Posted by Unknown On Sunday, February 8, 2009 2 comments
To all my readers/subscribers/followers/friends and relatives:butterflies Pictures, Images and Photos

I just want to say thank you very much for visiting my blog. As some of you know, I took a break from blogosphere in early January and deleted all but one of my posts..never thinking that I would come back. It was a very painful decision and another difficult time for me.

That period was pretty awkward for me in that I practically lived without internet access in an attempt to wean myself off blogging. The house had never been cleaner then as I totally immersed myself in spring-cleaning, wiping the dust off almost every single object in my house and in every cabinet and generated loads of garbage in the process. Even my hamster, Mishy, wondered why I was giving him so much attention and spoiling him with extra treats. Gosh - I even had time to bake again :-).

Yet, I was very amazed and touched that a significant number of you still visited my blog daily and some emailed me to encourage me in different ways, as to why I should come back. It was on that basis that I returned to blogosphere and blogging took a whole new meaning for me.

I just want to say thank you for not giving up on me. At that time when I left, I think I had 43 followers and only one stopped following me. The change in the number of subscribers was quite small and to this day, I will not forget the fact that many of you did not give up on me and visited my blog during that interim period to see if I posted anything. If not for you all, I would not be here today. Thanks a lot dear reader/subscriber/follower/friend or relative.

Truly, I am thankful to each one of you for restoring faith in myself, courage and the desire to write and to blog. In the process, I did a lot of soul-searching and resolved not to be negative in my perspective of life and not to worry so much. I realized I had to stop moping around, feeling sorry for myself and plaguing myself with a thousand questions or more which could not be answered and that no matter how many times I asked God for the answers, the answer was indeed within myself.
happiness Pictures, Images and Photos

The final decision was up to me - to choose to rot in worry or to resolve to live happily and to enjoy the many blessings in life that God has given me such as my family, good health, friends and relatives who love me, people who believe in me, the ability to think etc...Finally, I learnt NOT to worry and to be resilient no matter what storm of life that challenged me. Life is for living, not for worrying or to be lived in a spirit of fear and timidity!

Honestly, I am glad for all I went through because I found strength and peace within myself and I learnt what it means to let go and to live each day victoriously without worrying about tomorrow or what might happen or might not happen. For those of you who tolerated this anxiety-prone old lady, I want to say thanks!!!! Your patience is instrumental in pivoting me towards change and I resolved to blog in a different manner, choosing my posts carefully and thinking about the impact and significance of each.

Since returning to blogosphere, I have immersed myself in loads of self-help articles to strengthen myself from within and have shared many of these with you. I just want to say that your visit to my blog means a lot to me as well as your sincere comment or email and I hope that the inspirational stuff I have shared here have nourished your soul as it has mine.
Happiness Pictures, Images and Photos
As some of you might have noticed, I post different types of articles each day mainly to inspire us to live life to the fullest and as mentioned in my side bar, this is NOT a political blog. The posts feature stuff on family, relationships, friendship, life, attitude, motivation, leisure, literature and other mundane stuff from my personal experiences. I hope that these articles can bring a smile to your face, hope to your heart, strength to your soul and so much more...because indeed, I have been blessed by this space and these articles.

In closing, here's wishing you God's blessings upon your life and that of your family members. May you have a great day today and always. Thanks for everything you have done for me, either directly or indirectly.

*P.S. Whoever it is who is linking my posts to other blogs and directing traffic to this blog and my other blog, I truly appreciate your kind gesture and am glad more are reading these posts. I surf many websites and read loads of stuff and choose the best to share with you. Occasionally, I will write blog posts of my own when I am inspired to do so.

With deepest appreciation,

2 comments to A PLAUSIBLE PAUSE

  1. says:

    Kak Ezza@makcik Blogger Paula,
    Glad you came back....lets do some kicking and knocking in blogsphere.
    Saya juga seperti kamu,mau berhenti ber blogging tapi hati saya menjerit2 ..I love blogging...this is my life...what to do aaa? Im addicted to it.

  1. says:

    Unknown Hello Kak Ezza,

    Lama tak jumpa, Kak Ezza. Apa khabar? Terima kasih kerana Kak Ezza ke blogku :-).

    Memanglah aku gembira kembali ke sini dan berjumpa kawan-kawan seperti Kak Ezza dan sebagainya. Seperti Kak Ezza, aku addicted juga haha dan sebenarnya, blogging begitu therapeutic untukku...

    Take care and jumpa lagi di post yang lain.


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