A Moonlight Serenade Gone Awry!

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, March 9, 2011 5 comments
According to this report HERE, Putrajaya revealed today that while Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor did not have aides within the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), her husband’s officers are occasionally seconded to assist her in her role as the prime minister’s wife.

Interestingly, the original article was titled Nazri: PM’s staff moonlighting for Rosmah at THIS LINK but it was updated and titled Nazri: Rosmah gets help from PM’s aides at THIS SITE.

My guess is that some may have been rattled by the term 'moonlighting' the meaning of which can be accessed HERE.

Well, the series of reports/statements have been puzzling as usual.

1. In the Malaysian Insider report, Nazri said “There is no fixed or special contract staff for the prime minister’s wife but officers from PMO will, from time to time, help her carry out her duties as the wife of the prime minister.

“The element of extra cost does not arise because they are the prime minister’s employees,” he said.

Nazri said that the officers would be assigned to help with correspondence and handle invitations for local and international events for Rosmah.

2. In THIS ARTICLE from Free Malaysia Today, it was reported that:

Loke did not seem satisfied with the reply. He pointed out to Nazri that the website of the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) once listed the names of six officers holding specific posts at FLOM.

“Why does this occur if there are no officers designated to FLOM?” he asked

Nazri read again his reply from a prepared text and added that PMO was going through an updating process to avoid confusion on the matter.

3. In another article HERE by FMT, it was reported that:

The existence of a full-fledged First Lady of Malaysia (FLOM) division in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) proves that Najib Tun Razak lied to the Dewan Rakyat when he said his wife Rosmah Mansor had no staff of her own, opposition Member of Parliament Teresa Kok said today.

“The prime minister lied to the Dewan Rakyat in November 2010 when in his parliamentary answer to Bukit Bendera (MP Liew Chin Ton), he said that there are no full-time staff or contract staff specially assigned to his wife, Rosmah Mansor.

“Najib’s statement has now been proven to be a pack of lies with the discovery that there exists a “FLOM division” in the Prime Minister’s Office dedicated to serving Rosmah as evidenced by the PMO’s very own staff directory web page.

“The fact that the web page was suddenly removed two to three days ago upon being criticised by the public makes the existence of this division all the more suspicious,” said Kok, the Seputeh MP, in a statement.

4. In THIS ARTICLE posted by FMT yesterday, it was reported that:

A new unit in the Prime Minister’s Department has set tongues wagging.

The unit known as FLOM, an acronym for First Lady of Malaysia, is a full-fledged department that looks into the operational needs of the Prime Minister’s wife, Rosmah Mansor.

Ensconed within the premises of the PM’s Office, FLOM has a six-member staff headed by special officer Siti Azizah Sheikh Abod.

The rest of the unit comprises two personal assistants Saleha Mohd Rabani and Siti Zaiton Abdul Ghani and three assistant officers with special functions – G Vimala, Rizal Mansor and Nurul Rosemiemmy Kahsimi.

What these personnel actually do is anyone’s guess and FLOM’s mission and vision remain a mystery. The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) official website too is not helpful. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

4. In case you want to know more about FLOM, check out:

Finding F.L.O.M.

Last year, there was quite a heated debate about who is entitled to use the term First Lady of Malaysia wrt to a certain advertisement that appeared in a foreign country.

Check out what Wikipedia has to say about that HERE.

In the mean time, don't you think this whole issue should not have arisen in the first place? None of the other spouses of the previous PM's were so high profile but yet, achieved a lot during their tenure of service.

The sudden outbursts and statements sound to me like a moonlight serenade gone awry.

So what will happen next? What do you think?

If you love oldies, do click HERE to listen to Henry Mancini's version of MOONLIGHT SERENADE or a Frank Sinatra's version AT THIS LINK.

At least that is music to soothe our ears that hurt from all the 'serenades' and out of tune arrangements that are being played out for us - all gone awry!

Do leave a comment to share your views. Thanks. Have a lovely evening.

5 comments to A Moonlight Serenade Gone Awry!

  1. says:

    Tiger First Lady, my foot!
    She wasn't even Najib's "FIRST LADY"!

  1. says:

    Anonymous From what I understand, the “First Lady” in America under the constitution is a commoner. Her official title is “wife of the President”. Her only access to public benefit is a group of “Secret Service Agent” and “VIP transport” (not even the Presidential transport). She doesn’t get paid but she did get allowance and benefit for being the “wife of the President” to look nice (even her jewellery is on loan).

    The theory is simply, when your company hire you, do your company also pay salary to your spouse? Your company give benefit to your family but the salary pay to you, period.

  1. says:

    UP41 Somehow I think this short Chinese phrase fit in :

    公私不分。OR 公器私用!

    It reflect the mentality of these people. And they just could not get it - even a pencil or pen from the PM office should not be used by his family technically speaking ; needless to say using government servants for her own agenda.

  1. says:

    Anonymous This reflects the malady of the ketuanan mentality. It is my right to do as I wish, sounds familiar ?

    The simple teaching of what is right and what is wrong has been so muddled that when a govt servant of dumbo type decides on any issue related to the govt, it will not be based as a civil servant altitude but that of a master with authority.

    We have landed into this cesspool due to political manipulation of one party, i.e dumbo against all else. With the gang leader being non other than the "most hated one" or rather some called him as MadHadKutty.

    The line between govt, executive, legislative, judiciary, military, police etc. are mostly serving the govt in power without second thoughts of differentiating their real role of responsibility. Anything goes as far as those in power issue a directive even to the point of harrasment of political opponents.

    The only remedy for this malady is to change a next set of govt with elected representatives responsible enough to relook at all those flaws and put in place proper laws to safe guard all Malaysians from the pirates that we have now.

    Limit the terms of office for those in power to two terms and three terms for younger office bearers. Most importantly, ensure that PIRATIZATION is completely ban and special allocation of shares MUST be transparent in order that the abuses to date is keep in place with the majority poor amongst the Malays get what they are suppose to get not those rich Malay politicians who had have bastardised the NEP to keep everybody poor.

    Enough said and let us ensure that no more pirate is around to fleech us, ya.


  1. says:

    Anonymous typo : fleece not fleech. thousand apology.

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