Posted by Unknown On Tuesday, February 3, 2009 0 comments
First Draft of "ENTWINED" - Chapter 2

Memories of my first visit at Granddad's house are still fresh in my mind. The sun was blasting every quantum of energy to leave its mark on earth. The trees seemed to be reaching out to the skies to give the heavens a warm hug and to see for themselves who would be coming to the village.

On that breezy afternoon, even the lallang and rustling leaves seemed to be welcoming my return in the same manner like how schoolchildren would line the streets and wave their flags in a guard-of-honor to welcome a VIP. Strangely, it seemed as though the strong breeze seemed to be calling out my name and I imagined I was a dignitary returning to my hometown. What a grand reception indeed! It was well worth the very long walk from the bus stop.

A sudden movement jolted me back to reality. Mama was carrying me sideways on her hip and had tripped. Grumbling to herself, Mama proceeded to the backyard where even from a distance I could see the silhouette of Yeh-Yeh as he crouched in the garden with a spade in his hand, busily loosening the soil to plant his favorite vegetables.

The creak of the garden gate announced our arrival. Yeh-Yeh turned and upon seeing my wide toothless smile, he dropped his spade and cried out, "Kim, come to Yeh-Yeh!”

Mama put me down and said, "Quick! Go to Yeh-Yeh!"

I ran towards my Yeh-Yeh with open arms squealing, "Yeh-Yeh! Yeh-Yeh!"

As Yeh-Yeh bent to hug me, I felt his rough hands on my arms and his bony forearms when he swung me upwards to face the sky as he always did. He looked right at my eyes and held me close to him, cheek to cheek.

I felt his sticky sweat on my cheeks and could smell the salty sweat oozing from the pores of his neck under the scorching sun. It did not bother me one bit and I hugged Yeh-Yeh tightly, not wanting to let him go and wondering if the sweat could glue me to him forever. I wish it could. Then maybe, just maybe, Yeh-Yeh could inject some joy and loads of cheer into my childhood and buy me the lollipops and ice-ball that I loved so much.

"Ah Kimmy, you are getting bigger, heavier and also cuter!" he said with a smile on his face. "Have you been a naughty girl?"

I shook my head innocently and grandpapa roared when Mama said, "You know that answer to that question, Papa!"

Walking to the little attap house, Yeh-Yeh turned and asked, "Any news of Shaun?"

With tears in her eyes, mama kept quiet and looked at the ground.

"Well? Surely you have been asking the right people?" asked Yeh-Yeh again, this time softly with a tinge of frustration in his voice.

The silence seemed deafening and the fluttering butterflies by the bushes seemed to be listening to the conversation, as curious as I was for Papa's latest news.

"Hey Leng, don't worry, my girl. Kimmy can always stay here with us. You know Ma will take care of her while you are at work. Right now, it is more important that you keep your job and earn a living to save for Kimmy's future. It's no bother to us," said Yeh-Yeh gently and most lovingly.

Mama nodded as the teardrops joined in one main rivulet streaming down her pale face. Sleep had escaped her as long as I could remember for each time that I woke up, I could hear Mama sobbing quietly.

With a swish, Yeh-Yeh put his smelly straw hat on his sweaty bald head and said to us, "Let's grab a bite. Granny has prepared your favorite dish Kimmy!"

That was how my life as a kampung girl began.
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Please click here for Chapter 1.

* Yeh-Yeh means Grandpapa in Mandarin
* kampung means village in Bahasa Malaysia

This foray in writing fiction is to keep me mentally alert and to stretch myself intellectually and creatively. Comments are most welcome. :-) . Thanks!

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