Posted by Unknown On Friday, May 28, 2010 9 comments
You cannot imagine how relieved I am that my son's exams are over. Some of you might think I teach my son at home but I don't. All I do is ensure he has good and proper meals and that he has his quiet time to study, enough time for his piano and violin practices and of course his play and reading time. I have never ever checked his homework or school bag and believe kids should be taught to be independent from nursery. Before the exams, I did not watch any movies so it has been a real 'merdeka' for all of us when his exams ended last week. For a treat, I decided to take my family to E & O Hotel for the Traditional English Afternoon Tea.

We made our way there and were led to our table smack in the middle of the parlour. From my days as a little girl, that hotel always fascinated me because of its history. Located in the heart of Penang, the Eastern & Oriental Hotel is a tranquil haven with a nostalgic kind of old colonial charm. Needless to say, its furnishings and service are impeccable.

Our English Afternoon Tea was at 1885, a very appropriate name indeed seeing that the hotel was founded by the Sarkies brothers in 1885. Since then, famous guests have patronised the place including Noel Coward, Douglas Fairbanks, Hermann Hesse, Rudyard Kipling and Somerset Maugham. Despite its price and small size, still the hotel remains a favorite with discerning travelers who are looking for more than just a place to sleep.

It was my second time at 1885 which is situated on the ground floor of the hotel. Guests can enjoy their tea on the lovely terrace but of course yours truly chose to hide from the blistering heat in the comfortable and cosy parlor to be attended hand and foot by the attentive and warm staff.

I ordered Creme Orange Tea while my husband had Sweet Berries Tea and my little hero chose Minty Fresh Tea. Soon after they brought our tea in silver pots, a friendly waiter brought a silver two-tiered rack of scones and finger sandwiches including salmon sandwiches, cucumber and dill sandwiches and the roast beef sandwiches too.

The scones were served with freshly whipped cream, strawberry jam and butter.The chef gave us complimentary sausage rolls which were absolutely scrumptious.

Of course, the most delightful platter of sweets were served very elegantly.

I could see that each piece was a work of culinary art, prepared with tender loving care and meticulous finishing touches. Needless to say, we enjoyed our tea with silver utensils and crockery made from fine bone china.

With the pleasing and comfortable ambiance of the place coupled with the finely brewed teas and savory plus sweet offerings, my family and I had the most delightful English Afternoon Tea. We were so full that we did not have dinner. If ever you are up in Penang, do make your way to 1885, E & O Hotel - you will not be disappointed!


  1. says:

    Catherine Wow, such a loving couple!
    So romantic....

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Catherine

    Haha! I see you are also a romantic at heart...Must be the rose in the vase and on my shirt LOL! Thanks for the sweet comment. My hero is very happy :-).


  1. says:

    KoSong Cafe Now you see it, now you don't. I see you have taken off the picture!

    We like Little Penang, a street closed every last Sunday of the month for live music (usually jazz) and flea market. If you are still in Penang, don't miss it. You can probably ask to join in jamming! I have yet to pick up courage to do that.

    This morning we are heading to Penang to show our Dutch guests around before we leave them alone. They have booked two nights in a hotel along Penang road. Unfortunately, we will miss this Sunday's market.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi KoSong Cafe

    LOL!!! Yes, I took out the photo 2 hrs later. My hubby said we look so OLD and ugly and might give readers nightmares lol so I took it out :p-.

    Ya, my son has performed at Little Penang a few times. He is competing in The Curve tomorrow in the semi-finals of a talent contest and my younger boy is now in Queensbay competing in Spell-It-Right. Me - blogging still LOL!

    If you leave me your hp number here (will not be published), I can give you a call and perhaps we can arrange to meet up if you are free. If not, then next time.

    Take care and have a lovely time in Penang! Eat a lot and worry about your waistline tomorrow.

    Have a safe journey.


  1. says:

    Anonymous We are so used to Malaysian style of breakfast, lunch & dinner. Once in a while an afternoon tea will be great. Yeah, I remembered the good food served at the RichMond bungalow up at Fraser Hill. Those scones were excellent and the rich english style food. The english indeed do have a class of it own when it comes to function and high party lifestyle.

    Good for you to build bonding with your boy as before you know it they will be a young man ready to take to the world. Time flies and soon they will have family of their own. Every moment enjoyed with love ones are great memory of a lifetime. Cheers!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Thank you so much for your warm comment. Indeed, my family is my greatest treasure and the moments spent with them are absolutely priceless.

    The boys are growing up too fast and my older one has left the nest, never to return :-( as he has made up his mind where he wants to plant his roots...Of course, I respect that and would visit him whenever I can as we all miss him dearly.

    In a few years, the younger one will be off too and by then, I would be missing both of them painfully. Then it would be the sunset years with my better half.

    Take care and treasure your moments with your beloved family...

    God bless you and yours always.


  1. says:

    Crankster syiok la! glad you had a good time. :-)

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi Crankster

    Lovely to hear from you! Yes, we had a delightful time together. Take care and God bless!


  1. says:

    Bunny was in penang last week and stayed at the e&o. had tea at 1885 as usual but was a bit put off by the people taking photos with flash.

    tea at the peninsula in hkg was a lot better.

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