How to Have Healthy Glowing Skin

Posted by Unknown On Saturday, March 16, 2013 0 comments

Vitamins! They play a major role in how your skin looks on the exterior as well as interior. When we talk about skin, the single most important vitamin is vitamin B. Vitamin B is a Biotin- a nutrient that forms a part of your skin, nails and hair cells. Deficiency in this aspect could lead to formation of light white patches on your skin. How to grab this vitamin B? Well, many foods including bananas, eggs, oatmeal and rice contain high amounts of vitamin B. Foods like whole-wheat bread and cereals also provide the mineral Selenium, which plays a key role in the health of the skin cells. Vitamin A has its own credentials, antioxidants beta-carotene which is a derivative from vitamin A and vitamin C act as natural sunscreens to your skin. Foods that contain vitamin A are carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, mangoes, muskmelon, leafy greens and tomato-vegetable juice. Foods that contain vitamin C are orange juice, grapefruit juice, papayas, strawberries, kiwis and red and green peppers and they’re known to have a tremendous impact on your skin. Vitamin E is very hard to consume in large quantities from food but some that contain this vital vitamin are, vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, olives, and spinach.

Eat Smart Fats for Healthy Skin

People who complain of having dry skin and encounter frequent problems with blackheads and whiteheads on their body or facial skin are suffering a deficiency of the essential fatty acids. Today we get plenty of Omega-6s but, often lack or ignore Omega-3s as part of nutrition for skin. Omega-3s are mostly found in flaxseeds, cold-water fishes and sardine. A smart way of consuming to help, better your skin is to switching to a higher omega-3 cooking oil, something like soybean or rice bran oil, this can help increase your intake too.


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