter how much you try to build up other blocks if you don’t make these pieces the picture will not be made.

CLICK HERE for the rest of the article.

Have a pleasant evening!

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