Penang Drivers!!!

Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, April 19, 2011 14 comments
Honestly, I hate going out in Penang. Driving in this idyllic island can be a living nightmare. I seldom go out unless friends/relatives are in town. If and when I do go out, it is to the nearby shops to buy food or to TESCO to get my groceries or to take my son to school/tuition etc. I am not a shopper and hate to cruise along any road in Penang unless it is absolutely necessary. Let me give you a few reasons why this is so.

1. Rude and cantankerous drivers

The worst nightmare is driving along Jalan Masjid Negeri (near to Convent Green Lane and Penang Free School) and the stretch near to Union High School. I have encountered my share of drivers who:

  • honk for no reason
  • switch lanes from the left lane to the centre lane to the right lane in a few seconds like a Houdini act
  • show their middle finger
  • flash their headlights in frustration when they cannot cut lane
  • overtake without giving signals
  • drive in the wrong lane i.e. they are in the left lane (for turning left) and then go straight
  • slow drivers who remain in the right lane and hold up the traffic flow
  • do not stop at junctions

I have encountered quite a number of road rage drivers who honk at me, overtake my car and then brake in front of my car (not just once but a few times) with the hope that I will crash into them.

Then there are impatient drivers (male/female/old/young) who honk at everyone just because the line is not moving. The worst case scenario I have experienced was at Gurney Plaza after a trip to the book shops there. You would not believe it but I got down from the car and walked to the driver who was honking meaninglessly. I asked him if he had a solution to the bottleneck. He kept quiet and I walked back to my car.

2. Inconsiderate drivers

These inconsiderate drivers love to:

  • double park
  • park at junctions
  • park at places which clearly state no parking/waiting
  • block the entrances of households/exits
  • beat the traffic lights
  • expect law abiding citizens to beat the light like they do and when these drivers stop when the light turns red, these drivers honk at them endlessly
  • tail-gating ambulances/VIP cars selfishly
  • do not give way
  • try to squeeze others off the road/lane
  • make U-turns when they are NOT supposed to do that - I witnessed one driver today doing that at Jalan Masjid Negeri just in front of the Shell Patrol Station near to TESCO.

3. Drivers who drive in the WRONG direction

This evening, while cruising along Aboo Sittee Lane, I nearly had a heart attack when a Kellisa headed in the wrong direction along that one way street at full speed. I honked and honked and the guy braked. Then I pointed at him and signalled to let him know it was a one way street. Fortunately, he reversed and then moved in the right direction.

4. Pedestrians who jay walk and expect drivers to stop for them.

Yesterday evening, we were driving home after an evening hike. Two guys wanted to cross the road and did not bother about the traffic. Other cars did not stop for them and swerved to avoid these two guys.Most reluctantly, my husband stopped for them for if not, he would run into them. And you would NEVER believe what one of the guys did - he KICKED MY front bumper!!!

Believe me - it is such a challenge to keep sane and patient when driving in Penang. I just wish drivers would make a conscious effort to be courteous, considerate and kind!

Is that too much to ask?

14 comments to Penang Drivers!!!

  1. says:

    adie Third world mentality..

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear adie

    Indeed! Actually, I have encountered many horrible incidents but did not list them because the post would be filled with negatives.

    Take care and thanks for swinging by! Have a nice day and please keep in touch.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown When you drive in Kuala Lumpur its getting worse day by day like with all your comments.F1 drivers on the expressway.DRIVERS beating the traffic lights is so common. One was caught by traffic police and asked didn't you see the red light,dare to tell its "bukan ta nampak lampu merah tapi ta nampak Dato".Its not I did not see the red light its I did not see you.Lol.

  1. says:

    Jimmy Liew This is Malaysia, get used to it.

  1. says:

    michael Encourage using public transport is the only solution to this never-ending daily nightmare. The car/bike population is increasing through leaps and bounds whereas roads in Penang remain the same.

    I'm glad that I now travel around using Rapid which is providing excellent service. Some more in aircondition too. The only snag is that it takes longer to travel around.

  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    You should hear my Mama complaining all the time we were in Penang! We didn't tell you but now that you've mentioned it....hehehe.... There was one occasion, we pointed out a no entry and on-way street signs to a lady driver and she shouted: I don't care! Such arrogance. We wished she'd met with an accident. That was mean thinking of us but with such a person....!!!! purrrr....meow!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear kimh115

    Wow! I did not know that KL drivers are like that! I like your F1 driver comment :-).

    I guess it must be due to attitude, materialism, stress and many other internal/external factors.

    Take care and thanks for swinging by to share your thoughts. Do keep in touch.

    Have a great day and cheers!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Jimmy Liew

    Sadly, this is not the Malaysia I knew in my younger days :-(.

    But you are right - I have to get used to it. Sighs.

    Thanks for that jolt to reality. Take care and please keep in touch.

    Have a great day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Michael

    The last time I took a bus was over 35 years ago! I must try it one day. In time to come, that would be the best alternative as our roads are far too congested now!

    Take care and thanks so much for swinging by to share your experiences. Do keep in touch.

    Wishing you a wonderful day!

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Angelina

    I am really not surprised. Maybe now you can understand why I am almost always at home.

    Selfishness can be seen in the way some drive and park.

    If only such characters would give more thought to those around them.


    Take care and hope to see you the next time you are in Penang!


  1. says:

    UP41 Dear MWS, If driving in Penang drove you nut then you should try driving in KL/PJ. I went to Penang recently but drove mostly during off peak hours and also tried the Rapid Penang from Gurney to CBD area. Bottom line : not that bad - abang adik with KL & JB drivers (JB motor cyclists will definitely bring nightmare to the weak hearts)-there are good, bad & horrible.

    Wish Penang could improve the public transports and learn from other big cities ( not meant to encourage overseas traveling for our govn' servants ; there are many easy way to collect details/info) S'hai, a 20 million population city, has done much better job in public transport than our talk bolih, kerja tak bolih govn, servants here.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear UP41

    Thanks so much for sharing about your experiences! I do not like city life and would very much want to retire in a small kampung where I can move around on my 'iron horse' without ploughing through traffic jams.

    Yet, I must say that if not for the traffic jams, Penang is certainly one of the best places in the world for me because of its unique characteristics, culture, food and diversities in lifestyle.

    You are right in your observation of how the public transport system still needs to be improved. There is some improvement but there is still much to be done before more turn to the public transport alternative. That is the only way to ease traffic congestion in this island.

    Take care and have a wonderful weekend.


  1. says:

    ihp000 May I post a link to this blog on my blog? The blog will be called, "Driving survival techniques in Penang", and I'll publish it in a few days, on

    Thank you.


  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Ian

    Thanks for visiting my blog. It would be an honour to be featured in your blog. By all means, go ahead and re-post and backlink to my blog.

    Take care and have a good day!

    Do keep in touch!

    Best wishes

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