Pieces from a Broken Heart

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, March 5, 2011 4 comments
Those of you who have been reading my blog would well know that I am a die-hard romantic sentimentalist who believes in the 'and they lived happily ever after' ending of a romance. Alas, not every seemingly made-in-heaven match ends that way.

My relaxed Friday morning was punctured by a series of sms messages from a very dear friend's girlfriend. I was pleasantly surprised as I have not really been close to her. As the sms messages progressed, I was completely shattered by the news that they had broken up.

:-( I backed out from a dinner date with Freddie and the gang last night @ a newly opened Irish restaurant at Straits Quay just so that I could be at home in case she called and indeed she did. We had a good time talking things out via Skype.

Prior to that, my family and I had been so happy that they had found each other. Young (late 20s and early 30s), extremely intelligent, both good-looking friends, successful, from good families - it was a storybook tale come alive before my eyes.

But even storybook romances come to an end.

And now, I am in a state of shock from yet another bombshell.

Both of them have serious medical issues that need immediate medical attention. I am reeling in horror, shock, deep sadness and grief. I know it is not the end of the world as both of them are so young.

It has been a horrible nightmare the past few days. I have been crying so much. Life can be very unfair. Why do bad things happen to good people? Even as I type this, tears are rolling down my face. I just pray both of them will be reunited and that the medical issues will be sorted out regardless of the costs involved. This cannot be true but it is. :-( It is like living through some Korean series like "Winter Sonata" or another tear-jerker except this time, I am playing a supportive role.


Dear readers, life is so short. In 2010, I lost one or two loved ones/friends every month. Last week, I started exercising in a very disciplined manner this time, because I know that I have to take responsibility for my own health that I may live to see a better Malaysia and my grandkids. I told myself that I cannot rot and wilt away in fats in front of my pc everyday via a sedentary lifestyle. It has been tough fighting the battle of the bulge but I will persevere and am slowly seeing results. There are certain things we can change for the better but sometimes, things are beyond our control and it is up to the Almighty how and when this life will end.

Regardless of how old you are, please take care of your health, your lifestyle and your mental health. May you and yours be blessed with good health, happiness, love, fulfilment and peace of mind always.

This evening, I am going to have dinner with her and see where we go from here. I am so sorry I have not been able to write as I feel very deeply shattered. There is one particular socio-political issue that I will write about later when I come home. I have not had the heart to blog about it but I have to by tonight. Do take care and please pray for these two friends of mine not forgetting Beng. The last time I heard from him was on 28th February. I wrote to him yesterday and till now, I have had no reply from him, neither has Angela. So sorry for this emo post. When I love my friends, I really sayang them....very very much. :-( I am sure you do too! Anyway, do take care and swing by later. Thanks!

4 comments to Pieces from a Broken Heart

  1. says:

    PJN You are still young to change your lifestyle. It is good that you are considering some active activities. If the hills are too steep for you, try the valleys. For me, the bukit jambu hills are no-no because coming down is a problem. I opted for PISA walk around because it is flat, not so straining and it is nearer my home.

    The best gift I can give my childern is to stay healthy. It is not easy for them to take care of sick old folks.

    Do exercise for the sake of your loved ones. I still do mild exercises because I am not that old. Just a hint. I started dating when you were born or about one year old. If old people can keep fit, young ones like you can do better-la.Cheers, keep smiling, stop weeping and start staying active.

  1. says:

    Anonymous Well, many things in our life is just beyond our control and sadly those that are within our control, we had developed ill discipline over them and always have reasons to it.

    It is no fun getting sick and nowadays it is a costly affair unless one has the tenacity to wait at the govt hospital and ended up being diagnosed by doctors not from our Uni but imported by our govt to serve here.

    Health is only appreciated when we are in dire need of it and for that we classify health is wealth. With the ever spiralling cost of basic essentail items, hard times are indeed here and will last for quite a while until the middle east is more stable.

    Meanwhile, tighten our belts as per PM advised so that they can have a free ride dipping their "golden hands" into the national coffer. Well, let us do them in, ok ah ? Vote anything but barang naik govt.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear PJN,

    Thanks so much for your warm and kind encouragement. It is gratifying to see that at your age, you still have so much zest and zeal to do what you love and know is right.

    I do agree with you that the BJ hills are too steep - even for me. I go on the treadmill, cycle and also do brisk walking around the parks near my home. I started my resistance training 2 weeks ago and my muscles are still not used to the regime. Have to build up stamina and strength slowly but surely. As it is, I now have aching muscles haha...

    Yes, you are right. We have to stay healthy not just for ourselves but also for our kids.

    I am over the tears and now in the rational analytical mode :-).

    Do take care. Hope to meet you one day in Penang! Have a great week ahead and God bless you always.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thanks so much for your sincere and wise comments. It is very expensive to be sick these days. Not only is treatment expensive, hospital bills are escalating and medical insurance as well.

    We all definitely have to stay healthy and our leaders too must ensure our economy is in a very healthy state lest we pay the price of their folly!

    Take care and let's continue to persuade others to vote wisely.

    Have a blessed week!


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