So, what is your occupation?

Posted by Unknown On Monday, February 7, 2011 7 comments
The officer at the Driving License counter asked the lady "What is your occupation?"

The woman seeking renewal of her license seemed to be puzzled.

So the officer said "Ma'am, are you employed, have your own business or........

The woman replied "Oh, yes!! I have a full time occupation. I am a mother"

Officer: "We don't have 'mother' as an option for occupation. I will write it down as 'Housewife'. That takes care of all questions."

This had happened long ago, and was forgotten. Years later when I went to get my license, the Public Relations Officer was a somewhat pompous.woman.

"Your occupation?" she asked in a rather authoritative tone.

I just had an inspiration and replied "I am a researcher in the field of Child Development, Nutrition and Inter-personal Relationships"

The lady officer stared at me in amazement. I calmly repeated my statement and she wrote it down verbatim.

Then, unable to conceal her curiosity, she politely asked "What exactly do you do in your profession, Ma'am?"

I was feeling good about having described my occupation so calmly and confidently.

So I replied "My research projects have been going on for a number of years (Mothers never retire!!). My research is conducted in the laboratory as well as in the field. I have two bosses. (One is God and the other is my entire family). I have received two honours in this field. (A son and a daughter) My topic is considered to be the most difficult part of sociology.(All moms will agree!!). I have to work more than 14 hours every day. Sometimes even 24 hours are not enough and the challenges are tougher than many other professions. My compensation is in terms of mental satisfaction rather than money"

I could see that the officer was thoroughly impressed. After completing the licensing formalities, she came to the door to see me off.

This new viewpoint about my occupation made me feel much better on my way back home. I was welcomed by my 5-year-old research assistant at the door. My new project (my 6-month-old baby) was energetically practicing her 'music'.

I had earned a small victory over the Governmental red tape today. I was no longer 'merely a mother', instead I was now a highly placed functionary in a service vital for mankind -Motherhood!!

'Mother' - Isn't it a great title. Fit to be added to the nameplate on the door!! By this standard, grandmothers deserve to be called Senior Research Officers, and Great Grandmothers qualify as 'Research Directors'. Aunts and other ladies of that age group can be called 'Research Facilitators'

-Author Unknown-

Angela, my dear friend, was the one who emailed the above post to me yesterday evening. My apologies for this acknowledgement.

7 comments to So, what is your occupation?

  1. says:

    Anonymous Sounds like you are overworked. With wonderful kids it is worth it. Should take walks along the Hills around Hotel Equitorial near your home. Heard very rich people stay around there ha ha.

  1. says:

    Unknown Haha! I am not overworked and enjoying the leisurely pace of life as a semi-retiree...and I don't live near Hotel Equatorial or in any rich neighbourhood :-) but in a very ordinary residential estate.

    I forgot to include an acknowledgement that the post was sent to me by Angela in my sleepy state when I did the post in the wee hours of the morning.

    Have a great week and God bless you!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon,

    Forgot to say that indeed this post resonates with me cos motherhood is not an easy job. I take my hats off to women all over the world who are mothers, especially single moms and those who have many children for it is tiring, challenging but the rewards and dividends last a lifetime. And yes, it is really worth it with kids who are loving, appreciative and wonderful beings.

    Take care and do keep in touch.


  1. says:

    Anonymous What is your occupation ?

    A fulltime driver for children and wife, a DIY handyman for the home, an office manager for the staff, a layman for the religious service, a social worker to the refugees and the down trodden.

    A banker to the family and also grand children. Wearing so many hats as a lay person and I am enjoying every moment of it. Most of all I'm also a donkey for the Lord, so who am I ?

    May the grace of God and the fellowship of His spirit be upon you and family. May the choicest blessings be upon you as you continue to shine for Him through faith and work.

  1. says:

    Rml Hahahahaha, that was awesome! Loved it! And that picture with the kittens... OMG. Talk about insanely cute.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Many thanks for such a moving, empathetic and compassionate input. As always, you remain an unwavering source of inspiration. You have been blessed with a godly mother and godly wife. May you and your family be blessed always.


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi RML

    Great to hear from you! Am happy you enjoyed this post. Yes, I love the illustration of the kittens too. Take care and have a great week!


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