Forgetful Me

Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, February 9, 2011 10 comments
Of late, I have this deep fear that I might be suffering from Alzheimer's. Never in my life have I been as forgetful as I have been for the past few months. In fact, I went for a thorough medical check-up the other day and my doctor opined that I am too young to be suffering from Alzheimer's although it appears that I do have some of the Stage 4 symptoms such as listed HERE.

He has recommended 40 mg of gingko supplements daily but the problem is I keep forgetting to take it and when I do take it, I may actually be taking a double dose.

Today, I had the misfortune of forgetting the pin code for my mobile phone. I had to drive to Maxis to reset it. It was quite a hilarious situation. I parked my car by the side of the road while aunt waited there for me. I asked her to call my other hand phone in case I was blocking someone. And guess what?

She asked me for my number and for the life of me, I could not remember that mobile number. :-( So I asked her to give me her number as I had never called her from the other phone.

And she did not know her number either.


I can understand her situation for she is in her late seventies, much older than I am (see the pic in the post). But I have no excuse at all for not being able to remember my own phone number or pin code. Anyway, I decided to just go for it and came back in a jiffy with my pin code duly reset by the Maxis counter staff.

Before I drove off, my aunt was in a panic state because she could not locate her hand phone which was actually in her handbag. So I had to call that number. We drove happily to her home after she found her phone.

My 96 year old aunt was waiting for us. She is the white-haired elderly lady in the following pic.

Photo of my beloved aunts

It can be quite a comedy when the three of us are together but it is not too funny when I realize that I am much younger than them but more forgetful.

When I wanted to go home just now, I forgot where I put the car keys and that has happened so often that my cousin has offered to buy some gadget for the keys to help me locate those misplaced keys.

Just yesterday, when I was driving my cousin to the airport to catch his flight to San Francisco, I asked about a mutual friend named A. Two minutes later, I asked about the same friend again :-(.

Two weeks ago, I forgot where I parked the car when I took Mr and Mrs Churchman out for lunch. I have even forgotten to switch on the rice cooker a few times and my poor Nick has had to patiently wait for the rice to cook.

There have been many instances when I bumped into old friends and they remember my name but I can't remember theirs! Sometimes I take a few days to recollect their names. However, I can remember how I knew them and other shared experiences. :-(

I know I have written about this many times and a few readers have also recommended gingko supplements. My doctor said that I should go for a brain scan if my condition deteriorates despite the consumption of gingko supplements. I certainly hope I will not reach that stage.

Having said that, I do admit that blogging has helped me in many ways to stay focused and to concentrate in reading, writing and analyzing data.

Life is so short. Regardless of the many things I forget, I can never forget those who mean a lot to me, who have touched my life in many ways and those who have made a difference in my life.

Take care, dear readers. Cherish precious moments and remember what is beautiful, laying behind us the stuff which have brought us pain and anguish. Have a lovely evening!

10 comments to Forgetful Me

  1. says:

    Cat-from-Sydney Aunty Paula,
    As long as you don't forget me, it's OK. (((((HUGS))))) purrrr......meow!

  1. says:

    Unknown Hi dearie,

    Of course I will never forget you!! And I still remember you promised me gingko hehehehe when I wrote about this the last time haha...:-)

    Take care and hope to see you again!

    That would be simply purrrfect!

  1. says:

    Anonymous oh dear oh dear, this afternoon I burnt my leftover curry. I forgot to turn off the stove after heating it. I have completely forgotten my other e-mail passwords. I am very afraid that I will lose my memories.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon,

    I am so sorry to hear that. Take Gingko. I find that my mind works better on those days when I remember to take the supplement. Am not sure if it is the placebo effect.

    Don't worry about passwords. You can retrieve them :-) if you follow the steps.

    The other day, my husband forgot to switch off the gas stove till my son came home from school. I was out. It is a blessing nothing happened!

    I am sure you will not lose your memories...It is the recent stuff that we are likely to forget.

    Thanks for reassuring me that I am not alone in my predicament. Take care and God bless you! DO keep in touch.


  1. says:

    UP41 When we age, we remember the things years back but forget things few minutes ago; we sleep on the sofa and stare at the ceiling when on bed, when we sad we have no tears and tears drop when we laugh.......

    Someone said (forget who said) too much computer exposure will kill our brain cells .........

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear UP41

    Thanks so much for your input! Very true indeed. Maybe that is why I am so forgetful! Exposure to the pc! :-(

    Take care and hope you are enjoying Yan Yat - Man's birthday :-) today.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Aha, I thought Yan Yat (man's birthday) should be the 6th day of CNY which coincide with the creation of man on day 6 ? Unless the chinese calculation is different or they followed another calendar.

    Anyway, I guess it is due to the exposure of both PCs' & mobile phone and have caused the modern middle-age people to be ever forgetful. Another possibility is we are taking on more than we can handle and have too many things running through our head, thus the problems of losing current events.

    We (wifey & me) are in the same boat, hahaha. We have issue with closing of gate, whether certain light is off, where is the phone, wallet, keys etc etc. Events of yesteryears can be remembered clearly but things happening lately or recalling new friends name, phone numbers etc. are a mammoth task.

    We somehow have to compliment each other by watching each others back. I believe the only cure for this kind of illment is to cling on to the word of God which is manna for our soul. By the renewing of our mind, more storage area for new data to enter. Old people are like the old hard disk with limited storage for new entry whereas things of old, since it is already stored there it can be retreived.

    Rom 12:2

    And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

    So, spiritual "gingko" may be the better choice of which I'd have been trying it by renewing of vows during the New Year 2011. May fresh anointing falls on you each waking morning and may each day itself brings glory to the father and blessing to those around you.


  1. says:

    Anonymous Hi, thanks so much for comforting. The problem with retrieving passwords.... I also forgot the answers to the secret question and worse of all I did not give an alternative email address.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear ahoo

    Really lah - man's birthday is on the seventh day and it is called Renri...check it out @

    Many of my friends had get together dinners last night to eat yee sang but I stayed at home :-). Already too fat haha...

    Thanks so much for your open sharing of experiences and nuggets of wisdom.Your writing is getting smoother, better and flows so well now...I am still waiting for your article :-) *hint* and hope that I can put up one of your posts here. You are such a deep and concerned Malaysian and I know you have LOTS of observations, opinions, suggestions and words of inspiration for all of us.

    Thank you so much that every single one of your comment is so awe-inspiring. That you take the time to read my blog posts and to comment so passionately really gives me the impetus to carry on blogging.

    I truly appreciate the connection and the value you have added to my life, blog and soul.

    Take care and may the Lord bless and keep you and yours always.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anon # 8

    Don't worry - if you are using gmail - you can give them your mobie phone and they will sms the code for you to reset your password :-). Am speaking from experience hehe...

    Take care and do keep in touch,. May God bless you and yours always!


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