Women are Like? *humor*

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, March 9, 2011 6 comments
Earlier this morning, I put up a post on "Men are Like?" and am now putting this one to be fair to both sexes and also for the sake of humor with no intention to insult/offend anyone. If you are offended by these statements, please accept my humbles apologies. Take care and have a nice day!


...the stock market
They're irrational and can bankrupt you if you're not careful.

They take too long to warm up and a better model always comes along once you've already got one.

...Saran Wrap
Useful but clingy.

Fun to pet and ride but a pain to feed and clean up after.

...parking meters
If you don't feed them with enough money you face serious consequences.

...fax machines
Useful for one very specific purpose but otherwise just high-maintenance paperweights.

...political campaign contributors
If you let them talk about themselves long enough you wind up in bed with them.

They're always cold and never seem to have a beer when you need one.

...blue jeans
They look good for a while but eventually they fade and have to be replaced.

...country western songs
They're annoying, they all sound alike, but if you really listen to them you'll get depressed and drink a lot.

-Author Unknown-

Have a great day!!

6 comments to Women are Like? *humor*

  1. says:

    PJN hahaha nice one.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi PJN

    Glad you like it! Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Amphiscian "Women are like elephants: interesting to look at but I wouldn't want to own one."

  1. says:

    Anonymous Wow-men are men's helpmate ! Without them how to reproduce and the world will be weird with mancho men all around without femininity.

    We must have a balance in life and for that matter we cannot change the course of the creator. Live and let's live for good or for bad and till death do we part, the vow of marriage given to one's spouse witness by all and sundry.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Amphiscian

    Very true. Any sane and intelligent woman would not want to be an object of possession :-).

    Take care and may you find one like that :-).

    God bless and do stay in touch!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Very true! Balance is needed in all areas of our lives be it at the work place, in the political arena or even at home.

    Thanks for giving women the recognition that they deserve, especially on Women's Day.

    Take care and have a blessed weekend.


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