Posted by Unknown On Monday, February 1, 2010 22 comments
This afternoon, I drove to my son's school fifteen minutes before the scheduled time just to get a good, shady spot to wait for him and to read my book. Just as I secured a lovely spot and was about to take out my book to read, this WOMAN sneakily parked her car in front of the other cars beside mine. It must have been my fierce face that deterred her from plonking her vehicle smack in front of mine.

Our Lah-Dee-Dah Madam not only blocked those cars but also the flow of the traffic. Thankfully, no one was leaving yet.

Three minutes later, a lady entered the car beside mine. Madam Lah-Dee-Dah saw her BUT did not proceed to shift her car. The lady on my left started her car engine. Lah-dee-dah still remained in a state of inertia!

Soon, four cars were waiting behind Lah-Dee-Dah's car. She still DID NOT budge. I started honking and soon, all the cars followed in cacophonic harmony!!! Lah-Dee-Dah DID NOT MOVE at all. No one could budge. The cars that were turning in could not move as well due to the jam caused by Lah-Dee-Dah.

My blood was boiling and I was exasperated with that inconsiderate and idiotic driver. I got out of my car in a huff and a puff, proceeded to knock on her window and asked her to shift her car and turn out to the main road. Then I walked away. Three steps later, I turned back.

Lah-Dee-Dah still DID NOT MOVE even though the other cars were still honking at her!!!!!

I stormed back to her car, knocked impatiently on her passenger window. She wound it down and screamed at me!!!

"I am waiting for my son," she hollered at me.

"Yea, no problem but can you see that we are all stuck behind you and the traffic cannot move because of you so you had better shift your car now you inconsiderate *****!!!" I screamed at her!!!!

Most reluctantly, she took her own sweet time to reverse into a nearby parking lot. Exactly! There was one available BUT she did not want to park there just so she could zip out of the area quickly even if it meant causing a massive jam and inconveniencing other people!!

I am sure if I had not gone down to do what I did, I would have been stuck there waiting for her to pick up her son, and together with other irate drivers, I would be honking away while SHE had her way while we suffered inconvenience for her selfish ways. I cannot imagine how myopic and deficient of neurons is this character. Jeepers! Even my hamsters and fish are more considerate than her and they live in harmony and unity!

Good heavens! This is the problem with MANY people in the world today. They think only of THEMSELVES and not about how their actions or lack of ability to take action affect other people.

On Saturday night, my family went to Batu Maung for seafood dinner. On the way home, my husband wanted to stop by TESCO to get some fresh milk. As I absolutely HATE crowds, I asked him to get his stuff while I tried to find a place to park.

As I zig-zagged around the parking bays, I was COMPLETELY APPALLED that so many people had parked their cars in no-parking zones causing so much inconvenience to others. In fact, a guy was waiting beside his Hilux - he could not drive out as others had parked their cars along the wall adjacent to the parking lots!!!

This malaise of many Malaysians is not just in parking but in politics and many areas of daily life as well. As long as it does not affect them directly, many just don't care to vote or to register as a voter or even to go home to their hometowns to vote cos they would rather use their leave for a holiday!!!

And so they park or do whatever they please!!! This rot has to stop!!!

Small but responsible acts of kindness DO matter and they DO affect not only ourselves but others directly and INDIRECTLY.

We HAVE to care. We HAVE to do something positive about this scenario to make the world a better place. Let's see beyond our noses and take a bird's view of the country and do something to effect change. We cannot NOT care any more.

So if you still have not registered to vote, PLEASE GO AND REGISTER AS QUICKLY AS YOU CAN. If you have never voted before, please make sure you vote at the next G.E. And by the time the next GE comes, please make sure that you return to your hometown to cast your vote! Thanks.

Ad of course - drive and park safely and considerately! Thanks!

Here's an inspirational piece to end this post.It was posted in my other blog HERE today. Change always begins with OURSELVES!


One day not too long ago the employees of a large company in St. Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door. The sign said: "Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral in the room that has been prepared in the gym."

At first everyone was sad to hear that one of their colleagues had died, but after a while they started getting curious about who this person might be.

The excitement grew as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last respects. Everyone wondered: "Who is this person who was hindering my progress? Well, at least he's no longer here!"

One by one the employees got closer to the coffin and when they looked inside it they suddenly became speechless. They stood over the coffin, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their soul.

There was a mirror inside the coffin: everyone who looked inside it could see himself. There was also a sign next to the mirror that said: "There is only one person who is capable to set limits to your growth: it is YOU.

You are the only person who can revolutionize your life. You are the only person who can influence your happiness, your realization and your success. You are the only person who can help yourself.

Your life does not change when your boss changes, when your friends change, when your parents change, when your partner changes, when your company changes. Your life changes when YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that you are the only one responsible for your life.

"The most important relationship you can have, is the one you have with yourself."

-Author Unknown-


Thanks for reading. Take care and do leave a comment if you wish. Have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Monyet King I always thought that Malaysians pick up bad driving / parking habits from school, especially in urban areas. They watch how their parents park indiscriminately in or around the school. They observe how their parents double or triple park at the school. They watch how their parent ignore all traffic rules. And walllah, 10 years later, you get another idiotic Malaysian driver.

  1. says:

    stephen Reading this story of yours makes my blood boil.I tell you, when I drive in Penang,the drivers there make me real mad.Some of them can be real idiotic,selfish and downright dangerous.
    I am glad you told her off that stoopid b****h.Sometimes I wish I own a clunker so that I can shunt these idiots off the road.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Planet of the Monyets

    How true! Parents must remember to display exemplary behaviour and speech at all times because the play precious socialization roles that are vital to maintain order and form in society.

    Take care and keep up the wonderful blogging.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Stephen

    Oh yes - tell me about Penang drivers! That is the primary reason why I seldom go out and prefer to hibernate and blog at home!

    Drivers in Singapore and Thailand are more considerate.

    I have been the victim or road bullies/hogs who brake in front of me after they overtake my car in a dangerous manner. Ah - the nightmare is unending...

    Take care and drive safe.


  1. says:

    Anonymous i prefer cycling ! cheers.

  1. says:

    Anonymous same thing everywhere. u do not need to go to penang to see all this. u would know what i mean if u see a penang-plate car on the road in klang valley.

  1. says:

    nick Sis,

    How about exasperatingly inconsiderate and idiotic politicians? Reading your post make me think about those morons from PKR and it made me realize that our politician or political party especially those from PKR are the microcosm of our society.

    In our society we have these aptly called "exasperatingly inconsiderate and idiotic driver" (there are other types too such as queue jumpers, red light jumpers, Mat rempits, road racers and especially dangerous, the road bullies)and every society on earth will have these "UNDESIRABLE" (I'm taking pot shot at them by using this label). It's mankind (as opposed to the "madam" title you mentioned. Let's not forget the male equivalent lest people will stereotyped these undesirable as coming from a specific gender)at it's worse! It's the same with political party and it's politician (members).

    The point is that no matter how progressive a society may become, it's impossible NOT to have undesirable (traits not the person but then again, politician is in a category of their own)in it's midst. That the nature of humanity and society. And we have to live with that Fact. HOWEVER, accepting the fact doesn't mean that we are resigned to the fact and be passive. We have to reject and display our rejection openly and uncompromisingly (just like what you did to the "Madam"). You have showed your displeasure openly and encourage others to share in your rejection of the undesirable traits and behavior (not only for your benefits but for others as well which is most important) by just doing such.

    And that kind of action is true, (or much better defined) as morally right and expected when we are dealing with these "undesirable" and especially true to the Malaysian political parties and its politicians. If we can feel angry and uncompromising with traffic offenders and double parking idiots and whatnot, then what's stopping us from openly and publicly garnering support to chastise and disapprove and berate the inconsiderate and idiotic politician and it's party? Be consistent in our position! If traffic offenders angers and irritates us to action, why not our Government and politician with their corruptions, misdeeds, lies and broken promises prod us into action, anger and rejections. In fact what our politician especially our government has done is far more serious in term of inconvenience and damage to us. Why are we easy to confront traffic offender and double parking idiots (and remember the act for so long but we have short memory when dealing with politician). We, are apologetic and amnesiac about our politician who are racist, discriminative, corrupt, lying and destructive in nature and actions. Why do we keep electing them? Why do we let them of the hook and keep letting them mistreat and abuse us? Why are we being selfish and inconsiderate to our children and our future generation (we, by virtue of voting useless, corrupt and dishonest Aduns and MPs into power, are the same as the double parking idiotic Madam in terms of selfishness and inconsideration in action!) And that is truly something for all Malaysian to ponder meanwhile we wait for the next GE to come!

    Look at our society and we can see ourselves in them. We are not an island but we are a grain of sand that makes a beach (that's surrounds the island). Think about it and think hard. GOD bless, Sis.

  1. says:

    bayi There are always such people who believe passionately that the entire universe revolves around them.

    You have the privilege to meet one. LOL!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 8.46pm

    I do too but it is far too dangerous in some places because of the way some drive!

    Take care and make sure you have a helmet when cycling.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon @ 8.55 pm

    Sighs. That is true and I am so ashamed...

    Take care and God bless you. Drive safely wherever you go...


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear bayi

    Aiyoyo!!! How painfully true! Thanks for your dose of humor and laughter :-). At least I feel much better now hehe!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    Great minds think alike.

    I was very tempted to say that while writing the post but restrained myself as I had already mentioned it in my dirty linen post :-( but thanks so much for being in the same vein of thought!

    I appreciate what you have shared here and blame it largely on the failure of the education system and other agents of socialization.

    We are witnessing the disintegration of society and how values that were once prized in hearts and now despised as forms of weaknesses.

    The younger set see the disgraceful examples set by role models, political leaders and mature with warped thinking and in due time pass on the same to their children who then learn the same from some teachers who do not take their responsibilities seriously.

    At the same time, culture suppresses our voice. Tradition prohibits us from voicing out our discontent so we wallow in silence and wonder what went wrong when in actual fact change is within our hands.

    The double standards we display in dichotomizing personal life from political or social life are picked up from leaders who are blase about such values.

    In due time, like what you rightly argued, bad is seen as good and good is bad and we have a confused generation so blur about what is good and real that many can actual believe and even extol lies!!!

    As a sociologist, day after day, I try to find a reason or a cause for this terrible malaise, apathy, indifference and selfish attitudes of our society. And it is a serious problem indeed - especially so because we are our greatest enemy.

    Most saddening...

    Thanks for being a real and deep person of fine character, Nick. Because of you, I still have hope that all is not lost for our nation....

    Take care. Have a blessed week.


  1. says:

    mamasita Paula..I don't know which planet such drivers come from..they're not only selfish and know how to play deaf and dumb, they can even make good natured people like us turn into monsters!

  1. says:

    Anonymous The problem boils down to lack of enforcement. You can educate and educate good driving habits but there will always be people that will break the rules.

    And suddenly when people discover they can break the rules and still get away, well all hell breaks loose.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Datin Mamasita

    It is the culture of materialism as well, dear friend. It is almost as though there is a direct co-relationship between the size of one's car and the ego. The bigger the car, the bigger the ego. An inverse relationship seems to exist between the size of a car and the heart :-(.

    I am sure we would not see scenes like this in small towns, kampungs or villages.

    Very saddening indeed. Thanks for dropping by, Datin. Take care and have a lovely evening.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 10.43 p.m.

    You are right! In some schools, there are traffic wardens who will help to direct traffic and keep an eye on children's safety but of course, it is expensive and a strain on PTA resources. At the end of the day, traffic police could be stationed at bottleneck areas to help ease the traffic flow and those who aggravate the situation should be penalized indeed. Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a lovely evening!


  1. says:

    Angry Parents I moved in my home in 1993, new school started in 1996, it's back gate opened in 1998. My home is just beside a primary's school backgate where 2 major jams occur around 7am and 1:15pm. I have 2 carparks (front and side) Sadly these inconsider parents would park their cars right at both my gates and the driver disappear. I have to depart home before 6:45am if not to be stuck or purposely park my own car outside my gates to deter others from parking there. Did talk to some parents but secretly somebody will throw rotten eggs into my carpark. Nobody admit this. Now I tie a dog at my gate to raise the alarm.

    In a supermarket, got caught in a very tight jam. A stupid driver parks their car extremely close to my driver side such that (door can not open) I had to climb in from the passenger side! The offending car at it's driver side was very wide. I took my key & scratched that stupid car's door.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Angry Parents

    Now I understand your nom de plume of 'Angry Parents'. I would be too if I resided there and faced such circumstances. It must be very trying for you and your family.

    It is saddening how despite our progress, we have regressed in many ways.

    Instead of spending $$ on some unnecessary projects, perhaps the government can spend more time and effort in nation-building propaganda.

    Take care and God bless you and yours. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

    Best wishes

  1. says:

    semuanya OK kot These "pragmatic" values, as opposed to the theoretical mumbo-jumbo espoused, are being absorbed by keen young minds who will add to the mayhem and malaise in future.

    The real reason for forcing private motor transport on us is of course the enormous wealth generated by the car, road and petrol industries. The location of LRT stations built with public wealth, the repeated deterioration and failures of bus companies, the location of major establishments, inadequate parking for the loading and unloading of goods, and deteriorating public safety that gets us scurrying into cars are examples that speak volumes.

  1. says:

    A Arthur Yes, a lot of Malaysian drivers are inconsiderate. What with some stupid police road blocks set up on a busy thorough fare in the morning and hold up traffic everywhere.

    Or when some youngsters try to cut queue by driving along the road shoulder and was caught by police. A small token fees can settle the matter.

    So the police is as much to blame for the atrocious traffic snare of most cities.

    I would think that KL and PJ are better, as people still give way to these queue jumpers.

    Excellent and timely article - this one.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Semuanya OK Kot

    I am always amazed by your power-packed comment. How I wish I can write and think like you!! Thanks so much for gracing my blog with your erudite and knowledgeable comments.

    This afternoon, I saw the lady again and she did the same thing as expected. Fortunately, there was no jam this time so the other drivers swerved to the other side of the road (as she was blocking all of us again) and the flow was slow but smooth. Such is the state of life in Penang! Many just won't budge!!!

    Public transport and related industries certainly inject a lot of $$ into many pockets! Hopefully, there will come a time when these can be provided at much cheaper rates.

    Take care and thanks for sharing your ideas.

    Have a pleasant evening.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Arthur

    As always, many thanks for your wise and observant comments. What you said is so true and relevant even in Penang. I must agree with you that KL and PJ drivers are much more courteous than Penangites. What a crying shame indeed!

    Take care and drive safely. Have a pleasant evening.


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