Call it fate, or destiny, but a basset hound named Ginger has been reunited with her owner after 10 years apart. On a whim, Jamie Carpentier decided to check out a website he had never been on. He had recently lost his boxer and had decided not to get another dog, but something made him peruse the listings of dogs up for adoption at the Humane Society for Greater Nashua. That’s where he saw the posting for the dog he hadn’t seen in ten years, Ginger.
Carpentier got divorced 10 years ago, when Ginger was just 3 years old. His ex-wife had custody of the dog and unbeknownst to him had surrendered her for adoption not long after. Ginger was re-homed but recently her elderly owner could not care for her anymore and took her to the humane society, where she has waited for 3 months for a new home.
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