A Very Beautiful Post - Someday

Posted by Unknown On Friday, April 15, 2011 4 comments
My older boy is 21+ whilst my younger one is 12.5. Day after day, I wish my boys could remain as boys - there for me to love and to mollycoddle. Alas, the truth is - they grow too fast!! Yet, sometimes, I wish I was free and easy to go off for holidays without worrying about their music/art lessons or their meals.However, things will certainly be different when I have the empty nest syndrome....Here's something beautiful that someone sent me ages ago...

SOMEDAY, when the kids are grown, life will be different. The memo pad on my refrigerator door will read, "Afternoon at hairdresser," or, "browse through art gallery," or, "start golf lessons"... instead of, "pediatrician at 2:00," or, "Cub Pack Meeting.

SOMEDAY, when the kids are grown, the house will be free of graffiti. There will be no crayoned smiley faces on the walls, no names scrawled in furniture dust, no pictures fingered on steamy windows, and no initials etched in bars of soap.

SOMEDAY, when the kids are grown, I'll get through a whole chapter of an engrossing book without being interrupted to sew a nose on a teddy bear, stop a toddler from eating the dog food, or rescue the cat from the toy box.

SOMEDAY, when the kids are grown, I won't find brown apple cores under the beds, empty spindles on the toilet paper hanger, or fuzzy caterpillars in denim jeans. And I will be able to find a pencil in the desk drawer, a slice of leftover pie in the refrigerator, and the comics still in the center of the newspaper.

SOMEDAY, when the kids are grown, I'll breeze right past the gumball machine in the supermarket without having to fumble for pennies; I'll stroll freely down each aisle without fear of inadvertently passing the candy or toy sections; and I'll choose cereal without considering what noise it makes, what prize it contains, or what color it comes in.

SOMEDAY, when the kids are grown, I'll prepare Quiche Loraine, or Scallops Amandine, or just plain liver and onions, and no one will say, "Yuk! I wish we were having hot dogs!" or, "Jimmy's lucky, his Mom lets him eat chocolate bars for dinner,"; And we'll eat by candle light, with no one trying to roast their peas and carrots over the flame to "make them taste better," or arguing about who gets to blow out the candle when we're done.

SOMEDAY, when the kids are grown, I'll get ready for my bath without first having to remove a fleet of boats, two rubber alligators, and a soggy tennis ball from the tub. I'll luxuriate in hot, steamy water and billows of bubbles for a whole hour, and no fists will pound on the door, no small voices will yell, "Hurry up, Mommy! I gotta go!

YES, SOMEDAY, when the kids are grown, life will be different.

They'll leave our nest, and the house will be Quiet... and calm... and empty... and lonely. And I won't like that at all! And then... I'll spend my time, not looking forward to SOMEDAY, but looking back at YESTERDAY.

Recognize all of the angels-in-training around you.

-Author unknown-

Have a lovely day!

4 comments to A Very Beautiful Post - Someday

  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    I'll move in with you and you can mollycoddle me all you can. We'll rewrite the SOMEDAY poem together, OK? purrrr.....meow!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Angelina

    Yes, anytime, dearie!! And please bring Nicki with you cos Nick really likes her!!!

    Looking forward to poetic moments :-). Take care and do keep in touch.

    Have a great weekend.


  1. says:

    PJN Your kids need you because they are young. When they grow up they will also need you because their lives are busy. Sometimes I do wish my kids stop growing.......like 12.5 years all the time.

    By the time your boys grow up, you will have 101 things to do for them. The closer you are to your kids, the more you need to do for them.

    This is a typical task I do for my grown up kids.

    Son: Dad, my PC crashed. Please fix for me. In the meantime I borrow your Ferrari.

    Daughter: Daddy, I will be travelling next week. Shop for me winter clothes,bags etc etc and get lots of Euro for the money changer.

    (Oops. the Ferrari is not a car. It is a Acer Laptop).

    Your turn will come. Since you are very close to your boys, your tasks for them will be a lot more than mine.

    In the meantime, enjoy growing up with them.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear PJN

    So happy to hear from you again and what a wonderful response. Thank you so much!!

    I really wish I could keep my boys with me ALWAYS but I cannot. I can only treasure the memories and cherish the moments with them.

    What you have shared here is truly priceless and I can identify with a lot of what you have expressed.

    Although I am close to my boys, they are also very independent characters and much as I still want to mollycoddle them to death haha...they do draw the boundaries for me :-(.

    I should have had MORE kids.


    When I have the empty nest syndrome, I will definitely get a dog then or die from boredom :-).

    Anyway, take care and please keep in touch!

    Wishing you and yours a great weekend.


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