Posted by Unknown On Wednesday, January 27, 2010 29 comments
One of the blessings of blogging is to receive comments from readers and friends. I just want to say thank you to every single one of you who takes the trouble to visit my blog, read my rants and comments from readers or email my posts to your friends or bookmark my blog etc. Your presence (both silent or vocal) really means a lot to me. I appreciate all the comments that you have left in my blog, all of which I read through many times. It is four in the morning and because of my insomnia I went through recent comments and have selected some unforgettable ones just in case you missed these gems.

If your comment is not listed here, please do not be upset. It is not because I think any less of you or your comment but because of space constraints(it is already a very long post). I wish I could though. Responding to the comments daily has been a very enriching learning experience for me. If you have the time, do go through the comments for older posts if you have not read them yet, as the interaction and discussion in the forum are both enlightening and inspiring. Thanks to all readers/commenters who have, via their comments, broadened the scope of the post, added value to the message by your precious words and blessed me and other readers. As always, do leave a comment if you wish. Have a nice day!

merci bouquet roses Pictures, Images and Photos

After 52 years of experience with the one and only one BN government that Malaysians know, it is not surprising that many Malaysians suffer from "the devil you know" syndrome and fear change.

Fear of the unknown, (if PR governs) despite their idealistic claims to "steer the country to genuine democracy, justice, freedom and the rule of law", is understandable. What if PR is no better or worse than BN?

OTOH, with the country rapidly losing economic competitiveness, the credibility and independence of the judiciary questionable, the inane education system, the accelerating brain/capital drain from the country, outrageous corruption/leakages and BN desperately clinging on to power, what more have Malaysians got to lose by choosing an alternative PR government?

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" - FDR

Malaysia needs a paradigm shift and a "New Deal" urgently to evolve, survive and prosper in a globalized world where knowledge (intellectual capital) is crucial for survival and prosperity.

It will take time to change, but change for the better will come if there is the political/social will to develop and implement rational policies and especially young Malaysians are encouraged to think and act on the basis that everyone can make a difference to achieve an inclusive, democratic and egalitarian nation.


Some comments for my post on HOW WILL YOU SOLVE THIS PROBLEM?

By Anonymous

THE TROJAN HORSE METHOD: Leave a Trojan horse to stop the lion from interacting with the nomads.

THE TAOIST METHOD: The lion that goes against the tao will eventually be destroyed. In other words, do nothing, which is a form of action.

THE DARWINIAN METHOD: Darwin's "strange inversion of reason" says that eventually, the lion will evolve or die out because of natural selection. Encourage the lion to mate with a sterile or aids infected lioness or a tigress.

THE VAGUENESS METHOD: Vagueness lies at the heart of reality. The lion, like everything, is a vague object, so use another vague object like a net, trap etc. to catch it.

THE PHILOSOPHICAL METHOD: The lion is something and another something like a gun can be used shoot this something, thereby transforming it to a dead something. The philosophical question, "Why is there always something instead of nothing?" remains unresolved.

THE COSMOLOGICAL METHOD: Use the big bang (cannon) or a black hole (hole in the ground) to neutralize the lion.


By Nick

The various method (Malaysian approach) (My personal favorite):

1. 1Malaysia : Assume the problem of catching a lion is in the sloganeering. Therefore change the slogan from 1Malaysia, people first:Performance now to 1Lion, Money upfront:Performance, who gives a S*%T! Ergo...no need to get the lion (performance part). Problem solved!

2. Defense Ministry approach : Assume the lion is an F5E jet engine. To make it interesting lets make it two. Declare the lions as not missing but lost in the desert. Tell the nomad people because the lions are lost, they are now RM100 million poorer. Pick 3 of the nomad people and blame them for being the cause of the lions going missing and pretend or do nothing to find the lost lions. Don't forget to insist that the Defense Ministry has nothing to do whatsoever with the missing lions (those lost engines however is another matter altogether). The problem now is not about the lion but how to buy (get commission) new fighter jets...

3. Cultural Minister's approach : Blame the cause of the lion's rampage to the rapid urbanization and IT encroachment of the desert. Tell the nomad people instead of using Google Map to seek out the lion, it's better to use carrier pigeon to bring messages to the lion imploring it to leave the Nomad tribe alone. If that doesn't work change mode and send a new message this time in English. The ministry's back up plan is commissioning (I don't mean kickbacks)cave drawings to warn the future generation of the dangers of the lion.

4.PERKASA approach : Assume that the use of the word 'lion' is a blasphemy. Only the word "Singa" must be used. If Singapore raise an issue over the word then tells the nomad people that Singapore is out to conquer the desert and kidnap the "Singa" for themselves cos there was no Singa in Singapore to begin with. BTW PERKASA will take offense at the word Singapore too cos to them the right word/name is Singapura. There never was a problem with lion. A singa problem will be handled by demonstrating outside the singa's lair.

5. Police dept approach : assume that the lion is no longer residing in the desert. Cajole some bloggers to create a story that the lion has escaped from the desert and by using a false passport under the assumed name of RPK fled to the Australian outback/desert. The police then say that the lion was a coward for fleeing the desert rather than be caught and shot by the police (and without trial too). The lion then taunts the police by having a new year party with pretty foreign lioness in a posh and exclusive London apartment. Bloggers (funded)went berserk with jealousy and start a smear campaign against the traitorous lion for leaving the beloved desert. The lion said "Who gives a S#$T!". The lion is not the problem. The problem is that the mere mention of the word lion would make them their pants.

6. The Ex desert pharaoh approach: Watch some high tech and technological breakthrough movie and formulate a comeback to power strategy.

First: claim that the people from the land of the eagle are creating a computer generated lion and putting it in the desert to terrorize the nomad people.
Second step: drive around in the desert with a Porsche Cayenne, and tells the nomad that the lion does not exist and they are better off driving Proton in the desert since it's "Made in Desert".

Since the lion does not exist, the ex pharaoh tells of a new threat to the nomad people. This time it's the illegal transport and sale of the desert sand to the neighboring country.

Final step: Tell the desert people to united under him and explain that even though during his reign the sale of desert sand was allowed however due to the global warming effect, the desert is shrinking (and not to mention, he no longer has a cut from the sale)and is in danger of vanishing along with the nomad people, the sale of sand must be stopped at all cost.

Therefore the problem is no longer the lion but keeping the sand in the desert. And if the desert people deemed it necessary to reappoint him as pharaoh to show their gratitude, he certainly will not stop them from doing so. So the problem of the lion is solved but by reappointing him as Pharaoh, the sand problem will be solved too (global warming will be over and the sale can resume, of course)!

This is my version of how to catch a lion. "I do it My Malaysian way (ala Frank Sinatra)!"

By Denim Guy:

Why should the nomads continue to be nomads?

If the lion claims that the desert be its alone, let that lion enjoy all the sand he wants.

While the Nomads can move elsewhere, change their lifestyle, and live happily ever after.

It's not a "zero sum game". There are still worlds outside that damn hot sandbox.

By Semuanya Kot Ok

I used to wonder about the effort you were putting into your blog. It pays to be given high standards and not be molly-coddled in one's teens and in one's first few years of working life. The teachers and administrators of the past had the stature of pyramid-builders, but in the miasma of today's Lilliputs, they remain unsung.

Now environmentalism in the form of green-washed business and lip service to international commitments is the fashion everywhere, even as the freight train of climate change approaches. 52 years after independence, not only does no aboriginal community here have the protected right to pursue their ancient way of jungle-dwelling (an essential aspect of the health of forests as recognized by UN HABITAT), but they are actively being subjected to the most unspeakable atrocities.

by Huilu

A change in a single individual can lead to change in the world at large!

by Straight Talking (This comment is another one of my personal favorites)

Alas, when our nation’s forefathers took over the reins of government from the British, what they had in mind was NOT nation-building. All they wanted was independence. That's all. A united Malaysian society was never part of the political equation. All we had was an “Alliance” of different racial communities fighting over who gets what from the spoils of independence. And until today, that battle had never stopped.

If our country’s forefathers had been nation builders, this should have been the message to the nation on the day we became independent:

“Yesterday, we were a community of different races with different race-centric aspirations. Today, we are no longer of different races, but a society of mixed cultural and racial heritage. From today, we are no longer Malay, or Chinese, or Indian, or Iban, or Dayak, or Kadazan, or whatever. From today, we shall be called Malaysian and Malaysian only. Let us all come together not as an alliance but as one, to build our country into a united, disciplined and educated world-class Malaysian society where every man or woman shall enjoy equal rights to every opportunity available in this glorious land.”

None of them had the foresight or courage. And, deservedly, this is what we have become.

by Nick


The thing is not so much that we have corrupt leaders that's corrupting the nation BUT is our people too corrupted or unmoral to have let this thing get this far? Are Malaysian too numbed or of the same species of these corrupt leaders that Malaysian (for decades) didn't do anything? Didn't even raise an eyebrow on the blatant corruption and destruction being perpetrated (especially during TDM rule)?

This is what have been puzzling me for half of my life (Malaysian voted for the corrupt and the tyrant for decades)! It defies logic because even though it's true that UMNO and BN controlled the media especially the MSM, the glaring injustice, graft and desecration of our constitution should have left an impression on a moral and humane heart. BUT for years now, after so many GE (of which I was always rooting for the opposition or in actuality hoping that the just will triumph against the corrupt in Malaysia only to be disappointed at the outcome) Malaysian still elected those who they knew are corrupt and dare I say it, evil. For me, the just and principled will never elect the corrupt no matter how good their promises sound or how much material and reward they give! Maybe I'm naive BUT I rather be naive than the alternative ( selling my principle to the highest bidder).

That's the reason for my melancholy. Seeing the destruction of this nation I'm reminded of our own participation in the destruction. Our own collusion with the corrupt in destroying this nation and what's worse we are in a calamity of our own creation. As long as our people still do not wake up to the fact that what's happening is in part our own fault and doing, blaming UMNO and BN and the leaders will not do much. Why, because if we still blame other people rather than ourselves, then we will still make the same mistake and make the wrong decision again (we will still let other corrupt leaders destroy our nation). The cycle will never end and that will be the greatest tragedy that can befall our nation and our people.

Let's have a moral, a principled and just society and I guarantee that no corrupt people will ever get the chance to be a leader, let alone elected to govern us. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE SHOULD BE OUR MORAL CATCH PHRASE AND AIM.


Comment by Antares for The Audacity of it All

Every time I read about the atrocities being perpetrated against nature and the indigenous tribes in Sarawak, I am struck dumb with sorrow tinged with rage. Neither emotion is good for my health - and my negative reaction will not save the Borneo rain forest or these beautiful people's ancient way of life. Then I think of my friends in Kuching and Miri who live such comfortable lives and some of whom actually serve CMS (Chief Minister & Sons') as executives. Are they not aware that their good fortune comes from the misfortune of others? Perhaps they are the ones who have to reassess their priorities in life? Nothing short of a "Mutiny on the Bounty" in Sarawak will save what little remains of the 120-million-year-old rain forest and the handful of indigenous tribes who still live he way their ancestors did. Thanks for adding your clear voice to raising awareness on this urgent issue, Paula.

by Nick


Just the sort of thing that makes me sick and sad at the same time. Our poor and underprivileged are at the mercy of tyrant and those whom they foolishly elect and trust abandoned and betrayed them.

This is what you get with blind and foolish loyalty to the government of the day (they elected these pirates and they were in turn plundered by the pirates). However, I do not blame the Sarawakian and the Sabahan too much for their mistake in choosing their government. The fault lies with all of us. All Malaysian.

All of us are at fault. We put UMNO and BN in power and we let them be in power too long and expected nothing in return. We didn't expect a transparent government. We didn't insist on rule of law and justice. We didn't set a high standard of ethic and moral for our politician. In fact, we let them loose and left them to do as they please.

Enough is enough. All Malaysian must stand up and protect each other because each other is what left for us. No foreigner is going to help and protect us. It's up to us to protect our fellow Malaysian. Protect them by voting those pirates out. Protect them by insisting on clean and fair government. Protect them by ACCEPTING NO LESS THAN high standard of principle for politician (NO RIFF RAFFs, CRIMINALs, the CORRUPT, the SLEEPY HEAD, ANCIENT ARTIFACT, MORONS, BIGOT, RACIST and ASININE (CAN'T DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN FACT AND FICTION) PHARAOH IN OUR PARLIAMENT FROM NOW ON!). WE CAN AND WE MUST!

Keep the anger and fury alive and one day we will punish all the tyrants and save our people. GOD willing.


Comment by Stephen on Shackled and then Imprisoned Again

(Another of my personal favorites)

Not wanting to leave a bad aftertaste,but sometimes you need to work within the framework of the law when canvassing your views.Shackling a prisoner is,unfortunately,SOP for the police and it is a "fits all" rule after a spate of embarrassing escapes by prisoners in recent times.I admit there should be exceptions but sometimes its hard to draw distinctions.

You don't see opposition MPs doing things outside the law.You have to abide by the rules and take it step by step, present compelling facts and back it up.I think today's opposition is slowly transforming into a credible force and they know how to play the game.

In my honest opinion,in a multiracial society with latent underlying fault lines,I think a strong hand is needed to keep things in check.I am an advocate that a full fledged democracy works well only in a mature society and whose people can think along nationalistic lines.A homogeneous society will have its advantageous in this aspect.I don't think any country in South-East Asia is ready as yet.

At the end of the day, we should ask ourselves a very crucial question.What do we want in our lives? A level playing field,good education,clean government,laws that protect us,a good health system,strong economy,security and opportunities for all.
I think the present government has it all covered.

There are a few things we like to see changed but it has to be tampered with hard headed reality and not on western ideals which are not workable in our context as yet. Just my view.


Comment by Arthur for Change the World

This is a wonderful anecdote. I read this when I was 12 years and I remembered a number of lines till today.

Little drops of water,
little grains of sand,
make the mighty ocean
and the beauteous land.

And the little moments,
humble though they may be,
make the mighty ages
of eternity.

Little deeds of kindness,
little words of love,
make our earth an Eden,
like the heaven above.

So our little errors
lead the soul away,
from the paths of virtue
into sin to stray.

Little seeds of mercy
sown by youthful hands,
grow to bless the nations
far in heathen lands.

Glory then for ever
be to God on high,
beautiful and loving,
to eternity.

By Julia Carney, 1845

(I love this part of Arthur's comment!!!)
Just hope that they are maybe a few leaders in the current regime that will wake up and answer the call to our people, our nation's aspirations and our nation's consciousness to build a fairer society, one in which we will live in racial harmony, to share the spoils of the land, to give merits where merits are due and to have equality for all.

Then the people of Malaysia will prosper and attain greater nationhood and be first among equals in SE Asia. Currently it is a Utopian dream but a hope is germinated in the deepest recess of my mind that even though I will never and will not be a material witness to this in my life span, but my future generation may live to see a harmonious peace in this once great land of ours which they will proudly proclaim "This is My Mother's Land."

Comment by Kenneth on Mabul - Paradise Lost?
"Our problems are man-made. Therefore, they can be solved by man. And man can be as big as he wants."

- John F. Kennedy

To those who are selfish & materialistic, they'll have to pay the price for their misdeeds one day!

Kids getting into trouble is only natural, but when those rogues do the same, it's despicable and inexcusable!


Comment by Village Boy for Looking Back...and forward to the future

The power to change the world lies within our lives. This new century can no longer rely on the leadership of military, economic or political powers; doing so will certainly lead us down a path of destruction and impoverishment. Each of of us has to becomes leaders in creating a new world based on mutual respect, compassion and co-existence.

Comment by Catherine on "Efficiency and Justice - Which is more important?"

Justice is justified only by timely judgement.

Justice hurried is justice buried.

Justice delayed is justice denied.

No-one can ever deny this!!

Comment by Hafiz b. Shukor on Sunday Morning Humor

All of us are born with our own individual, unique abilities and characteristics. To be truly successful in life, we are bound to use what gifts we have to their very limits and fulfill whatever mission we are called to. Only then will we live fully worthwhile lives and enjoy continuous and genuine happiness.

Salam !

Thank you, dear reader and friend. You have blessed me in so many ways and I hope that you know that you have a special place in my heart...especially those who are not anonymous...If you have been commenting as anonymous, I would urge you to use a pseudonym or nom de plume so that I can understand your trend of thoughts better as I relate to your comments. It is perfectly fine if you want to continue to remain anonymous - I will respect your view as always. Take care and may the Almighty bless you and yours always.


  1. says:

    Anonymous sigh ! mine tak ada !!

  1. says:

    Anonymous selamat pagi, sudah minum kopi putih ?

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 8.50 a.m.

    Aiyo - So many anonymous comments ler...Also, I cannot put too many...next time ok? Please use initials or a pen name so that I know it is you. Take care and thanks for reading.


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 8.59 a.m. (iwc kah?)

    Selamat pagi!

    Sedang minum kopi putih sekarang.:-)

    Have a good day!


  1. says:

    Anonymous GODbless & cheers ! (iwc)

  1. says:

    Anonymous btw, too much kopi is no good for your hp !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear IWC and Anon @ 9.13 a.m.

    Thanks! Lovely to hear from you both...Take care and have a great day!


  1. says:

    nick Sis,

    Reading your blog is like going to an open house on Hari raya, CNY, Deepavali and X'mas all in one. You've made us all feel so welcomed and well fed that it's no surprise that we came back for more and more.

    Every day I feel like Oliver Twist whenever I read your blog ( asking for second, third and forth and so on) and instead of getting hit on the head with a "senduk", you fed us with more info, more issues, more humor and more inspirations.

    On behalf of all of us (information orphans and malnourished at that), thank you and our deepest gratitude for feeding us all those juicy, sweet and full of nutrient infos, issues and word of wisdom.

    May GOD bless you and yours, Sis.

  1. says:

    Village Boy I prefer kopi kao - the aroma of it raises me up, haha!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Nick

    Aiyo - Pagi-pagi you made me cry with your very touching comment. You know I am a sentimental old lady ...:-) Seriously, I count myself very blessed to have you and the other readers to be a very important part of my blog.

    Without your wisdom, wit, humor and input (and that of others too, this blog would have died long ago.

    The vibrancy and sincerity of the comments are the vitamin Blog that I derive from you and the others...Hope abounds and together we encourage each other despite all the fears and gloom.

    Doubts are expressed whilst anger is also unleashed. As we slowly try to focus on what are real issues that matter, we begin to see that we are not alone in this rough journey to nation-building.

    Then we savor the nourishment and array of goodies in the pot-luck buffet we serve each other here :-)...

    Ah - dear Nick...I want to thank you and the others for partaking in this buffet oooops I mean blog hehe...sharing our thoughts, feelings and concerns because we care for our nation...even for those from overseas...they also care for their respective nations.

    Take care and may God bless us all and this earth that has been entrusted to us...

    Have a great day!


  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Village Boy

    Ah - You are still young. At my age, drinking kopi kau means asking for trouble!!!

    So enjoy it while you can :-).

    Take care and have a great day!


  1. says:

    QQ I always hope that all of us will be courageous and outspoken champions of truth and justice.

    If we hesitate to speak out, or if make various excuses to remain silent when we should raise our voices for justice, we will let the evil of those who seek to destroy the 'good' run rampant.

    We must realize that by so doing, we ourselves are actually guilty of a very serious offence!

    Have a nice day

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear QQ

    Good morning! Once again, yo have affirmed your stand on freedom of expression for truth and justice. May it inspire others to do the same. God bless you!


  1. says:

    Anonymous Pakatan Rakyat ideologue Datuk Zaid Ibrahim today slammed PKR for treating Kulim Bandar Baharu MP Zulkifli Noordin with kid gloves, saying the party could become a “poor man’s version of Umno” that was incapable of defending its principles and bringing reform.

    “Zulkifli Noordin is not a warrior of Islam, not a Malay warrior. His attitude, action and words are the same as Umno champions,” he said.

    Is Zulkifli Noordin an ‘untouchable’ in the party??

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Anonymous @ 11.10 a.m.

    I am wondering along the same lines and wanted to do a post on that but am halfway through another post. I will probably do another one later on this. Take care and may truth and justice be upheld!

    Have a good day.


  1. says:

    stephen Good morning MWS!! CNY is just around the corner!! I had a look at my post and I see at least 2 grammatical errors.Oops,looks like the fierce looking lecturer is not going to be pleased!!

    I agree with Nick,you make us feel very welcomed when we visit.And we know you're listening when you reply to us.So sweet one.Very polite also.

    You know ,us old folks are so lonely at home,nothing to do except shake legs and scratch b*lls, turn on computer looking for feelthy pictures,then after that come over to your blog to visit a friend to talk cock and sing song.

    I enjoy the jokes and jokers and also the spy vs spy wayang.Very shiok,better then watching, apa nama itu, Avatar.

    Thank you,fair lady, and may the the coming new year bring you abundance,wealth,happiness,prosperity and more s*x. Last one optional.

    best regards!

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Stephen

    LOL!! Ah - It is ok. This is blogosphere and not all my readers are my former students :-). Incidentally, most of them comment in my FB account hehe where they can let their hair down.

    Thank you for your kind, generous, witty and cheeky comment that left me in stitches :-) haha!

    Er re the feelthy pics, looks like you missed the ones I posted last year!! In fact, one could have been rated X and I did not know for I was paying more attention to the legs rather than anything else until my 11 year old son screamed: "Mom! Did you take a good look at this pic before you posted it in your blog?" I will try to find those posts and send them to you to stop your scratching habit LOL!!

    Yup! Folks like us are too free and must put our minds to good use lest we become senile. Hmm or am I already there :-)???

    Thanks for being part of my blog and blessing us with your quips, observations, inspiration and for being who you are - a REAL and GENUINE friend.

    God bless you and your family this season and always!

    Take care and have a good day!


  1. says:

    Anonymous To the ever optimistic Denim Girl,

    Do you know that they just throw some pig heads into 2 mosques?

    This country gone liao la !

    Be prepared to move out, before it is too late.

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Denim Guy

    Aiyo - my head is still buried in my post (3/4 way through now_ and I did not see the latest updates. There was no report at 8.30 a.m. when I did my usual rounds. This is an outrage. Have people gone bonkers?

    I am just a simple woman and do not have the means to move out. Are you moving out, Denim Guy?


    Quo vadis, Malaysia?

  1. says:

    Huilu In this Bolehland, the rakyat are thirsting for true political leaders who are free of self-interest.

    God bless

  1. says:

    Anonymous Sorry, forgot to give you the link...



    Just go to Malaysian Insider they just had a new entry for that.

    Denim Guy

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Huilu

    How true!! There is a harvest field of honest and upright Malaysians and I pray and hope they will be convicted to step forward and to offer themselves to serve the nation.

    Definitely we need a new breed of political leaders!!!

    Take care and God bless you, Huilu.


  1. says:

    Unknown Thanks a bunch, Denim Guy! I am doing the finishing touches of the post and will check it out once I publish it.

    Peace be unto our nation, dear God!

  1. says:

    Anonymous No, Denim Girl,

    They have not gone bonkers.

    They did that with very clear head.

    All they want is to have a war, a bloody war, so that their faction can take over and make this country a new heaven for Taliban.

    That is what they want, and they will do everything they can to achieve that.

    Denim Guy

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Denim Guy

    True! The plotters have a clear head BUT the pawns have gone bonkers to agree to execute the orders!!!

    Don't they have a conscience at all???

    Writing the concluding paragraph now...

    Take care!

  1. says:

    Angry Parents My children are 10,14 & 18 years old meaning Primary, secondary and waiting for SPM result.

    We do know HRH the Sultan of Johor went to be with his maker recently, Friday night. Not knowing this, I sent my kid for CNY replacement class and was inform school closed. But the secondary school still declare it as a schooling day, on with the PTA meeting, and award presentation and aprents must attend!!!!! That is contradicting, right?

    Next the MIC scheduled a "Community hall Fair" was postpone as respect, but the MCA's dinner function is still on the 31st Jan#$%^That is contradicting, right?

    My wife participated in the morning TaiChi exercise, was invited to the MCA free dinner function, with free 3 polo type very high quality T-shirt provided which we must wear to the function. We are not MCA members doesn't like MCA, but due to free, free & free goodies, who cares?%$^&*. That is contradicting, right?

    My eldest son scheduled for Khidmat Negara later batch with the hardcore, problematic, prostitute and dropouts kids. Will he "Develop positive characteristics through good values and Enhance unity among the multi-racial camp-mates in the country" or influence negatively by the kind of trainees he's force to associated? That is contradicting, right?

  1. says:

    Anonymous pls invite me to your FB , PLEASE !

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear Angry Parents

    I am so sorry to hear of the conflicting situations you faced of late. Such matters should be raised to the Education Department and I hope that the PTAs in various schools will do it.

    As for the t-s, I believe we can work on the principle of receiving samples of perfumes even if we have no intention of purchasing that brand...:-) as long as we are not moved by that brand's philosophy :-).

    I mentioned before - don't worry about the NS. Just get your son registered at a private college and ask for exemption. If he is called up, the college will advise.

    Please do not lose sleep over the NS issue. It can be resolved and I am sure many will be able to help you there.

    Take care and God bless you and your family.

    Keep safe and have a pleasant evening.

    Warmest wishes

  1. says:

    Unknown Dear iwc

    You can send a friend request to my public facebook account @ masterwordsmith unplugged malaysia and i will happily add you.

    You sent one to my private profile right? Er...that one is for my former students and friends whose real identity I know.:-) Sorry.

    Take care and God bless you.


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