Profit From Failure

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, January 4, 2011 2 comments
The test of a man is the fight he makes,
The grit that he daily shows;
The way he stands on his feet and takes
Fate's numerous bumps and blows.

A coward can smile when there's naught to fear,
When nothing his progress bars;
But it takes a man to stand up and cheer
While some other fellow stars.

It isn't the victory, after all,
But the fight that a brother makes;
The man who, driven against the wall,
Still stands up erect and takes
The blows of fate with his head held high;
Bleeding, and bruised, and pale,
Is the man who'll win in the by and by,
For he isn't afraid to fail.

It's the bumps you get, and the jolts you get,
And the shocks that your courage stands,
The hours of sorrow and vain regret,
The prize that escapes your hands,
That test your mettle and prove your worth;
It isn't the blows you deal,
But the blows you take on the good old earth,
That show if your stuff is real.

-Author Unknown-

2 comments to Profit From Failure

  1. says:

    Anonymous Our brain has both a success mechanism and a failure mechanism. The failure mechanism is the temptation to follow the undisciplined path of least resistance, to do what is fun and easy rather than what is hard and necessary.

    With herd instints, we choose to follow the easier paths and that is one of the major reason why most people fail to fulfil their individual potentials and their dreams.

    While our failure mechanism goes off automatically, our success mechanism is triggered by a goal. When we decide upon a goal, we override the failure mechanism and change the direction of our life.

    Once we have decided that this goal has the potential to have the greatest positive impact in our life, we need to work on this goal as hard as we can with great desire and an absolute passion. We resolve never to give up until it is achieved.

    Self-discipline is the KEY to personal success.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    WOW! Thanks for a very awesome, practical and wise comment. You are writing very beautifully these days, straight from the heart. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts here that we might be inspired.

    I hope that when you are free, you can write a post which I will put up in this blog with much pleasure and delight.

    Thanks for sharing.

    God bless and keep you and yours always.


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