You cannot believe everything you read...
This evening he told me about an article a friend posted about Obamacare and Microchip implants. I surfed the net vigilantly to find more evidence and came across THIS ARTICLE.
Do check it out to see the counter arguments.
This post has been copied by a blogger impersonating me!!!
I am stating this because there is one particular blogger who has been stealing my blog content (content scraping) - even my personal ones about my sons (and implying he/she is writing about his/her sons!!!!) and those I wrote and stating and hosting it in a website url that is very similar to mine with just a double digit number added to just so he/she can steal traffic for advertising revenue. Many advertisements have been hosted in that site which is ALSO CALLED Masterwordsmith-Unplugged!!!!
Readers would know know because of aesthetics, I have not hosted any advertisements in my blogs because I blog to share and not to earn $$$. Besides, if he/she wants to blog and earn advertising revenue, he/she should do his/her homework, put in effort and reap well-deserved rewards. I spend a lot of time trawling the net for interesting articles to share and it is not fair that he/she exploits my blog/effort for selfish reasons. Most unethical!
If you are concerned and would like to support my fight against copyright infringement, please voice your support at:
1. Blogger Product Forum
2. Report Copyright Infringement DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act
Do not go to that blog which is filled with malicious scripts!
If there are any lawyers reading this who would like to assist, please write to me at writetomws at hush dot ai.
I really hope Blogger or DMCA authorities will close the blog/ask him/her to take down all the stolen content and ban that blogger for such unscrupulous practices. Ethically, anyone who uses content from other places cannot host the entire article but only an excerpt, state the source/writer and backlink to the original source - which is what I always do.
Thank you very much for your kindness and support. Have a blessed day.
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