Posted by Unknown On Saturday, February 7, 2009 2 comments
This afternoon, I had tea with my goddaughter, Kat, and another former student, Daniel Jones at Swensen's, Queensbay Mall, Penang.

I taught Daniel Sociology and Economics (1990-1994) while Kat was my Economics student (1994-1996). As a young teenager, Daniel was very outspoken, cheeky and needless to say, very intelligent as well. I always knew that he would be successful in his career path one day and he is a force to be reckoned with in the banking/investment industry. Most of the guys in his cohort such as Kevin Lin, Ted Wen, Michael Huang, Hung-Ta (all from Taiwan), Soon Rhee, Nizam (Penang, KL) , Dr. Adrian Eng, Yee Liang and Jarod Ko ( all three in Australia) are happily married with one or two kids. It is my prayer that Daniel will settle down soon and have a brood of his own.

Kat has always been the lovely girl whom I love very much. She and her cousin Maybelene (who was also my Economics student - is currently pursuing her PhD in Economics at University of California, Davis) are my goddaughters and I look at them as if they were my own. I have seen Kat grow from a shy teenager into a very beautiful young lady who has so much love to give. I wrote about her in another post last week.
Today, we had a lovely afternoon at Swensen's just talking and listening to classical music. Are we mad? Not really. Daniel is a budding opera singer in Singapore and specializes in Italian arias. With his Vaio laptop, he introduced us to his favorite opera singers and we discussed The Marriage of Figaro, Carmen and Così fan tutte, as well as The Magic Flute and marvelled at how singers such as Pavarroti had the best enunciation in his singing. Amazingly, Daniel tried to convince us as to how Andrea Bocelli is not a genuine classical singer as he cannot hit the high notes and how his breathing may not be necessarily correct :-).

Not only is Daniel an opera singer cum banker but he is a fantastic photographer,who has been trying to convince me to get a good SLR camera :-), and also a fantastic cook, having worked as a chef for two years during his student years in Australia. When he showed me pics of his pineapple tarts and shared his exploits about how he made his layer cake with his mom, memories of my very pale layer cake came to mind (er...I took it out of the oven quite prematurely!!! and each time, my timing was wrong as I was always afraid that the cake would get burnt!!).

With all the talk about operas, singers from Pavarotti to Il Divo to Sinatra to Natalie Cole to Diana Krall, we agreed that we had to unleash the singer within us and belt it out at a karaoke session so hopefully, we will get a place to sing together (with others of course) at the top of our voices tomorrow!!!

It is always so lovely to meet up with my former students and I guess that is the greatest reward in teaching -to have the opportunity to mold minds, build lives, to strengthen relationships, to give of ourselves and our love to each other and to know that years down the road, the ties that bind cannot be broken. Here's another pic of Daniel, Patrick, Ganesh, Lee Yin and me at another reunion recently.
So to Daniel, Kat and my former students out there, especially those in cyberspace, please know that you all have a very special place in my hearts and I miss you all!!!! My life is richer cos our paths crossed and our shared experiences will always be very precious to me.

borders Pictures, Images and Photosborders Pictures, Images and Photosborders Pictures, Images and Photos


  1. says:

    ocho-onda Wow ! You must have been a positive influence and mentor to your students !
    It's a special bond that will last an eternity.
    It is sad that in Boleh-land dedicated and quality teachers have become a rare specimen.
    Teachers, nurses and chefs, are in my humble opinion, the most under rated professionals in Malaysia !
    The teachers nourish the minds of our young, the nurses heal our sick while the chefs feed the hungry ! :-)

  1. says:

    Unknown Hello Ocho-Onda,

    :-) They touched my life as much as I touched theirs and I can say that it is a mutually rewarding relationship. I have learnt so much from these kids and in many ways, I have been cushioned from the cruel world out there.

    For the greater part of my life, I was blessed in that I was dealing with very real, warm although not perfect characters. Yet, these kids (now adults) accepted me even though they griped now and then about the insane amount of homework I piled on them then.

    I never really knew the 'real' world until recently..

    And yes, you have put it succinctly. It is a bond that is ageless, timeless and precious.

    Ah - in Boleh-land, dedicated and quality leaders are also like dinosaurs..

    I do agree re your take on the three professions that you mentioned..very well-put!!

    Take care and thanks again for your lovely comment.


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